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  1. H

    Independence Day festivities

    In honor of Independence Day do any of you do anything that celebrates our 2nd Amendment right? As for me, I like to put on my NRA cap and go to our local parade hoping to give a thumbs up to the pro gun politicians who have helped preserve and strengthen my 2A right. Of course, I love to give...
  2. H

    BHP question...

    I finally got my new Hi-Power out to the range a couple of weeks ago. I got the .40 Practical and I love it. My question is why is the slide so hard to release when there is no loaded magazine in the gun? As soon as you slide the clip home the slide is very easy to release from the slide stop...
  3. H

    Just hit the Motherlode!

    Another ho-hum night night turned to gold for me last night. Being off with the kids for spring break this week my son and I went to the range to spray some lead. Afterwards, my buddy asked me if I wanted to come over for a couple of pops, to which I agreed. It was getting late in the night and...
  4. H

    Catalogs: Added value?

    When I bought my first guns(S&W Model 439 in '85 and Model 586 in '87)I also saved the S&W catalogs for those years. Does this add to the value if these guns are ever sold and if so by how much? Kind of strange to see a state trooper with a revolver as his sidearm on the cover. How times change.
  5. H


    I need some help with something. After learning that Isaac Mizrahi will again be back on the red carpet I started wondering. I wondered if I would still have MY job, not to mention possibly being incarcerated after groping attractive actresses and commenting on their choice of underwear, if any...
  6. H

    Just rented "Lord of War"

    While it was entertaining I couldn't help but think the movie was too much like "Blow". Like many others I didn't think it focused enough on the arms.
  7. H

    Model 586

    Hey everyone. I have a bit of a problem. I bought a 586 6" nickle plated beauty back in 87. Problem is the front screw that holds the sight on the frame keeps backing out after every trip to the range. Any suggestions? Oversize screw?
  8. H

    Eastwood police shotgun

    My buddy sold me an Eastwood police riot gun about 10 years ago. It's not in the best shape cosmetically but I paid 75 bucks for it back then. It has an 8 round tube which is nearly as long as the barrel and is a pump. I believe Eastwood may be a part of S&W but I'm not sure. Anybody have any...
  9. H


    I have been trying to register at this site numerous times and I am always receiving an error message because it won't let me enter my birthdate. I click on the drop down box and am able to enter the month but the drop down box next to it has all the days in it but won't let me enter anything...
  10. H

    How often?

    My son and I will try to get out to the range every few weeks and we have a gas spraying a little lead. When we get home I'll put the guns away intending to clean them that night. Unfortunately, this doesn't always work out with my schedule and have found myself putting it off, sometimes a month...
  11. H

    Ever had to shoot anyone?

    I'm sure this is a touchy subject for most, especially veterans, but has anyone had the experience? If so, and you feel like talking about it, please discuss. By the way, thank you in advance to all the veterans out there for putting your life on the line so I could enjoy mine. My hat is forever...
  12. H

    BHP question

    I was just curious if someone could tell me what the small holes on either side of the slide(rearward)are for?:confused:
  13. H

    When is/was it time for your kids?

    To first go shooting with you? My grandfather took my brother and I when I was around 7(1968). My brother is 3 years younger than I am. We would always look forward to going to Arkansas so we could go shooting with Gramps. That planted the seed for me and my love of firearms and I was hoping my...
  14. H

    Delta Elite 10mm

    Anybody own one of these and what are they worth(ballpark)? Nice piece or piece of excrement?
  15. H

    Does your wife know?

    I guess I would consider myself a gun enthusiast and own a number of them (15). I have to admit, however, that my wife does not know about 3 or 4 of them. Don't get me wrong, the kids aren't starving and all the bills are getting paid, but there have been some, shall we say, clandestine firearm...
  16. H

    BHP Practical in.40

    I just bought one of these babies and have to say that while it is indeed a beautiful piece you have to be a gorilla to rack the slide! The guy who sold it to me(brand new)said they are notorious for this problem but hopefully will get better after a couple hundred rounds. He also told me that...