Search results

  1. J

    MKS rifles/receivers

    Please, no comments or flames. This is for information only. A number of people who purchased "M14" rifles or receivers made from "demilled" U.S. GI M14 receivers by Mike Kelly Specialties (MKS) of Grafton WV, are reporting that BATF is requiring "abandonment" (surrender) of the...
  2. J

    Pocket pistol info

    For information on European vest pocket and pocket pistols, here is a link I think you will find useful. Excellent pictures and good text (D) for German, (E) for English. Johnwill, there is a picture of a couple of Clements. Jim
  3. J

    S&w M1913

    For the person who asked about buying a S&W .35 cal auto pistol. The fellow below has/had one for $450 in pretty good (90%) shape. HNI, Inc. Michael A. Vargasko 200 West Washington St. P.O. Box 223 Middleburg, VA 20118 (540) 687-6650 Fax: (703) 425-8499 Jim
  4. J

    Call it off?

    S&W has now been sold to an American company, and it's about time. The "agreement" with the Federal government appears to be a dead letter. The boycott by gun buyers helped make both of these things happen. But S&W still makes some darn fine handguns, especially (and arguably) the best...
  5. J

    Potential problem

    Saw something the other day that might shed some light on KB's in .40 S&W caliber pistols. A fellow had two guns, a Glock in .40 and a Beretta in 9mm. He loaded the magazine of the Glock, inserted it and racked the slide. He pulled the trigger but nothing happened. Puzzled, he pulled back...
  6. J

    Unsafe guns

    This is a bit different from another thread which advises to always make sure the gun is safe before returning it to the customer. But what about guns that are inherently unsafe, or guns that the customer asks to be "fixed" so they can fire, even though firing is unsafe. I am thinking...
  7. J


    There have been postings on the Revolver forum about hangfires, but the issue is of much more concern with rifles. A hangfire is a discharge that occurs some noticeable time after the firing pin hits the primer. It usually sounds like a "click - boom". The delay can range from a split second to...
  8. J

    Delicate guns

    I often read postings from gun owners who seem to believe their guns are extremely fragile and delicate. Questions have been asked on such issues as these: ...Will using a brass brush wear out the bore? ...Will letting the slide go home break parts? ...Will wiping the gun with oil destroy...
  9. J

    History 101

    Democrats: “Bush not competent, his election would result in disaster.” Could they have something in mind? --------------------------------------------- From American Historical Notes, July, 2005. (Approved for publication by Press Control Administration. Review No. 34567W, 18 JAN 06) “My...
  10. J

    Hillary, the fan.

    On the lighter side, there is a story going around that Hillary responded to a question about supporting a New York team by saying, "I have always been a Yankees fan, and I really hope they win the Super Bowl." Jim
  11. J

    Register - You or your gun?

    For anyone in Maryland who is not registered to vote, tomorrow (13 October) is the last day to register. The choice is yours, register and vote or register your guns. Some of the latest ideas center around big taxes. Al will be able to say he doesn't want to take away anyone's right to own...
  12. J

    How about it, LEO's? They do mean you.

    Hi, guys, The 1973 book "The Saturday Night Special", is often called the "Bible of the gun control movement". In it, author Robert Sherrill calls the police "morally inferior," "queer about guns," "mentally unbalanced, and "trigger happy," as well as cowards and "hired guns," and proposes that...
  13. J

    Published reply to anti letter (Long)

    FYI I have found that the press will publish pro-gun letters if they are brief, informative, and have some humor. Chances of publication are better if the letter is a response to a prevously published letter. Here is a letter of mine that was published. The original letter was from a gun...
  14. J

    No guns for veterans?

    Has anyone seen Neal Knox's column in SGN. It seems the VA has turned over to the FBI all its records of veterans who have been determined (by VA) to be mentally deficient or incompetent. These names will be entered into the NICS system and those people can never buy a gun. VA says that even...
  15. J

    Laws and rules

    When Congress passes a complex law, it usually gives some executive department the authority to make the rules and regulations needed to enforce it. Sometimes the department or agency will make very lax rules, sometimes very rigid ones. Since all Federal gun laws arise out of the taxing...
  16. J

    Nestor Rivera's S&Ws

    Apparently something went wrong in transferring the query to this forum, so I will open a new topic. Nestor, we will need a little more info on the top break S&W. There were several models. The M&P (there was no Model 10 designation in those days) was sent to Britain in 1941-1942 as Lend...
  17. J

    If stopped...

    This from Friday's paper. A fellow was stopped for running a stop sign in the Pentagon parking lot. (Not hard to do, as I very well know!) This guy was not swift. He told the DoD cop that "I am one of you", and showed an INS badge with expired ID and an Oregon CCW license (worthless in VA...
  18. J

    Concealed? (long)

    Hi, guys, When carrying a concealed weapon, it is sometimes well to remember that concealed really means concealed. Why worry, when the carry is legal? I have referred from time to time to an incident that taught me a lesson. With your kind permission to be overlong, here is the whole story...
  19. J

    "I forgot"

    In Virginia, an elementary school art teacher who has a CCW license forgot and left her revolver in her backpack when she went to work. (Schools are "prohibited carry areas" for CCW holders.) She left the backpack unattended and another teacher opened it, found the gun, and reported her...
  20. J


    The subject of barrel erosion has been mentioned several times on this forum. Those interested might take a look at the January 2000 Shooting Times, which has an article by Rick Jamison with some pictures you might find interesting. Jim