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    Hostages held at gun range. :mad: This is 2 miles away, I was on my way there today to put something on layaway...and ran into this... Lets keep our fingers crossed it turns out for the best.
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    Faxing/sending an FFL letter.

    I know in recent times the law has changed and allowed people to fax a signed FFL letter to a seller for sales where the firearm has to be shipped. Would keeping a database of FFL letters on the internet available for sellers/buyers to access at a click be legal? The buying side would sign the...
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    Legal limits on stock piling?

    Quick synopsis of the situation... So for the past few months I've been stocking up on ammunition. Not because of the hype of the grabbers taking over, more so I like to buy in bulk. Any legal limits??? PS - I store my ammo in a secure room...
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    So anyone else interested in whats going on in Fiji? As a side note. 99% of the weapons the soldiers are carrying aren't even loaded. So far out of the 300 or so pictures Yahoo! news has about this issue, I have seen one (1) M-16 styled rifle with a mag in it. The chain guns have no chains, and...
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    Mayor let off the hook.

    JACKSON, Miss. - Mayor Frank Melton, who has taken a hard stand against the city's rising crime rate, pleaded guilty to weapons charges Wednesday in a deal with prosecutors that lets him stay in office and out of jail. ADVERTISEMENT The mayor stood and acknowledged the agreement more than 90...
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    Current politics VS historical

    I know the prime topics.. All the scandals, the finger pointing and breaking news that isn't breaking anything new... Well, I believe we aren't having a spike in corruption, the spoils are easier to see now. Opinions?
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    History Lesson...

    Hey everyone!! Long time no posts... Well anyways, A few months ago I made a thread about when the federal government enforces local laws and uses force against citizens. Well Rich brought up an event that took place a few decades ago, involved the federal military uses deadly force on...
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    Police treating the famous different.

    Alright, we all saw the video of Paris Hilton and her drunk friends committing a hit and run, which is a felony in most states, also the driver was seen drinking at a club just minutes before, the driver was 19 at the time. underage drinking is an arrestable misdemeanor in most states... Why did...
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    No fault state. (FL)

    So heres a little spin on the current talk in L&P. Floridas no fault insurance policy. A few days ago, while on my way to work, I pull into a Circle K to get some gas. Some guy in a tie on his cell phone pulls in, driving a huge black SUV (Lincoln). The guy side swiped my car, leaves a 12...
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    911 calls in Chattanooga go unanswered
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    Cops armed with blanks stabbed to death (Indonesia) :barf: :mad:
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    Sentenced to death

    I hope this thread takes off, and doesnt flop. What is the general opinion of the death penalty here on TFL? My opinion: It does not do what it is put in place for, and that is a crime deterant. People who are hellbent on killing someone will not for a second have the chance of being executed...
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    Harley Nolden (new sticky thread)

    Harley your thread is closed for comments, but the page youre linking to is not working. I'm using FireFox, could it be a browser problem?
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    Question about taking pictures.

    Okay so, before I get into the story of what happened today.. I have a question, is it against federal law, to take pictures or to make any form of documentation (yes, documenting something on paper) near a federal building? As a side note...It seems to me that I always bump heads with law...
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    Judged by your peers? Who is my peer?

    When someone is on trial, who is selected for jury duty? Your peers? What is meant by "peers"? Does this mean, people in your age group? Financial status? Religion? Shares same hobbies? People from the same community? I have no idea... Reason I ask is because, let's say I have to use my...
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    Home invasions by police. Smart idea?

    I've read/heard/saw stories of police officers (local, state, federal) and bounty hunters doing these home invasions with warrants, SWAT styled, sometimes breaks into a gunfight. I personally think that the home invasion tactic puts too many people at risk, sure the government wants that...
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    Shot an mp5 full auto today

    So I went over to the gunshop were I used to work, to see the new toys. And inside was a really tall buff guy, that was buying pretty much everything in sight, he claimed to be a former Arena Football player, and now a personal trainer for upscale customers of the local fitness club. Well we...
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    Copyright laws

    I recall hearing in the gunshop that SW and Glock got into it over the first Sigma design... Any truth to that? And also could you guys list other lawsuits were one gun manufacturer/ammo manufacturer/gun accessories manucturer sued another?
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    Most frustrating thing about gun control.

    We have all heard about the cases where the supreme court has ruled that the constitution or any other part of documented American "rights" does not guarantee personal safety, which is true, it only limits the government. But this is where I get angry. The government, MAKES it self a needed...
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    NY strike laws....a bit too enslaving? NEW YORK - The city is putting more legal pressure on subway and bus workers preparing to strike and bring the nation's largest public transit system to a halt. City officials were expected back in court Wednesday, this time to...