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  1. B

    2nd Amendment - from

    In United States v. Miller,4 the Court sustained a statute requiring registration under the National Firearms Act of sawed-off shotguns. After reciting the original provisions of the Constitution dealing with the militia, the Court observed that ''[w]ith obvious purpose to assure the...
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    Question about defensive shooting move.

    A buddy of mine was giving a self defense/defensive shooting class over the weekend for free at a local outdoor range. This guy has over 10 years marines infantry under his belt, 10 years LE experience, and 5 years safety instructor for the local PD. he is retired now, and does defensive...
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    You know you had too much TFL if..

    You know you had too much TFL if.. You call cop's "leo's"... no not L.E.O.... but LEO.. like in LEE-OH.. I did this today, while telling my brother of the experience I had yesturday with the two cops coming to my house.. he also visits TFL... so he knew exactly what I meant.. So here goes...
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    Had LEO's called on me yesturday.

    A neighbor called the law on me because I was "transporting automatic weapons" reality I just bought a Romanian WASR and was walking from my my front door with it in my hand.. I had a rifle case but the stock of the rifle was sticking out because the bag had a bad zipper.. When the...
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    Castle Doctrine. (Boat question)

    does the Castle Doctrine extend to a boat? Let's say that if youre out fishing and some pirates (no not the pirates of the caribbean, pirates as in... boat hijackers) try to hijack your boat. Do you have to give in, or can you fire on them? Not this is a common problem, but I've recently...
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    Full auto shoot. July 4th.

    I've been to several fullauto shoots, and I really enjoy shooting automatics, I shoot for free because I help the owner of the local shop load magazines for about a week prior to going to the shoot. usually load about 300 to 350 30rd AR mags, about the same for AK47 mags, 100 AK74 mags, 150 or...
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    Cop Killer Bullets (CKB's)

    Heres some good reading. I hate when people call certain bullets CKB's... makes no sense.. typical anti crap though. "Cop-killer" Bullets By Mike Casey Knowledge is power. As a police officer I strive to acquire as much knowledge as possible regarding the potential threats I may have to...
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    Spot the error(s) (Steven Seagal..I still love you man!)

    Besides the car taking a quick midnight flight to the gas station.. What else do you see wrong with this picture?
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    I'd rather be shooting

    I'm currently at work... yep in a cubicle. Doing tech support for an electronics company...that I wouldnt recommend to my worst enemy. I WOULD MUCH RATHER BE OUT AT THE RANGE... OR fishing... Anyone else here currently at work?? Or can you relate to me right about now? At home sick? At...
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    Funny Test thing... (Brady Campaign)

    Ok so get this.. these states scored A's on the Brady smart gun law test California Connecticut Hawaii Maryland Massachusetts New Jersey These scored B's Illinios Nebraska New York Rhode Island Vermont scored an F except for 2 out of the 9 questions, they scored C's on the other two....yet...
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    Wow, some people are.....beyond stupid.

    This is a two in one post.. My older brother just back from Iraq about 2 weeks ago, and he wanted to goto the shooting range, but he doesnt own any private guns, besides a mossberg 590, and a 10/22... So I let him borrow my Walther p990. He took it to the range and put about 230 rounds through...
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    Antigun NRA members?

    This morning I got into a verbal with an anti.... No use trying to argue.. But whats worse is that this anti is a lifetime nra mamber. :rolleyes: I was talking a buddy of mine about a gun I just bought (Walther p990) and I was telling him that I just bought a fullcap mag for 40...
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    You know youre a redneck if...

    Okay so my neighbor does tile/wood work and I want to get the carpet in my house taken out and have wood installed. he looked into my closet and said.. "You know you're a redneck if..." And he did not finish the sentence... I forced a little laugh out, but I dont get it.... What's redneck...
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    Careless at the range.

    Post some stories of idiots you encountered at the range. My story goes as follows. Two men walk into the range and you can tell that they havent been out shooting much. They waited about 20 minutes for the range to go cold so they could go set up their targets. When the range went cold they...
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    Range pics

    Pics from most recent range day. Went to the range twice the same day. Notice the Bunny stapled to the cardboard? That same night, notice the bruise on her face? Yeah she didnt hold the rifle correctly the first time, but you know how women are, they always think youre wrong, and when...
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    DEA officer shoots himself in the foot - VIDEO -

    Video of a DEA officer shooting himself in the foot with a glock durring a presentation of gun safety at a school. Stupid Cop.
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    P22 range report.

    I just put round number five thousand five hundred through my first p22 and very few problems, NOT EVEN ONE MISS FEED, no jams. the ONLY problem I have is that when I rapid fire the safety engages (the design is kind of stupid the safety is activated when the switch is up, disactivated when it's...
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    Little size, Big problem (MHO)

    Taurus 650SS .357 Magnum This little creature was a christmas gift from my girlfriend she paid $235.00 for it at a gun show, so I guess it could of been worse if she would of paid the retail price. This gun's little size is a big problem. Size: The grip is WAAAY too small, when shooting .357...
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    45 ACP Beretta

    As you can probably tell from the screen name I own a Beretta Cougar. (model # 8045) I recently put round number 400 through it. Just a little insight to those 45 fans out there.. -If you like 45acp -If youre a fan of Beretta --Reliability, Design, Simplicity, Accuracy. History -If you ever...