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  1. J

    Bill Bradley

    For Info: The two declared Democratic presidential candidates appear to be trying to outdo each other in promises to "stand up" to the NRA. All in the name of "the people" (including gun owners) who support gun bans overwhelmingly, they claim. Bill Bradley has an article in the Washington...
  2. J


    The following letter of mine was published in an anti-gun newspaper. Yes, it can be done: Quote: The letter by [deleted] demanding more gun control [Gazette, June 24] is a nice example of spin. She claims that enforcement of gun laws has become more strict in the Clinton administration. But...
  3. J

    M14 receivers

    A word to the wise. There is a report on another site of BATF confiscating "remanufactured" M14 receivers. So far, in this case at least, they have not made an arrest, only seized the receivers. Some sellers of these are of the opinion, based on one court case, that the receivers are legal to...
  4. J

    NFA Transfer and Forms

    The intrastate (within a state) transfer of an NFA firearm does not need to be handled by a Class III dealer. Both transferor and transferee (seller and buyer) must be residents of the state and state law must permit the transfer. In this case, there is only a single transfer and a single $200...
  5. J


    I am going to reveal a little secret about your friendly legislators, state or Federal. Every state has computerized their voter registration lists and some have also computerized the records of who voted in what elections (not how they voted, yet). When you write your Representative, Senator...
  6. J


    The Washington Times reported this morning that only hours after the Colorado shootings, AOL employees gathered every scrap of information about the two supsects' accounts, anticipating an FBI visit that took place not long after. AOL is headquartered in Loudon County, VA, and so far this...
  7. J

    Constitution grants no rights

    There are no rights granted by the Constitution. None. Nada. We casually speak of being granted our rights, but that is not the way the founders of our nation saw it. They saw the rights we cherish as coming not from them or any human agency, but as coming from the Creator, and growing out...
  8. J

    CCW - The first thing you need

    When you get a CCW license and plan to carry, the first thing you need is not a new gun, or ammo, or a holster. It is a lawyer. If you do have to use that gun you practice with so much, you will need an attorney very badly. No matter what you think or have been told, if you blow someone...
  9. J

    Handloading and cooking

    I have often thought that handloading and cooking have a lot in common. The apprentice chef should stick to the cookbook. The meals he turns out will be tasty and nutritious, but pedestrian and uninspired. The apprentice who begins wildly throwing in extra ingredients will create...