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  1. B

    Police dash cams

    So here are a few questions my coworkers and I went back and forth on all day. 1) Should police officers be forced by judicial mandate to wear a functional audio recording device on them while doing standard enforcement duties. The entire officers shift excluding breaks and lunch will be...
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    Anti gun(crime) laws

    Most people here will agree that we need for people to be safer with guns for us to maintain our current level of gun freedom and possibly gaining more freedom as gun owners. What are some gun law suggestions or alterations to current laws that you think would help our cause?
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    Carrying in the shower?

    For most of us carrying has become so much of our lives that it is almost as natural as putting your wallet into your pocket in the morning. I usually don't carry in the house but I do keep a handgun in the night stand and a Mossberg 500 loaded in another part of the house. I was at the shop...
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    Tampa/Federal response to two slain officers

    This thread is in no way/shape/form intended to down play the sheer callousness of the recent murder of two of Tampa's finest. The animal responsible needs to be caught and put away in a hole for the rest of his life. This thread is intended to point out the only thing I am kind of disappointed...
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    Deadliest Warrior

    What are some factions you'd like to see go at it on deadliest warrior? To keep it related, let's only discuss groups that used/uses firearms. I will say that the show is a little too biased on the weaponry and not the willingness to fight. (I totally think the Zulu would of beat William...
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    Secret revealed

    It's been a while since I paid a visit to TFL, I left (for good I thought) right before the elections, all the politcal threads drove me nuts! I'll start with this, my girlfriend of three months had no idea I own firearms. It's not something I tell anyone usually. Not even my gun nut...
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    Police officers = civilians or part of the armed forces?

    Watching COPS tonight I realized that each and every police officer that said anything on the show referred to subjects on the show as civilians and once as a citizen. I was under the impression that police officers were civilians (since they are not lawful combatants). I don't want to start a...
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    Should states be allowed to divorce the union?

    If the majority of a states population wanted to divorce the union. Could it? Should your state (or another state) do so? I forsee all the PRK and things like that, but lets try to keep this one positive.
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    Optics on SD shotgun

    So anyone here ever put optics on their shotgun?
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    Our economy

    Every channel you turn to, the media is slamming our economy. It's going down the drain, look at the dollars value for crying out loud! What is causing this? Is this something that usually happens around election time? Is it confidence in our leadership? This is a far reach, but is there a...
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    So let me tell you all a story.

    So this morning my girlfriend and I wanted to go to the mall to get some Godiva. On our way out we see two people freaking out on cell phones. Well when I got closer I noticed that there was a dead body right next to my car. RIGHT NEXT TO MY CAR. About 10 cop cars show up and 2 news vans.
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    49 bullets = 49 counts

    Yikes. I'm posting this from my iPhone so I'll add a link in a few. Its on
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    We need to voice our opinion.

    TFL when the Muslim extremist parade after downing an American helicopter, we scream that the moderates do not openly condemn their actions. I know the two are almost completely different, but come ON! Here on TFL we make threads focusing on the type of guns used in the recent string of...
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    Extremists on this board?

    More guns, better guns will not do a thing except make gun crime more common. Saying "more guns = less crime" is saying you're willing to put all logic aside. Look at the state of Florida, one of the most gun populated states, and one of the highest gun crime states. So before you spew that...
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    Bill of sale

    So a friend asked me for one of my copies of the Bill of Sale forms I use for when I sell or buy a firearm FTF, and I figure I'll share with you all. Just copy and paste the form from the site to a Notepad or Blank Word document (not wordpad). At the lower part of the page it has other Bill of...
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    Moron shoots innocent girl
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    The coolest toy on the block...10 years from now

    So, let's forget the big names. Let's think the average Joe What are you..YOU (Yeah you) going to invent for he firearm world that will put a few extra 0's on your available balance. Every time I want a new gun, I see the same thing, over and over and over again, then the companies want top...
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    911 audio from TX
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    Mandatory firearms training

    So some of us are strong pushers for "Mandatory training" for firearms owners. I kind of agree, but maybe not in the same way. My opinion is that firearm training should be done while people are in their most receptive state, and obviously that point is when we are children. Putting a shooting...
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    What company is this??

    I always forget the name, theres a company that has a catalog that is sent to people and gun shops with really cheap guns and tons of mags... they have a website where you have to download their catalog in pdf format. anyone know off the top of their head?