Search results

  1. R

    Shotshell Crimp

    Quick question. Is a crimp in a reloaded shotshell suppose to resemble a factory crimp? I mean look exactly alike?
  2. R

    Rhyme Or Reason?

    Does your current firearm collection have any rhyme or reason to it? Is there any logic to it? Do all the guns you have serve a function? Do you collect guns of historical significance? Does your shooting sports play a role in the guns you have purchased? On the other hand, is your gun...
  3. R

    Easier To Clean?

    I was able to sneak out to the range this afternoon. For once, it was a handgun only secession. I took a couple of revolvers and a couple of semi-autos. One thing I learned, I need more handgun practice. I just now finished cleaning the guns and put them away. As I was cleaning them, I was...
  4. R

    Rookie Questions

    I finally pick up a MEC Jr. to start reloading for my 28 gauge. In the next few days I am going to start gathering the components. Now I have a couple of questions. The reloader came with an IMR recipe manual. It seems that 800X is used in many of the recipes. Does anyone have experience with...
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    Dove Report

    Dove season opens today for most of us. I decided to start this thread for us to report on our successes and failures. I am going to hunt in a section of desert next to some agriculture. The birds seem to nest in the scrub there. So, how was your first day in the field? I'll post my results ASAP.
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    Sustained Recoil

    What is the largest cartridge that you can stand the recoil of for sustained shooting? Not from a heavy barrel varmint type rig, but from a standard, hunting weight rifle without any type of brake system. We all can stand a round or two from a large cartridge. Some years back a fellow at the...
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    Clinton Factor

    Is there anyone else here that feels that old Hilary is not going to really go away? Obama needs to worry more about the Clinton Clan then he does the GOP. I believe, maybe even hope, that the Clinton's are going to sabotage Obama. I have no doubt that Senator Clinton wants to be president. If...
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    Montana Question

    How in the heck did you guys up there elect a guy like Schweitzer as governor? I just heard him speak at the DNC. I always thought Montana was a conservative if not a common sense state. So, how did it happen?
  9. R

    General Acceptance

    How acceptable are shooting sports in your neck of the woods? I am talking about the public in general where you live. Does talking about guns and or hunting raise eyebrows or do others join in on the conversation? Do you ever run into others that happen to be talking about the next hunting...
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    Whistle Blowers

    How many here have called Fish and Game to report violations? What game violations would you report and which ones would you ignore? Are there some violations that you think are too minor to bother with like shooting during illegal hours? Those that have called in rule breakers, what kind of...
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    Go Granny!

    You've got to love this.;_ylt=ArA5pupupJR33b4u.bLSAbCsONUE
  12. R

    Paper Punching Preferences

    What are your favorite paper targets to use for sighting in and load testing? What color and shape do you use? Do you ever use "splat" type targets? Do you make your own or buy them? Do you think the type of target used can actually help with load develpoment and sighting in? I like those black...
  13. R

    Coyote Behavior

    This morning my dog and I decided to do some scouting and exploring in our local desert. We were in an area adjacent to some agriculture. Shortly after we began our walk we heard some coyotes in the distance. They were not too near us, but they were not more then a half-mile away. I estimated...
  14. R

    First Time

    Do you remember your first try at reloading your own ammunition? I remember mine. My birthday is shortly before Christmas. On my 16th birthday/Christmas, my parents gave me a .30-30 Marlin. I also received a couple of boxes of factory ammo. I had a little money saved up from a part time job...
  15. R

    Least Finicky

    What is the least finicky cartridge you reload? This is a cartridge that seems to shoot most combination of components well. What is the most finicky cartridge that you reload? This is one that seems to like only certain combinations of components.
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    9mm Shotgun

    I went to a gun show today. It wasn't much of a show, but one item got my attention. It was a 9mm, not a handgun, a shotgun. It was a single shot, bolt action shotgun. It looked alot like a single shot rimfire. It is German made. It shoots 9mm ammo. The guy selling this gun had two different...
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    Perfect Obama VP

    Who wants to see Obama pick Edwards as his running mate?
  18. R

    28 Gauge Reloaders

    This weekend I am going to buy a MEC Jr. in 28 gauge. While I have reloaded metallic cartridges for years, this is my first venture into shotshell reloading. I am also going to buy the various components that I will need to get started. Here is where my question is. I have looked at some...
  19. R

    .243 or .25-06

    I have been saving nickels and dimes for a few several months. I finally have enough saved up to get a new rifle. I want a bolt action in Tikka or Savage price range. The only decision I am having touble with is the chambering to get. Someday I hope to get drawn for an antelope tag or even go...
  20. R

    Beginners Luck?

    Not too long ago I picked up a used rifle. Today I took it to the range. I reloaded a dozen rounds mainly to test the rifle. I picked a recipe from one of my manuals. I used one in which I already had the components on hand. They shot very well. In fact, even if I can't tweak better performance...