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  1. R


    I just picked up the latest edition of Cartridges Of The World. I missed out on the last several editions. This one has all short magnums in it and even the .17 rimfires. This is one of my favorite shooting reference books. Does anyone else have this book? What do you think of it?
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    No. 41

    I went into a small town, ma and pa general store. They had a brick of primers. Don't ask where, I ain't telling. Anyway, the primers were CCI and they had the number 41. The box was too high on shelf to get see anything else. What are #41 primers used for?
  3. R

    Most Useless Caliber

    I do mean caliber, not cartridge. I am talking about the actual diameter of the projectile, not the brass cases that launches it. I have often wondered about the usefullness of .25 caliber rifles. Yes, they can be used for both varmints and deer size game. But, .24 caliber rifles can handle...
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    Can't Kill

    The wolf thread here has made me post this question. Is there any animal that you just couldn't shoot? I mean legal game or unprotected vermin. I know guys that bird hunt but will not shoot deer. Even amongst bird hunters there are some species that some guys can't or won't shoot. I realize...
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    "Go To" Gun

    I have an old Remington 581 that I inherited from my father. It wears a cheap scope. The gun is about forty years old and the scope isn't much newer. It ain't fancy and it ain't powerful, but this is my Go To Gun as far as accuracy is concerned. It almost never misses. I am not the best shot by...
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    Obsolete Obsession

    Does anyone here own or shoot rifles chambered for obsolete cartridges? What are they? I have always had a fondness for guns that are chambered for oddball rounds. I know the ammo can be a pain to get, even components for reloading can be problamatic. However, I think they are just fun to shoot...
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    BLM vs. Lead

    There have been several threads recently about lead. These threads were mainly discussions about its toxicity. We can debate that issue all day. But this is one aspect of the lead that better be taken seriously. Starting in a couple of weeks, officials with BLM are going to start to debate the...
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    Another Why?

    Over the past several years, there have been some developments to help lever action rifles enhance their power and reach. New cartridges and even plastic-tipped bullets have come along. The goal is to add yards to the effective range of these guns. Wasn't this a problem solved many moons ago...
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    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly!

    I decided to start this thread after reading and posting some comments on another thread. It is a thread on the revolver xection about DAO/hammerless revolvers. I made some comments about how I detest the looks of those things. I first want to apologize to any DAO revolver fans here. Anyone that...
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    Ninja Alert!!!

    This is an alert for all ninja hunters. Be careful when you enter the woods, you might meet your match.
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    Can't You Smell That Smell

    I grabbed my dog, my .22 rifle, and several types of Augila ammo and went for a plinking session. I like Augila cartridges. In fact, the rifle I took this morning really likes their subsonic stuff. There is one thing I don't really like though. The smell that it produces. I like the smell...
  12. R

    Lead, Toxic or Ploy

    First off, I want to apologize for comments I made about lead poisoning on a couple of threads. I did not mean to hijack them. It is that this issue has me really concerned about the future of our sports. The town I live in Northern Nevada is very small. The newspaper we get is the Reno Gazette...
  13. R

    Winchester Model 74

    I have a Winchester Model 74 that is in near mint condition. The wood, the metal, the bore, everything on this gun is darn near like new. I really enjoy shooting it. I have two questions about this gun. One, does it have any value other then that of a shooter? Second, if I have it modified for...
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    .357 Semi-Auto

    I just finished reloading a batch of .357 magnum rounds for my rifle. While I was reloading I started to wonder about something. Has anyone ever made a semi-automatic rifle chambered for the .357 magnum cartridge? Does anyone know if such a creature has ever existed? Self-loading rifles in .44...
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    From what I have heard, the average tax break will be $13.00 a week. Knowing that most of us here immediately start dreaming about new guns and/or shooting supplies whenever extra money is thrown at us, I was wondering what your wish lists are starting to look like. Any new guns on the horizon...
  16. R

    The Other Auto Whenever semi auto shotguns are discussed here certain brands are usually mentioned. Remingtons, Berettas, Brownings are either praised or demonized. One concern is reliability. After all, an autoloading shotgun that jams is no fun. One brand I hardly...
  17. R

    Mix or Match

    I just finished a reloading session. As I was putting stuff away I noticed that I have supplies and equipment from just about every manufacturer out there. I have stuff that comes in green boxes, in red boxes, blue, just about every color in the rainbow. Does anyone here keep to one or two...
  18. R


    I was looking at Cabela's website. I notice that they carry several brands and models of handheld GPS units. Does anyone here use one for hunting? If so, which make and model? Does it help in keeping you from getting lost? Don't laugh, I have the worst sense of direction in the world. I can get...
  19. R

    28 Gauge vs. Chukar

    I have several shotguns to chose from when I go bird hunting. I usually take one of two, a 20 gauge or a 28 gauge. They are both self-loaders. I take the smaller one for quail and the larger one for bigger birds. While I am by no means a good wing shooter, I have become fairly good with my 28. I...
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    Land Owners

    Generally, what are the attitudes of private land owners in your area towards hunters? What are the odds of getting permission to hunt their property? Do you have to personally know them or are they cool with anyone?