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  1. H

    Scored an M&P40

    Just picked up a new S&W M&P40. Don't remember the trigger being this gritty. Maybe I'll wait a few hundred rounds before I consider a trigger job. Anybody else notice the same thing with their's?
  2. H

    Well, I did the dirty deed...

    I broke down and bought my first plastic gun yesterday, a Smith & Wesson M&P40. Never thought I'd do it but my buddy bought the M&P 9mm a couple of months ago. He loves it and it was starting to grow on me too. Can't wait to take her for a ride at the range. Even though I'm more traditional in...
  3. H

    Remington 700 LTR .308 question

    I have been having an issue with this rifle. Recently while firing it the bolt seemed to be hanging up and would not eject the spent shells without considerable difficulty. For some reason I have to put alot of extra force on the upward movement of the bolt to cycle the action. I figured it must...
  4. H

    Anyone accosted by police while carrying?

    Just was wondering if anyone has ever been stopped by the authorities while carrying, either open or perhaps you printed while CCing without knowing. If so, what happened?
  5. H

    S&W Model 53 .22 Jet

    Hey all. Just wanted to let everyone know I had yet another unique experience at my local gun shop/range. My son and I made plans to meet a new friend of his at the range we go to. My son is 15 so naturally his buddy's father met us there too. Nice guys, youngster just got introduced to the...
  6. H

    Question for Python enthusiasts

    I am seriously thinking about getting a Python. To me no respectable firearm collection is complete without one. I've always been a shiny gun kind of guy so naturally I'm leaning toward one in bright stainless steel, probably a 6". The Royal Blue is also very nice but I was wondering what...
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    My first photos

    Alright, Playboypenguin I ain't. Yeah, I know they're terrible, but you have to crawl before you can walk. Trying to figure out how to get these photos from Photobucket to this site. Haven't quite figured out how to do it yet, but I will. I figure that by tomorrow night I'll be able to challenge...
  8. H

    Need a laugh this morning?

    My buddy sent me this. Just barely gun related, but funny. Let's see if it survives the mods. Here goes: My apologies, I was the guy with the black Burrberry jacket that you demanded I hand over shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend. You also asked for my girlfriend's...
  9. H

    Calling all Browning BDM owners!

    I just got back from the gun shop I usually frequent. I went in just to see what was on the shelf(you never know). I asked the owner of the place what he would charge to do a trigger job on my BDM. He said he wouldn't touch it and that basically it was a piece of excrement and doesn't know why...
  10. H

    Who insures your firearm collection?

    Even though I have a safe I still think it would probably be a good idea to make sure my "babies" are insured if something were to happen. Currently I have an Allstate Homeowners policy but it only covers up to $3000 worth of firearms, and my collection value exceeds that by quite a bit. I spoke...
  11. H

    How did you start?

    About a year ago I thought I was ready to take the plunge and get in to reloading. A number of fine people on this forum provided me with good information on equipment, safety, etc. Well, I'm still a little hesitant to actually start reloading, that is, before actually SEEING someone who KNOWS...
  12. H

    Ever "tripped into" an unexpected firearm?

    Ever had a family member, friend, associate, etc., suddenly give you a gun or give you an absolutely killer deal because of need, death in the family, or whatever. I have acquired from my wife's family, as they passed away, numerous guns that they just prefer to get rid of. I've gotten 2 H&R .22...
  13. H

    Add a Python to my "bucket list" WOW!

    I just got back from the indoor range I frequent here in the Chicagoland area. I was given a stall next to a group of three gentleman, one in his late 70s. After a couple hundred rounds we struck up a conversation. He was there seemingly just observing the others. One of his friends told me...
  14. H

    Have I committed a crime?

    Hello all. Many years ago when I was in my 20s I bought a shotgun from a buddy of mine who died some years ago. Being an irresponsible kid I wasn't really concerned with any legalities. I just knew a great deal when I saw one so I went ahead and bought it. It is a police riot gun from the '50s...
  15. H

    Anybody concerned about Nov 5th?

    Hey all. Was wondering if anybody is in the same boat as me. I'm an insurance adjuster and occasionally have to go into some terrible neighborhoods(Chicago South Side:eek:), usually at least once every week. I am kind of concerned for my safety should Barry lose the election. Of course, I will...
  16. H

    For those in Crook County, Il

    Anita Alvarez is running for office. Watch the clip and tell me she's not out of touch.:eek:
  17. H

    BHP Practical .40 question

    Hello all. I've owned one of these for about 3 years now. In all honesty I don't shoot it much and now I know why. I had it out to the range yesterday hoping that I would suddenly become proficient with it. No luck. However, I did find a problem which I'm hoping is THE problem. It seems that the...
  18. H

    S&w 4506-1 ?

    Hello everyone. Just a quick question. I have a chance to get a 4506-1. This gun is not SAO, is it? Seems like whomever owns one loves it. TIA.
  19. H

    Getting stopped while CCing

    As I said in a recent thread I just got my Pennsylvania carry permit(non resident)and I will be heading to Indiana on business in a few weeks. I plan to try out my new "privilege" there since I am a criminal if I carry here(Illinois). My question is: If I am pulled over I plan on telling the LEO...
  20. H

    Just got my Pennsylvania carry license!

    Yes, I live in Illinois and sent away to get my non resident permit. $26, no classes, and good for 5 years. Only took 10 days to get it from start to finish. Can't wait to go out of state and feel what it's like to be trusted to look after myself and my family without having to hope/pray the...