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  1. K

    The family that does crime together ...

    ... does time together! Is it any wonder this kid was so messed up? Mich. School Shooters Dad Arrested FLINT, Mich. (AP) - The father and three other relatives of the 7-year-old boy accused of shooting a...
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    Congress to HUD: the check is NOT in the mail! Cuomo, House Democrats denounce proposed 2001 HUD funding WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo and House Democratic leaders on Tuesday denounced congressional efforts to freeze HUD gun...
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    Gov't Idea of a Smartgun

    If you have about 10 minutes to kill, you might find this video entitled "Oregon" interesting.
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    First Orders of the Revolution

    For anybody who needs another excuse to buy guns! The Revolution Has Started: Here Are Your First Orders by Liz Michael Americans of all politics are going to be faced with a very clear dilemma. In the not too...
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    Rosie defends gun position

    Rosie, Rosie, Rosie .... I knew you wouldn't let us down. Rosie O'Donnell Defends Gun Position The Associated Press Thursday, June 8, 2000; 3:44 p.m. EDT NEW YORK –– Rosie O'Donnell, a staunch...
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    The Occupational Hazards of Journalism

    Maybe my ongoing irritation with members of the news media has desensitized me to anything they feel is a problem for them. The only thing forcing them to expose themselves to danger is their own personal quest to win a Pulitzer. Apparently, some of them have their noses out of joint because the...
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    The Folly of Common Sense

    The time honored term "common sense" has come to elicit the same response to many TFL members as fingernails dragged across a blackboard. Read on, uncommon ones. The Folly of Common Sense by Michael Mitchell...
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    What One Woman Really Needed

    Unlike certain celebrities, who can afford to hire their own bodyguards. What One Woman Really Needed by Lawrence Henry On the very weekend that "a million" so-called "moms" supposedly "marched" for what was sound-bited as "common-sense gun...
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    Al Gore - War Hero!

    Only by having a draft dodger for a predecessor could a REMF aspire to such delusions. Campaign Touts Gore's Army Days By Sandra Sobieraj Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON –– In...
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    "I'll take two on the front row..."

    This is one of those things that could only happen in America. Thursday May 25 4:07 PM ET Texas Inmate Auctions Execution Seats on eBay FORT WORTH, Texas (Reuters) - A Texas death row inmate tried to sell seats for his...
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    Rosie's bodyguard applies for gun permit! Rosie’s bodyguard applies for gun permit By J.A. Johnson Jr. Staff Writer An application for a concealed weapon permit by Rosie O'Donnell's bodyguard has some Greenwich neighbors of the television...
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    Smith & Wesson "Citizen Special"

    The good folks at S&W just keep coming out with one surprise after another! I tried to hook up a direct link w/o success, so you'll have to scroll down to the end of their link, under parting shots. [This message has been edited by Karanas (edited...
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    Boxer Gun survey
  14. K

    It's a dogs life! Buddy, President Sleep Together The Associated Press Monday, May 8, 2000; 7:56 p.m. EDT WASHINGTON –– President Clinton isn't completely alone at night when first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton...
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    Try Out S&W's New Smart Gun!

    Who knew that untested technology could be this much fun? It definitely adds a little more fun and excitement to getting up in the middle of the night to investigate strange noises!
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    Something just for the Ladies

    Mother's day is just around the corner girls. See anything you like?
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    The Gun Fact Book - Version 1.8

    Nice and attractive package of gun facts. I've run off several copies already. Be warned! It's 35 pages long.
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    Petition to Media for Unbiased Reporting

    This is one of those things where you really have to wonder if it will do any good. But hey ... it couldn't hurt!
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    *New* S&W Commemorative Handguns

    Received this in my email this morning. I guess they've got to do something... Smith & Wesson Commemorative Guns Presented by Charles Heller I'm sure that by now Smith & Wesson has realized that it has committed a serious faux paux with the gun owners of America, and will have to rely on...
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    Is Big Brother coming to your neighborhood soon?

    With all the anglophiles we seem to have in the present administration, one has to wonder how far away we are from something like this: "]