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  1. H

    Shooting technique question

    Good morning everyone. I bought a Browning BDM the other day and finally got a chance shoot it at the range. While I LOVE the feel of this gun I did notice that it seems to shoot just to the left. I'm thinking it's probably me doing something incorrectly(anticipation, grip, pull, etc.)but I was...
  2. H

    Just scored a Browning BDM

    I was at my favorite store and came across it. Haven't seen one in quite some time. They wanted $475 but it came with 4 15 rd magazines and 2 10rd mags. Maybe I paid a little more than I should have but I figured hey, you hardly see these anymore. Any thoughts?
  3. H

    Ethical question for hunters

    Hey guys. I'll first start off by saying that while I love to shoot I do not hunt. I suppose I would if I lived back in the 1800's but I don't and rest assured I would hunt if I was hungry enough. Secondly, I don't have a problem with hunting, as long as it's done in a manner that respects life...
  4. H

    Model 439 Question

    Hey guys/gals, I bought a S&W Model 439 9mm Nickel back in '85. I did have to send it back to the factory about 2 years after I bought it as a tiny crack developed in the slide. They took care of it and I have had no problems with it, until now. While squeezing off a few rounds the other day the...
  5. H

    Side by side question

    'Mornin everyone, Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I was cleaning my guns the other night and was wondering about a shotgun I acquired from my wife's late grandfather. It is a Savage side by side 12 guage. Does each barrel have a different choke? The markings on the barrels don't seem to...
  6. H

    I'm hooked!

    Just got a chance for the first time to fire my new Remington 700 LTR at my local range. Naturally, in my excitement to get there I forgot the scope wrenches to tighten the rings after a few shots like I was told to do, but oh well had a gas anyway. Once I determined it was shooting low I aimed...
  7. H

    Remington Model 1100

    I just got back from a buddy's house and he showed me a BEAUTIFUL Model 1100 his dad bought back in approximately 1973.What an attractive piece. Finish is great, no scratches anywhere. I had a chubby looking at this thing! Any idea what this thing may be worth? Looks NIB 33 yrs later!
  8. H

    2008 Democratic Convention

    My buddy sent me this today. Hilarious!:D Your favorite Democrat may enjoy this.! Agenda for the 2008 Democratic Convention 7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning. 7:15 P.M. Pledge of allegiance to U.N. 7:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast 7:30 till 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and...
  9. H

    Rem700 LTR .308 Which scope do you have?

    I've submitted a couple of threads regarding scope choices and while I appreciate all the help you all have given me I just feel like a kid at a candy store. I like Leupold, Nikon, Zeiss, Bushnell, and also have heard impressive reports on the Super Sniper models. With a budget of about $500 I...
  10. H

    Another scope question

    I just bought a Remington 700 LTR. I figured I don't hunt so what I need is a sniper rifle and I heard good things about this model. Obviously a sniper rifle is nothing without a scope so I have about a $500 budget and want to put the best scope I can on my new toy. I have heard good things...
  11. H

    Hypothetical question

    With the elections coming up I wanted to get your feelings on something. If you had the choice of voting for someone anti-gun, pro tax cuts, pro life, tough on illegal immigration, etc., or a pro gun, anti tax cut, pro abortion, pro amnesty for illegal immigrants how would you vote?:confused:
  12. H

    Remington 700 PSS

    I was just in my favorite gun shop pricing out a few rifles. I went in interested in a Browning A bolt Medallion in .308 or '06. The owner of the store asks if he can help. I tell him I'm interested in either the Browning or possibly a Remington 700. He tells me DON"T get the wood stock but...
  13. H

    BOSS worth it?

    I'm definitely getting a Browning A-Bolt. Just trying to decide between .308 and 30-'06. I have a question about whether the BOSS feature is overrated? Doesn't seem to be offered on the .308 but if it is worth is I may just opt for the '06 instead. Thoughts?
  14. H

    Noticeable "kick" difference?

    Well, I have narrowed my choices of a rifle down to a Browning Medallian A-Bolt or a Remington 700. I am just trying to settle on a caliber now. I think I still like the .308, but was wondering about the venerable .30-'06 or even the 300 Winchester Magnum. Obviously, the 300 would have more kick...
  15. H

    Interested in .308

    My first post in the rifle area. I am looking for a decent value in a .308 rifle. I have checked Browning, Savage and a couple of others. Savage has a "package" rifle in which the rifle comes with a scope. Seems like decent prices but I'm not real familiar with rifles at this point. Brownings...
  16. H

    Bright stainless vs. Satin stainless

    Just wondering if bright stainless usually brings more than satin(or brushed)stainless. I have a Colt Government Model .45 bright stainless which I bought for $500 back in '95. It is the enhanced model with beavertail and rubber grips(not Gold Cup). I rarely see any of these while on the gun...
  17. H

    Reloading and the Mrs.

    I have made numerous attempts to get the green light from the wife to do some reloading on my own. I know it's much cheaper and probably alot of fun. Mrs Callahan is afraid I'll blow up the house. Any tips on how to "grease the skids" and put her mind at ease. Also, what are the pros/cons of...
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    Swearing off guns

    I know we all strive to win the antis and the ignorant over to our side every day but has anyone ever heard of or known anyone that used to be a gun enthusiast and for whatever reason now shuns them? Blasphemers!!!
  19. H

    Anybody display their "toys"?

    I was thinking the other day what a great idea it would be if I had a room I could call my own(I'm married)to use as a place to display all my firearms by hanging them on the wall. When I was growing up we would vacation in Arkansas and my grandfather would have his shotguns and rifles...
  20. H

    What would you do?

    I have a Meriden .32 top break revolver. I guess it's known as an Iver Johnson design. I inherited this piece from my wife's late grandfather. The problem is that it seems to need some work. The cylinder doesn't line up correctly with the barrel(lock up?)and there does seem to be an excessive...