Search results

  1. R

    Another Face

    Mount Rushmore has Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt depicted on it. That means we have had 17 presidents since the last one represented by Roosevelt. Of all the presidents since then, who, if any of them do you think would deserve to have his likeness carved into Mount...
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    Oldest Rifle?

    What is the oldest rifle you have ever hunted with? I don't mean reproduction guns, but actual, old rifles. What cartridge was it chambered for? Did you harvest any game with it?
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    Dangerous Call?

    The other day I purchased a chukar call. Today I noticed that on the call itself it says Magnum Chukar Call. Do you think this might bring in those extra large chukar? Will this call put my dog at risk? Do I need to carry around some 3 inch shells loaded with #2 shot? Should I have a .357 magnum...
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    ACLU Gun Support

    At least in Nevada. I love this state!!!:)
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    Toughest Bird Hunting?

    Once in awhile a hunting magazine will have an article about tough hunting. They always have to do with big game hunting. I was wondering what the toughest bird hunting is. How hard the target is to hit would be one factor. No would argue that doves are not easy on the ego. Another factor would...
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    Dog Use?

    The subject of using dogs to hunt big game seems to spark much controversy? I have one question. Why?
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    Perfect GOP Candidate?

    Thinking back to all the republicans that started in the primary I realize we had the perfect candidate. Unfortunately he was divded into four men. Imagine if we could have combined these attributes into one nominee. You would take Romney's looks and style. From Paul his intelligence. Add...
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    Rice To The Rescue?

    I have spent the last couple of days searching the internet. The target of my search has been presidential polls. More specifically, state polls comparing Obama and McCain. I know that polls are just polls. I also realize that many things can change from now until November. However, there is...
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    This morning my dog and I decided to celebrate this week's court decision by going hunting. I took a rimfire revolver and a shotgun. The targets were jackrabbits and starlings. On the way out a truck was heading in. We both stopped and chatted. He was a county water management guy. He asked me...
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    I was watching one of the politcal talk shows. Their guest was Dick Morris. He said that McCain seems to be sleepwalking through this campaign. He listed a half dozen important issues that he should be hammering Obama on but is not. I agree with Morris on this. Whenever I hear McCain talking...
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    Buying Habits?

    Is the recent SCOTUS decision going to affect anyones firearm buying habits? I know some folks around here that were planning to buy certain weapons in the next few months fearing an Obama victory in November. Anyone else have those plans and if so, have they now changed? I was planning on...
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    The Most Powerful American

    Our Supreme Court seems to have four Justices that vote liberal and four that vote conservative, at least on most issues. In the child rape, death penalty ruling it was a five to four vote against the punishment. Thankfully, today's Heller ruling was in our favor, again in a five to four vote...
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    Not For Sale

    I was thinking about all the firearms I currently own. I got to thinking which ones I would sell if I needed to buy another toy, the ones I would sell if I was in real financial difficulties and the ones I would not sell under any circumstances. I have one gun I would not sell. It is an old...
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    Gun Monument

    This morning's paper had an interesting piece. One of the sports editors wrote about having a Mount Rushmore type monument for athletes. They had to be American and they had to be so influential that they transcend sports. One of his figures would be Babe Ruth. That got me thinking. What if a...
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    Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns

    How many of you shoot all three types of firearms? Those of you that do, what percentage of your shooting is devoted to each one? I tend to shoot rifle slightly more then handguns and shotguns. I'd say that forty percent of my shooting is done with rifles. I probably split the remaining time...
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    Let Them Have It

    I am guilty of listening to talk show pundits. I have heard some say that we should let the democrats have it all this year. Republicans are likely to loose seats in Congress this year. The Presidential situation looks dire too. But, can this be the break that the GOP needs? There is much...
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    Super Light Bullets?

    Yesterday I had the History Channel on while I was doing some chores around the house. They had some show on about trick shooting and long range gun accuracy. I was only catching bits and pieces of it. One thing did catch my attention. They had this CAS guy doing all these fancy trick shots. He...
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    Reload% vs. Factory%

    What percentage of your shooting is done with reloaded ammo versus factory ammo? I do about 90% of my shooting with reloaded cartridges. Most of the time I shoot factory ammo just to get the brass. My shotgunnning is done with 100% factory stuff. That is one number that I plan to change ASAP...
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    Hunting Definition

    What do you all consider hunting to be? I mean in a pure sense. Do you consider shooting at planted birds hunting? Do you consider shooting a bear over bait from a tree hunting? Do you consider shooting rodents in an alfalfa field from a portable bench hunting? Do you consider shooting at...
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    Reloading Comparison

    Does anyone here reload both metallic and shotshell? I have been reloading for rifle and handgun cartridges for many years. I have no technical type issues with it. Now I want to try my hands at reloading shotgun shells. So, how do these two endeavors compare? Is one more difficult then the...