Search results

  1. J

    Concealed (?)

    It seems to me that whether you are legal or not, or even a LEO, the idea of a concealed weapon is concealment. True, carry should be in such a way that drawing the gun is relatively easy, but calling attention to it rather defeats the idea of a concealed weapon. Some folks talk about carry in...
  2. J


    Q. What is it called when Federal agents raid a home, kill everyone in it, burn it to the ground, and bulldoze the ruins? A. RENOvation. Jim
  3. J

    News article

    For those in the area, read the story in the Washington Post Outlook (B) section today on FBI course. Interesting. Jim
  4. J

    News article

    For those in the area, read the story in the Washington Post Outlook (B) section today on FBI course. Interesting. Jim
  5. J


    I tried posting this under General Discussion, but got little interest. Maybe the folks here will have better info. --------------------------------------------- Color me curious. There have been a number of posts regarding shooting schools, especially the "combat handgun" schools. I would...
  6. J

    Did school help?

    Color me curious. There have been a number of posts regarding shooting schools, especially the "combat handgun" schools. I would like to hear from any non-LEO who 1. Graduated from any of these schools and 2. Subsequently was involved in a real gunfight. I would like to know if the...
  7. J


    Speaking of crime, here is a short quiz. Check one. Who stole more money from you last year? ( ) Armed robbers ( ) The IRS Jim
  8. J

    Too many guns?

    Hi guys, I am a "gun nut". Like many on this thread, I own and shoot more than one gun. I like to talk guns and read about guns. But if I felt in serious danger, if I carried a gun because I knew damn well I would need it, I would carry and practice with one and only one gun. Period...
  9. J

    Media persuaded?

    According to today's Washington Post, TV networks have cut a deal with the White House and agreed to show anti-drug themes in their "entertainment" shows in return for not having to run the anti-drug commercials Congress appropriated money for. They can now sell that time to commercial...
  10. J

    Organized crime

    Does organized crime put money into the gun control movement? It would seem to me that they would stand to profit by laws banning guns, just as they profited from laws banning or controlling liquor, drugs, cigarettes, etc. Guns would be easy to obtain, easy to stockpile and easy to sell at big...
  11. J


    Hi folks, I would like to hear from some of the folks who flamed me for saying that the Y2K "crisis" wouldn't happen. I would especially like a word from a couple of the "computer experts" who called me names and said I knew nothing about computers. (FYI, just for fun, I went in (at 7 pm) and...
  12. J


    Hi, folks, I am not Harley's assistant, though I try to chip in where I can help. Harley knows far more than I do and all I can hope to do is worship from afar. Besides, he has been on television! Jim
  13. J

    What's so hard...?

    In a day when products made to dimensions in micro-meters are common, when this computer's hard drive has a MTBF rate that is astronomical, what is so hard about making a Model 1911 clone that works? Weird ammunition aside, this is an 89 year old design. Eighty-nine years, folks! How many...
  14. J

    Private Ryan

    Just saw "Saving Private Ryan" and did not find it very realistic even though some scenes were gory enough. Some thoughts. The first thing that struck me is that those guys are old! Most are 35-40 or more. Combat troops in WWII were late teens, early 20s. Company grade officers were early...
  15. J

    Letter idea

    The following was sent to the local newspaper: In proposing his gun ban, Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran seems to have overlooked both the small problem of enforcement and the troubling details of the loopholes he would allow. Mr. Curran, who has always wielded his power like a...
  16. J

    PPK/S failures

    Hi, folks, Sometime back, in response to someone who was having multiple malfunctions with a .380 PPK/S (2+ jams per magazine), I reported that I had resolved the same problems with mine by slimming down the recoil spring by rolling it on a belt sander. At that time, I had not fired the pistol...
  17. J


    Not a subject anyone likes to think about. But if you own registered automatic or other NFA firearms, you should make sure your spouse, children or other heirs are aware of the legal requirements for transfer of those guns if something happens to you. There is info on the BATF web site and the...
  18. J

    Waco, BATF showing off?

    I have now heard from several sources, including Federal LE sources, that the real reason for Waco was simply to impress the (then) new, anti-gun, administration with the ability of BATF to enforce gun laws. They wanted "tables full of guns" for the TV cameras. There was supposedly talk of a...
  19. J

    Maryland press censorship

    On Wednesday, according to Baltimore TV, Maryland Attorney General Curran sent letters to two gun magazines denouncing their "irresponsibility" in publishing articles designed to "force" people to buy guns for the Y2K crisis. He apparently did not say what he planned to do if the magazines did...
  20. J

    By George!

    Fantastic article by Anne Coulter in August George Magazine (John Kennedy, Jr.'s mag.). She says, "God made men and women; Col. Colt made them equal." She says some women who fear being mugged prefer to write a letter to the New York Times. She prefers a SIG-Sauer. Jim