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  1. B

    Lever gun ammuntion

    This is nothing more than something I started wondering about a few weeks ago, more of a trivia question than anything else. Has anyone ever manufactured on a production basis a lever gun with a tube magazine chambered for a rimless cartridge? What got me thinking of this was being reminded...
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    Butter knife bolt handles and other old stuff

    In some old book about camping, there was a photo of a campfire with a rifle casually laying on a log nearby. This book was published in 1916 and at the time the whole point of a camping trip was to go hunting or fishing. Anyhow, this rifle was not the usual lever action that you usually see in...
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    Cartridges of 1873

    As I lay in bed last night dreaming of Twin Lakes, Alaska, I got to thinking of rifles, eventually thinking about the .45-70. After all, that is bear country. In the late 1800's, after it was introduced in 1873, the .45-70 may have been considered the standard big and dangerous game rifle in...
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    Plus-P or not Plus-P?

    This isn't about the guns but rather about the ammuntion, and in this case specifically about .38 special and .44 special. Concerning .38 special, are there loads that are +P but not marked as such? Likewise, have there been loads that have become rated differently even though the load itself...
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    Fast draw/quick draw

    Anyone here still interested in fast draw with a handgun? Many of us grew up reading gun magazines with articles about fast draw with a single action and also articles by lawmen, mostly Border Patrol, it seems, and by Elmer Keith, all of whom were greatly interested in fast draw with their...
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    7.92mm Anti-Tank rifle

    Here's a topic I haven't seen mention of lately: the German 7.92mm anti-tank rifle. Fifty caliber rifles for sniping and such like are all the rage now and actually on issue in the armed forces. There was a period just before and in the early years of WWII when anti-tank rifles had some...
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    Submachine gun ammunition

    I raised the question in another thread, which I now can't find, about the existance of special submachine gun. I did a little research in such references as I happen to have and this is what I found. I was surprised that no mention was made by Frank Barnes in his book about cartridges of the...
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    Big bore AR-15's

    I alluded in another post that the wheel has come full circle and that there are now AR-15's chambered in cartridges that duplicate the performance of the .50-70. That in fact is pretty much the case and I did a little digging to flesh out the story. I stated that there was even an experimental...
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    The new frame-mounted firing pin

    There have been numerous comments and threads, mostly negative, about the internal locking mechanism on new S&W revolvers. There have also been a few incidental comments, also mostly negative, about the frame-mounted firing pin on these same new revolvers. What do people think of them...
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    How do you carry when...

    There were a few posts recently about handguns for the woods. Well, whenever I'm out in the woods, other than directly behind my house, I generally have a pack. This makes carrying a handgun problematic. How do others work around this? I suspect I have raised this question before. The funny...
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    Lee-Enfield Cavalry Carbine

    The various recent posts about Lee-Enfields has made me wonder if anyone here has a pre-SMLE Lee-Enfield cavalry carbine or, for that matter, a long Lee-Enfield, especially one that is still fired now and then. I have long been interested in Lee-Enfields and have owned examples of most...
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    125 gr .357 for the woods

    Although I am unlikely to every need to shoot an animal in self defense, the subject interests me. At one time, the .357 was considered a fairly good choice for a sidearm if you were spending time where you might need one. These days people seem to want to something bigger but I don't have...
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    Lightweight rifles

    This is a topic that has been written about for at least fifty years and probably longer. How much should a rifle weigh? I was reminded of the issue when making a couple of other posts about the 9.3x62mm Mauser, which is available from CZ. I've never seen one nor any of the ammuntion but that...
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    Frank Buck's pistol

    This may sound like a movie trivia question and it is, sort of, but I hope to generate a little serious discussion on the topic. Frank Buck was a real life "adventurer" and animal trainer/catcher. In the style of Marlin Perkins (nothing to do with the rifle) and all the guys on Animal Planet...
  15. B

    Militia for border protection

    Through a whole series of links when I started out researching Ishapore Lee-Enfields (we'll talk about them later), I ran across a web page for some Canadian Ranger outfit that is still using No. 4 Lee-Enfields. In fact, I was surprised that on one of the Canadian Army web pages about their...
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    7.62x54R ammunition

    I have a Russian M38 carbine (Doesn't everyone here?) but I have yet to shoot the thing and probably won't that much anyway. However, I have read many comments both here and elsewhere about how much muzzle flash or blast there is with the M38 and M44 carbines, compared with the full grown rifle...
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    Anti-tank rifles

    Anyone here have an anti-tank rifle? I mean an original WWII or earlier military issue weapon? I once got to see a Boys anti-tank rifle when I was at the Clark Brothers range near Warrenton, Virginia, although that was a couple of years ago. I didn't stay long enough to see the owner shoot it...
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    The perfect assault rifle: another approach

    There was an interesting thread about designing the perfect assault rifle. After giving the subject some thought, here are some ideas that perhaps enter into the design or selection of an assault rifle. The ideas are hardly original but so far were not mentioned in that particular thread. To...
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    Takedown rifles

    Does anyone here have or have experience with takedown rifles? By this, I don't mean rifles with a folding stock like an AK but the sort where the barrel can be removed. References to them are few and I imagine such guns are uncommon at any rate. Winchester actually lists the 1895 lever action...
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    Cartridge confusion

    This is something that I expect has been talked about before but I couldn't find it here. Here is my question. I am confused about cartridge interchangeability. What are the limitations on cartridge use for these rifles and cartridges: .308 Winchester and 7.62 NATO military production...