Search results

  1. J

    Early .22 LR only for single shot?

    Folks writing about early small bores often mention rifles or revolvers (like the S&W Ladysmith) that are marked for .22 Long, but not for Long Rifle, even though the LR is listed as being available at the time. Usually it is assumed, and often written, that the .22 LR of the day was either too...
  2. J


    On the other hand, a gun might not be needed to teach an intruder a lesson. Here is an old story for those who might not have heard it. A family in Arizona returned home from a trip and, as they stopped in front of their house, noticed that their front door was open. Knowing they had locked...
  3. J

    Unusual conversion

    At the gun show today, I picked up a conversion I have never seen before. It is a Belgian conversion of a .44 Starr double action (so-called) to .45 Colt. It is very neatly done and appears to be from the post-CW period (i.e., not modern), though obviously after 1874. They didn't try to...
  4. J

    Will the gun blow up?

    I know this subject has been done before, but I have not seen either a definitive answer based on fact or any reason behind a writer's opinion. Supposedly, when using black powder, failure to seat the bullet firmly on the powder (whether in a muzzle loader or in a metallic cartridge) will...
  5. J

    Booth's Deringer

    Several months ago, I mentioned that the deringer being shown on TV as that used by John Wilkes Booth to kill President Abraham Lincoln differed in some ways from that I recall seeing years ago at Ford's Theater in Washington. I mentioned two specific points - the hammer screw had been broken...
  6. J

    So parts don't fit?

    All of us are aware that the M1911 and M1911A1 service pistols, originally made by Colt, served the U.S. military for 75 years, and that adoption of a new service pistol has not lessened interest in the older gun in the civilian market. The military guns had an admirable record for reliability...
  7. J

    "So whatya gonna do....?"

    "So whatya gonna do...?" This has been inspired by a comment on another forum, but let's see the reactions here. A police officer has many weapons and means of coercion available, including a Taser, Mace, and, of course backup. But an armed citizen has none of those, and many non-lethal...
  8. J

    Who fooled with Booth's Deringer?

    I just saw a History Channel program featuring the Deringer used by Booth to kill Lincoln. As would be predictable, the NPS and the FBI assure us that it is the genuine article and rumors that it was stolen and a replacement substituted have no bearing in fact. (Would the government lie?)...
  9. J


    I just acquired an S&W Model M .22 HE, Second Model, aka Second Model Ladysmith and have been checking it out. I will try to provide pictures later, though it is not in that great a condition with most of the nickel present but "frosty". Internally, it is near new. All I can say is add this...
  10. J


    Some time back, a couple of folks asked about storage boxes for handguns. I was unable to help at that time, but now have located (actually re-located) a source for those boxes, and here is the site: I had previously dealt with this person and have been well satisfied...
  11. J

    Obama Praises Australian Gun Ban

    This from the Washington Times today. I think it shows Mr. Obama's real feelings and what he wants to achieve. I have to note that he doesn't mention anything about Constitutional rights, passing a law or involving Congress. But to him, none of those things matter, only his will. Not even...
  12. J

    What is it?

  13. J


    On a number of occasions, discussions on this site have turned to the complexity of the old DA Colt design and the difficult of working with it. As you may know, I don't do professional gunsmithing any more, and don't have an FFL, but once in a while a friend asks for (free) help with a...
  14. J

    Cabela's and Obamacare tax

    Maybe this has been posted elsewhere, but I haven't seen it, so I will post it here. Here is a case where an error, plus misinformation, plus dislike of our adorable president add up to silliness. Yes, an excise tax has been put on some medical devices to help fund Obamacare, but Cabela's...
  15. J

    Too old maybe?

    Is anyone else here a bit put off by Savage naming their new rifle the "Axis"? To me, "Axis" means the German-Italian alliance that we fought against in WWII. I know the word is respectable enough in the context of the Earth's axis, for example, but I wish they had picked another name. Will...
  16. J

    What say you to this idea?

    First, please no rants or threats to do nasty things to me for "surrendering" to the anti-gun gang. We fought hard but more states have banned or restricted semi-auto rifles of the AR-15 type. We don't like it, but don't have a lot of choice especially as some of the penalties involved are...
  17. J

    Light primer strikes?

    Reports of light primer strikes are common on this and other sites, and usually the response involves springs, dirt, etc. But sometimes the problem is the ammunition, the primer itself, and the signs are misinterpreted. When a firing pin strikes the primer, it does not penetrate very far into...
  18. J


    Has anyone here ever seen a Maroszek rifle? I had never heard of it, but one has made news lately. The rifle was developed in the 1930's in Poland and only a few were ever made before the Nazis invaded the country. A Google search turned up a fair amount of information, but I confess I had...
  19. J

    New thread

    My NEW THREAD button is missing. What happened? Jim Keenan
  20. J

    Quick reply window

    I don't see the Quick Reply window. Does this site not have that feature or am I doing something wrong? Jim