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  1. K

    New Orleans Lawsuit

    With the Louisiana legislature back in session barely two weeks, several bills aimed at voiding the New Orleans lawsuit against gun manufacturers are progressing rapidly. Sponsored by Governor Mike Foster, these bills have garnered overwhelming support in the legislature, making their passage...
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    I participated in a discussion about concealed carry laws recently with several non-gun types following the narrow defeat of Prop.B in Missouri. These were nice folks who, in their ignorance, just repeated some of the more common HCI type soundbites. You know: Dodge City bloodbaths, shootouts...
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    Ammo & Gun Ban?

    I received a rather incoherent e-mail, almost a rant, from Cole Distributing this morning about Clinton and his gang trying to use the State Dept. to circumvent the legislative process by banning foreign guns and ammo that were made "with U.S. technology". Although the e-mail cited rumors all...
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    DS Arms SA58

    Is anyone out there familiar with the line of FN/FAL clones that DS Arms puts out as the SA58? I've seen a couple of favorable write-ups, but I'd be interested in any first hand experience anyone may have.
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    Natural Born Killers

    Does anyone out there happen to know what director Oliver Stone's position on gun control might be? The reason I ask is because the U.S. Supreme Court recently refused to block a lawsuit against him and Time Warner by the family of a Louisiana woman who was shot and paralyzed during a...
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    Kahr Arms & the Moonies

    I just finished reading an article that revealed that Kahr Arms is owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church. It doesn't make a bit of difference to me, but I can hardly wait to see the spin that HCI puts on this. "The Korean Messiah and His Lethal Instruments of Death!"...
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    Shooting underwater?!

    I thought I knew the answer to this one, but in recent months I have seen several references that cause me to wonder. Not that I put much stock in any of the questionable shooting techniques hollywood employs in some of their action flicks, but there have been several films lately that have...
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    eBay ban of firearm sales

    I don't know how many of you are familiar with the internet auction house eBay. They offer a forum where you can sell or buy just about anything. Until next month that included firearms and related accessories. They have decided to close the firearms site. At the present time their reasons for...