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  1. K

    Chow Yun Fat, where are you?

    WARNING: This is just the harmless raving of a frustrated and tired individual. This is NOT to be construed as an effort to encourage anyone to perform violence or any other illegal act. Did you ever see that T-shirt that says: The only reason some people are alive is because it's illegal to...
  2. K

    Hillary poll

    Your input is important! ;)
  3. K

    Socialist to English Dictionary

    Socialist to English Dictionary by Mark Gilmore Posted: March 23, 2000 (c) copyright 2000 - As it is critical to know our enemies, Real Americans must familiarize themselves with the language of the socialists among us, most of whom call themselves "liberals." Hence, I offer...
  4. K

    Value of clinton's "preference" to S&W?

    Now that the clinton administration has encouraged that "preference" be given to S&W in future gov't purchasing, I have a few questions. 1. While some agencies may have to honor this mandate, are others still free to make their selection of sidearms based on other objective criteria? 2. I...
  5. K

    Sign S&W Boycott Petition

    Let them know how you feel: I guess we need a pro Glock petition now! [This message has been edited by Karanas (edited March 22, 2000).]
  6. K

    Brady Bill vs. 5th Amendment?

    On a few occasions, I have seen a reference to some court decision that supposedly stated that the BATF form 4473 could not be used as evidence against a criminal trying to acquire a firearm through legal channels. Since being truthful in filling out the form would amount to self incrimination...
  7. K

    ZM Weapons LR-300

    Anyone know anything about these rifles? I tried to get their SR over a year or two ago, even had the order placed. Then the BATF ruled that their thumbhole grip was unacceptable, which made their folding stock a no-go as well. They were going to make some modifications...
  8. K

    Lott: Gun Locks Cost lives

    Now tell me something I didn't know... Gun locks will cost, not save, lives in Maryland By John R. Lott Jr. LAST WEEK, the Maryland General Assembly began considering Gov. Parris N. Glendening's proposal that guns be sold only if they can be operated exclusively by someone bearing the...
  9. K

    Origin of Gangsta' Style Shooting?

    Something for the FWIW file: Considering the recurring discussion about gangsta' style shooting (holding the handgun sideways), I thought that this explanation of its origin might prove interesting to some. While it is largely acknowledged that this particular style originated in Hollywood, it...
  10. K

    The Nightmare Presidential Ticket

    I just heard that Gray Davis, governor of CA, was one of the more prominent names being suggested as a running mate for Al Gore. UGH!!! [This message has been edited by Karanas (edited February 21, 2000).]
  11. K

    Dead Bank Robber Lawsuit

    Maybe I should have posted this on the Only in America thread. The case that has come to be known as the North Hollywood Shootout is back in the news. It seems that the family of one of the bank robbers killed in the incident is now suing the LAPD because they failed to summon an ambulance...
  12. K

    Holster recommendation?

    I need some advice on getting a good concealment holster for my daughter. She's getting a SIG 232 for her 21st birthday, at which time she'll also get her CCW. Since we live in hot, humid Louisiana, where we seldom wear any jackets or sweaters, this pretty much eliminates just about everything...
  13. K

    End of the road for Colt?

    Acoording to the Industry Insider column in the latest issue of American Handgunner, Colt is broke (again!). They have laid off their entire marketing and sales force and 75% of their engineering department. The VP of marketing, the director of engineering, the head of customer service, the...
  14. K

    Wilson KZ-45 TCP

    Does anyone actually have one of these polymer 1911's? I was intrigued by it when I saw it on their website last year and I was expecting to see some write up on it in some of the gun mags, but nothing, zilch! None of the gun shops in my area stock it, although one offered to order it for me...
  15. K

    Need a basic AK primer

    I don't have one. I'm not really planning on getting one. I like my AR's and I don't see any advantage in complicating my basic ammo requirements. But I do find myself occasionally intrigued by them at those illegal arms bazaars,... I mean gun shows. I know the difference between an AK-47 and...
  16. K

    Gun Idolatry

    December 20, 1999 Rabbi Calls for Action on Guns By GUSTAV NIEBUHR Leaders of Reform Judaism's synagogue organization, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, voted overwhelmingly yesterday to adopt a resolution calling on social action committees in Reform synagogues to urge congregants...
  17. K

    Fingerprinting guns

    December 20, 1999 U.S. to Develop a System for `Fingerprinting' Guns By FOX BUTTERFIELD In a long-sought move that will help identify guns used in crimes when only their shell casings are left at a crime scene, the Clinton administration said yesterday that it was tripling the budget for the...
  18. K

    Just how thin IS that blue line?

    Maybe some of our LEO members or others knowledgeable in such matters can help answer something I've been wondering about recently. In terms of actual police "presence", I've seen the figure of 1 LEO per 100,000 citizens used many times. I'm not certain of its accuracy, but I guess that this...
  19. K

    Geezers with Guns?

    There was a report released recently that named the NRA as the second most powerful lobby in this country. The AARP was #1. My 76 year old father takes great delight in pointing out that I will soon be eligible to upgrade my political clout by joining him and my mother as a member of the AARP...
  20. K

    The shape of things to come?

    Friday, November 12, 1999 Ontario minister fumes over gun registry costs Spend on prevention Robert Fire, Ottawa Bureau Chief National Post OTTAWA - A senior minister in the Ontario government has sent a strongly worded letter to Anne McLellan, the federal Justice Minister, pointing out that...