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  1. B

    The H&K USP

    I was looking over things in a gunshop yesterday when one caught my eye. It was a used H&K USP in 9mm. It came with one extra magazine. There aren't that many references to this model here, possibly because it is an expensive thing when new, although Colts were pushing $1,000 and most other...
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    Walther P99 questions

    I am confused about the different models of the Walther P99, specifically the differences between the AS model and the QA model. The problem is, according to various and suspect sources, the trigger pull weight on the AS (anti-stress) model is lighter, apparently about half, that of the QA...
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    Ruger's at it again

    Not all of Ruger's new guns get a whoop-de-do introduction, probably because not everyone is going to rush out and look for one. They now list a No. 1 in .303 British. Now there was a time when I might have been on the phone right away but my disposable income has already been disposed of. They...
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    CZ pistols generally

    I've only owned one CZ pistol but all CZ automatic pistols from .32 to .45 share at least one characteristic. They all have "low" slides. Because of the slide design, the part of the slide above the frame is narrower or "lower" than on most other automatic pistols. I found that to be a problem...
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    Seecamp theories

    The recent post about a Seecamp prompted me to go to their (or his) website and read a few things. While I didn't read anything on the forum, the FAQs were interesting. He clearly has his own ideas about a defensive handgun. That's reflected in his product, although it is possible a larger...
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    Elbow in the air

    I have seen a few photographs, mostly in old books, of rifle shooters in a standing position with their elbow held in an almost exaggerated high position. Why is that? I don't recall anything being mentioned about doing that in basic training about 45 years ago with an M14. And I'm sure it isn't...
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    Was the .30 caliber carbine a good idea?

    In the lengthy thread about what the next caliber should be for the armed forces, I brought up the subject of the .30 caliber carbine. I know several contributors here sometimes mention carbines, usually with a certain amount of pride, so this should get some good comments. In theory, the .30...
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    WWII .45 autos and today

    The thread about a possible Ruger 1911-style .45 auto makes me wonder about something. Someone mentioned low end and high end and so on. So I was wondering where a WWII production .45 auto would fit on that scale by today's standards? Especially those not made by Colt. No doubt it would be...
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    Dream gun, pistol department

    Both the tread about what happened to Colt and the thread about dream guns got me thinking, a rare event in itself. Probably lots of people would like to see Colt reintroduce both the pre-war pocket auto and the .380 Government Model and all of the variations. How about a .380 Government Model...
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    Ruger holster for a ruger pistol

    Ruger has in their shop some reasonably priced leather holsters for their own pistols. I have a P345 and the thumbsnap holster from COWS looks pretty good for the price. Anyone have one? What do you think of it?
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    Old fashioned quick draw

    I don't mean quick draw/fast draw with a Hollywood holster and a single action but old fashioned in the sense that it isn't discussed that much here. Or maybe I just miss it when it's mentioned. And I'm also aware there was a difference in quick draw and fast draw back when they were popular...
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    About those old .45 auto magazines

    My father-in-law passed on last year and yesterday all the children finally got together to divide the contents of the house, mostly tools. But I managed to get a WWII musette bag that had belonged to him. He was an officer in the Army Air Corps. Among other things were two pistol belts, both...
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    Western style leather in law enforcement

    First let me say this is just about holsters and gun belts. And I'm posting it in this section because it could apply to automatics as well as revolvers. I was reminded by something the other day that in the pre-modern era (the 1950s and earlier, and maybe later, too, some law officers in the...
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    Lubricating a P345

    I am the mostly happy owner of a new Ruger P345. Mostly only because I could only buy one gun, passing up several other interesting things. But it has about all the right things mostly. Not too thick, not too heavy, won't rust, perfectly good trigger and nothing sticks out too far. It is a...
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    Long barrel Walther P5

    I have a Walther P5 and for that reason have been looking at Earl's Repair Service website, which has all sorts of things for Wathers. One thing listed is a 135mm barrel for the P5, something I've never seen anywhere, although I've seen a photo somewheres or other. Come to think of it, I've...
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    New versus used

    Here's a question that popped into my head after reading several other threads about needing to break in an automatic pistol. Without asking directly whether or not that is necessary, would you think you would be as well off to purchase a used pistol mostly for that reason, that is, to acquire...
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    Cartridges turning green

    I guess this is the right place to ask this question. I have a six-round belt slide cartridge carrier for revolver ammunition purchased from El Paso Saddlery. Brass cartridges will turn green in a couple of days, not quite overnight. Nickel plated cartridges take longer but will also turn slight...
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    Local home invasion

    Contrary to what I like to mention in some of my posts, my neighborhood may not be as safe as I thought and it's even worse than that sound. According to an article in yesterday's Washington Post, there was a "home invasion" at a house about two or three miles away. Now first of all, that sort...
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    Innovation and adaptation

    This is in reference to the military. Reading something the other night about how the Soviets, especially senior officers, did not much believe in submachine guns before the war, then changed their minds after their experiences with the Finns, made me wonder what we have been doing differently...
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    Selecting the future handgun

    One of the minor frustrations of handgun ownership is having something that is unusual and so requires an unusual holster and hard to find magazines. I'm posting this here because it doesn't seem to be much of a problem with revolvers. When the automatic was made doesn't seem to be the issue...