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  1. B

    The long and the short of it

    This thread was inspired by the thread about the S&W Model 60 with a 5-inch barrel over in the revolver forum. I've been playing around with handguns for over 40 years having been through quite a selection. I'm not done by a long shot but I've had to slow down a bit. I want to learn as much as...
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    Training vs. practice & experience

    I'm really going to raise two different issues here, though they both have to do with training. The first thing is, as the title says, whether or not people think training is more important or the other way round or somewhere in between. The reason I bring it up is that I gather both from some...
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    More evidence in the cocked and locked debate.

    Yes, it's time to talk about cocked and locked again. It is said that if you want to learn something new, read an old book. Yesterday I was looking something up in an old set of encyclopedias, in volume T. I happened across an entry about the Texas Rangers, which was illustrated with a...
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    Subgun ammon

    I suppose this is the proper section to pose this question. There is occasional mention of "subgun ammo" which is inappropriate for handguns in the same caliber. Since most, but not all, submachine guns have been chambered in .45 ACP, 9mm or 7.62 Tokarev, it has to be one of them, unless there...
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    A reverse draw concealed carry

    I suppose this thread belongs here as well as anywhere else. Reading many of these threads and posts sometimes makes me go experiment with things, as does some writings. I will quickly admit that most of my findings are inconclusive, though my experiements are anything but exhaustive. Among...
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    Walther P5

    I have one of these interesting handguns that ejects the wrong way. Anyone else here have one? Do you have a holster for it? Custom? Walther holster? And have you bought anything from the official Walther website ( And finally, how does it handle hollowpoints?
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    The symbolic value of weapons

    It has been a while since the sword was seen on the battlefield. Carrying them on foot went out in 1914, while on horseback they survived, in some places, to 1945. The Japanese were exceptions and swords were carried until the end of WWII. I wonder what the status of swords is in the Japanese...
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    Not a mall ninja but...

    You may not be a mall ninja but recognize anyone here? Your father told you a .45 would knock you down if it hit you in the little finger and you pretty much believed him. In fact, you pretty much still do, only you never heard of anyone getting shot in the little finger. You thought you were...
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    .45 ACP lead semi-wadcutter

    An obscure western hunting guide by the name of Elmer Keith, who sometimes dabbled in handloading, seems to have always preferred a lead semi-wadcutter ("Keith style") in all calibers for all purposes. I don't recall if he used gas seals but he apparently knew what he wanted and was satisified...
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    Handguns and dangerous animals

    I posted a thread on this or similar topic a year or two ago and this is partly to see what's new in the thinking on the subject. A few recent posts got me wondering. My original thinking was, if you happen across a dangerous animal, what do you do? In other words, when do you shoot? There...
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    Ranges in George Washington National Forest

    I mentioned in another thread that you could shoot at ranges in George Washington National Forest. I have never done that and in fact have never been to any such range. But I believe there are two located somewhere within the National Forest. Has anyone here done so? What are you allowed to...
  12. B

    Low pressure .308 and the 1916 Mauser

    I've been looking at a very nicely refinished Model 1916 Spanish Civil Guard rifle. It's even in .308 Nato, originally in 7mm Mauser. It has a straight stock and a bent bolt handle. It is supposedly the 1893 Mauser. The real problem is that the pre-98 Mausers cannot handle the .308 pressure...
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    Suggestions for a new Ruger

    There might be no market for a thing such as this and it might not sell but here is a freely given suggestion for a new Ruger rifle: a centerfire lever action in something besides .44 magnum. I know, it's been done before, and I don't know what you would call it. The numbers 77, 88 and 99 are...
  14. B

    If you had a Model 27...

    Or a Model 28 large frame S&W .357 magnum that you wanted to replace, what would you get? Of course, it would be unlikely you would want to replace it because it wore out but more likely because, well, you happen to be between owning one, in a manner of speaking. I have had both a 5-inch and 6...
  15. B

    "Real" Mauser carbines

    Once upon a time, the infantry carried rifles, which we now sometimes call "long" rifles, while the cavalry carried carbines. Then someone got the idea of using a short rifle for both and real bolt action rifles went away. There were "real" Mauser carbines manufactured and now and then I see...
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    The .38-40 and .44-40

    This question concerns these two calibers as used in either rifles or revolvers. How many people here regularly shoot either of those calibers. If you handload, how does reloading them compare with reloading the .45 Colt (or any other handgun cartridge)? In other words, do their cases present...
  17. B

    Things to take with you

    There was a list published in Sunday's Washington Post of things soldiers take with them on deployment. It was a long list and generally corresponded with the things my son took with him and later on asked us to send him. I have already managed to loose the list but I remember most of the gun...
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    Further thoughts on cocked and locked

    I hope not too much of this hasn't already been said already but here goes. I bought a CZ-82. It was something I had been thinking about for years, just because it seemed novel and interesting and that's why I bought a lot of my guns. Besides, I might learn something. Having posted a few...
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    Savage automatics

    Here is a new topic that should prove less controversial that some of the others I've started but I hope it is still interesting. Anyone here own or have owned a Savage automatic in .32 or .380 ACP? They were all made a long time ago but have always been very interesting to me. Or how about...
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    Wild animals

    Normally I don't think there is much of a threat from wild animals while you're in the fields and woods but a TV news item started me thinking again. Some fellow was attacked by a mountain lion somewhere out west. He looked like the loser in a rough boxing match. Maybe such things are not so...