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  1. B

    Sporterized M1 carbine

    Another thread made me think about this: has anyone ever sporterized an M1 carbine or seen one, specifically with a full-length (to the muzzle) stock?
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    Daughter got married

    Keep reading; this is firearm related. My daughter got married a week ago today to a guy in the Air Force. Now I have a whole new set of in-law relations. My new son-in-law's brother just bought a .50 caliber (BMG) rifle, a Barrett, I think. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get to...
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    Another good newspaper photo

    Remember the photo that was discussed a month or two ago of some fighter in Syria. There was another good one in today's Washington Post on page A6. It shows a "Syrian rebel" shooting at "government snipers." His technique and equipage is interesting. His weapon is a shorter barrel AK...
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    NATO military shooting competitions

    There used to be competitions among NATO armies for shooting their various small arms. I believe the competitors were drawn from regular units and shot as a unit or team. I don't think these were much known about outside of military circles but the Olympic games reminded me of them. Has anyone...
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    Cleaning without field stripping

    I post this question here because it applies to any firearm. This question came up in my mind when someone posted a photo of a Ruger .22. Now Ruger .22 automatic pistols are really nice gun but they're something else to take apart. That is, unless there's some trick I don't know about. Their...
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    Blast from the past

    To students and enthusiasts for weapons and armaments, the name Krupp stands out as much as Mauser, Colt, Browning and others. Krupp made big, big guns, up through the end of the WWII. They still exist and it was with some surprise that I see a huge crane on a self-propelled mounting, with more...
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    Anyone have a Madsen

    I'm just asking out of curiosity, mainly because it is the only unusual machine gun I've ever laid hands on, even if it was de-milled. Also, it is the most unusual machine gun I've ever seen in a movie, which was a 1960s Danish monster movie. The movie also had a good scene at Tivoli Gardens but...
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    Is full auto necessary?

    This ought to make the flames burn bright and high but don't get me wrong! I'm not asking if people should be allowed to own something full auto. That was covered pretty thoroughly in another thread in which I made some comments, if not exactly made any contributions. So I guess this is more...
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    Holsters for flintlocks

    I suppose this topic could go under black powder but I got the impression it was more for Cowboy Action Shooting and this has nothing to do with that or the Old West. It's about holsters for flintlock pistols. I have a collection of old manuals, standing orders and regulations starting from the...
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    Another interesting photo

    There was an interesting photo that sort of featured handguns in today's Washington Post. It was on the obituary page, which I usually read first. The photo accompanied the obituary of George Kerchner, 93, who was in the ranger company that scaled the cliffs during the Normany invasion. The...
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    Milt Sparks #200AW holster

    Anyone here have a Milt Sparks #200 AW holster, which is a revolver holster with a kind of shroud for the hammer? I think Elmer Keith used to use one for his every day Model 29. It looks like an especially practical holster and I'd like to hear from those who have one.
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    A second gun just like the first?

    This is sort of a follow-on to my thread about selling everything to buy one special gun, generally meaning one that is more expensive than all the others. Since options abound, which only makes everything more difficult, decision-wise, I have been thinking of other things. How many own two...
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    Would you sell all you had to....

    Would you sell all you had (your guns, that is) to buy something really special (another gun, that is)? This is sort of a pearl of great value thread. I've been getting rid of guns over the last twenty years because no one else in the family has the least bit of interest in them and I no longer...
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    Point shooting

    The recent threads about whether or not to defend yourself and about whether or not you can outdraw someone else has got me to thinking about point shooting. If there was ever a controversial topic, this is it. I did bring up the subject in one of those threads and at least one person responded...
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    The Great Suburban Whitetail Deer Incident

    No doubt something like this has happened to a lot of folks here but there's a first time for everything. Yesterday was my first time. Someone knocked on my door yesterday afternoon to inform me that a deer had been hit and had ran into a corner of my yard, beside the house. I went outside and...
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    Commercial Lee-Enfields

    A post I just made about the Ruger No. 1 in .303 British reminded me of something I had often wondered about, which is commercial Lee-Enfield sporting rifles. Now I've seen sporterized Lee-Enfields and supposedly they were commercially available even before WWII but I've never seen a Lee-Enfield...
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    It started out as a trip to Germany

    My wife's sister and her husband moved to Germany a year ago and right away my wife said now we have an excuse to go there. Well, that's nice but it wasn't long before it turned into a trip to the UK. We leave for London the day after tomorrow. I had mentioned that in some other post a month...
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    Thinking about a P-99

    I have been thinking about a Walther P-99 for a few months now. Buying one, that is. I had been considering a 9mm, chiefly because I have a lot of 9mm ammunition. Fortunately, in a way, the shop I patronize sold its 9mm one before I committed myself but they still have a .40. Both were the AS...
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    Innovation in handguns

    I was just wondering, as I looked over my two automatics last night, if innovation in handguns has come to an end? Perhaps it is only temporary but most of the newer handguns do not feature anything especially new and, in some cases, the new guns are either based on or are complete...
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    The right to own or carry

    Another contributor suggested to me in an e-mail that he was of the opinion that the right to vote should be something that is earned. I think he brought this up in response partly to my mention of having served in both the army and the national guard and partly because of my comment about...