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  1. B

    How many times does your income get taxed?

    So we pay income tax, it comes directly out of our paychecks. We have no say where the money goes, and what it will help pay for. Then when we go to spend the remaining amount we get taxed again. Same thing, we have no say where the money goes. Income my grandfather made over his life was...
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    Idea for the magazine

    How about a few pages on the nations gangs. Pictures of their gang signs, colours, area where they are most known. Maybe a brief history on the gang. The purpose is to help people and maybe law enforcement spot gang activity. Just an idea.
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    NYPD union sue, this is kind of funny.

    NEW YORK - A police union is going to federal court to challenge a New York Police Department policy to administer breath tests for alcohol to officers who kill or wound someone in the line of duty. Patrolmen's Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch said Thursday that the 24,000-member...
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    Rapper arrested for buying machine guns from undercover fed through a middle man;_ylt=AgsByPNh57.vofjWy2ntIq.s0NUE
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    A LE goes on a shooting spree?

    more news to come...
  6. B Illinois? That Illinois?
  7. B

    Who here does NOT insure their firearms?

    If you don't, maybe it's time you start. Firearms are expensive, and hey stuff happens... Quick story, my father brought an old Beretta to a gunsmith to get it's safety fixed, the gun ended up being damaged beyond repair. The gun was insured for $250.00 dollars, the deductible was $55.00 (the...
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    Straw Sale

    I bought a Beretta Stampede in 45LC. The intent is to give it to my father as a gift (Christmas gift) I was proud of my life accomplishments, a few years ago I could not afford a beauty like this, atleast without saving up for it. Now I can. I know now to watch what I say, this is why. So...
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    Guns - Don't ask, don't tell?

    The subject of firearm ownership is one that I hardly bring up in my personal life. I mean I bring it up with range buddies and close friends, but everyone else I know, especially co-workers know nothing about my ownership or cwp. I know some people at work that are very mouthy of their gun...
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    Would you vote for

    A candidate that spoke little to no english, was fluent in another language, but met all criteria to become president (almost impossible, but hey this is TFL) Here is the kicker, you agree with him/her on more topics than any other candidate, that includes, the 2nd, border security, the...
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    Would we be less American?

    If this nation had more than one OFFICIAL language? If different languages were taught earlier in a childs education?
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    What is the purpose of prison?

    Rehabilition? Punishment?
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    Cigarettes on TV

    So the discussion of freedom of speech while advertising came up in the last thread. It was a good discussion I think. So why can cigarette companies NOT put ads in the paper or TV...but alcohol companies can...People who die while DUI die a more violent death and have the ability to take out...
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    Alcohol advertised on TV

    So, I was wondering why do we still see advertisements on TV and magazines for alcohol? Cigarette ads have been off air and out of the magazines for years...what's up? Money? I don't smoke, and I hardly drink....I was just wondering why the alcohol companies can still advertise in mass media...
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    Expunging a record

    So I'm 23 years old, when I was 18 I was arrested for trespassing after a warning.. So now I'm wanting to expunge the record because I want to join the Army. I now have the capability of joining as an Officer because of my degree. The recruiter said I can join the enlisted ranks as an E4...
  16. B

    When did bad become good?

    Question is geared toward our youth. I know that defying your elders has always been natural for the young.. But the youth now resort to murder and drug use/sales..what is it? Is it a result of bad parenting from the hippy era? Things being labeled taboo and sparking an interest?
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    Police officers and video cameras.

    Why is that some police officers demand they not be video taped, and even threaten charges if the person with the camera does not comply? Is this even legal?
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    No shooting for a while (ricochet)

    So I have a story for you all... Went shooting July 5th with my father and older brother, we took out mostly my fathers handguns since he hardly ever shoots them and they just sit there for years in the safe. I also brought my primary carry handgun (Walther P99 9mm) So about an hour into us...
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    Smaller lower class = Weaker military?

    As we all may know (don't fight the truth) the majority of people who enlist, do so because of financial reason. Listen to any recruiter, when listing the good, the first thing they will list off is the help with education. $$$$ or lack of it is what powers our war machine. The question of...
  20. B

    What is it with some people here?

    As soon as you read this lock it down if need be (OT), I just need to broadcast this to everyone who posts on TFL. Is it me or are more and more people making really stupid threads/posts? (Hint - Everyone who over analyzed the VT shooting..ESPECIALLY the one who made the 2:1 ratio thread) It...