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  1. R

    DAO trigger

    I don't have much experience firing DAO quickly. When I have my target can be reused most of the time. I do very nicely with a nice single action trigger. I've considered the Glock or other plastic DAO pistols, but I just don't feel my groups will reflect something to be feared. I have heard...
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    Speer Gold Dots

    Are Speer Gold Dots a bonded bullet? I'm interested in trying their short barrel ammo in my 4" 44 Mag. It's the only round I know of that doesn't carry too much umph for personal protection that is designed to have no/limited flash in the magnum case. I'd prefer not to use Spl cases. I read...
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    6.8mm with a 130 grn Boattail?

    Anyone know of a 130 grn boattail that is short enough for the 6.8mm SPC? It would become my favorite carry rifle if there is one. I've read that those who tried Ballistic Tips found them too long to seat. I have even entertained the idea of seeing if I can remove the plastic tip from one of my...
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    44 Mag hard cast loads

    I own a Taurus Tracker 44 Mag and was told by the manufacturer that it can't handle above SAAMI spec loads. Seems all I find in hard cast is either uber magnum or something like a Spl +P. Anyone know of a manufacturer that has a standard mag load or will make an affordable special run?
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    SAAMI specs

    I can't seem to find what the SAAMI specs are for the 44 Mag. Was told to go to, but it seems to only give dimensions. Trying to find out what ammo is acceptable to shoot, and if I need to reload. Want the most powerful (within reason) HC loads for hogs, but it seems the ones I find...
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    Automag IV

    Anyone know if these were solid reliable pistols?
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    Using WD-40???

    A friend of mine told me that he's been using WD-40 to lubricate the internals of his revolver. I don't see why it would be bad, but it just doesn't seem right. Any thoughts on this?
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    Handloading for HD questions

    I will be buying reloading equipment soon, and will be experimenting with bullet penetration and performance. I live in an apartment and need to be cautious of rounds going through external walls. I currently am using Glaser Safety Slugs, but have heard that they can penetrate walls, and that...
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    Night Lights

    I haven't seen anyone suggest this as a way to identify who it may be in your home, and whether or not they are armed. I have light sensitive LED night lights in my apartment for the times my GF or I must get up in the night without having to turn on lights to take of our little girl. And I...
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    Mini accuracy

    What is it that gives the AR much better accuracy? The way I understand it an AR has the ability to reach (accurately) way way out there, yet I hear a Mini can perform to maybe 200-250 yds. What is it that the Ruger is lacking, and what can be done about it?
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    Frangible 44 ammo

    Anyone know of any other highly frangible ammo for a 44 other than Glaser or Magsafe? Living in an apartment, and don't feel very safe with standard bullets due to my neighbors being down wind of my fire. Anyone know if a standard lead Spl load would penetrate exterior walls well and still pose...
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    I hear all the time that people don't stop cleaning until they get clean patches through the barrel. Seems as though I spend a good hour or so and eventually call it clean enough. I bought a Hoppes 9 kit and bore brush first. This has been the case with the 3 handguns I've owned. Am I just...
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    I found that my poor accuracy at the range is due to flinching. I figured it out when I pulled the trigger on a spent case. I felt like a little kid:eek:! My 44 R Mag Tracker is ported and has much less felt recoil than a 4 5/8" Blackhawk (same cal), which doesn't really seem bad to me. So why...
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    gas piston: pros/cons

    What are the cons to having a gas piston instead of the typical cycling system of an AR? The pros seem to be that you end up with a much more reliable rifle that isn't as finicky about being clean, but there must be a compromise of some sort. Why would anyone want the original system? Which is...
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    Hi-Cap 1911 reliability

    Are the double-stack 1911's as rugged and reliable as the original single column 1911's...could they have passed the military's tough tests?
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    1911 for > $600

    A friend of mine is now looking for a 1911 (45 ACP) since he loved shooting my Hardballer years ago. He doesn't want to spend much more than $600 though, and prefers new. Told him the only one I would steer away from would be a Norinco or the Llama wannabe. Heard good things about the Taurus...
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    300 XTP's for wounded hogs

    Keep reading and hearing how quality HPs and SPs for hunting seem to be fairly poor on hogs. Got a Taurus Tracker for this purpose, but found I can't use any stout ammo.:( That seems to keep me from using cast bullets as I do not handload, nor know of anyone that does. Seems all the companies...
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    '06 vs 08 accuracy

    Heard that cartridges chambered in 308 cases are inherently more accurate than those of the same caliber in 30-06 cases. Does anyone know to what extent? Figure this may have to do with a more efficient case design. A flatter trajectory can be achieved with an '06 case. But out to 300 yds does...
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    lead bullet performance

    I own a 44 R Mag and only have Glaser Safety Slugs for home defense. I have read and heard too much about them being inadequate defense rounds. It seems ammo is extremely hard to find now adays other than some lead cowboy type rounds in 44 Spl. Would these be any better? I figure they would...
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    Glaser Safety Slugs

    Been reading a lot of conflicting reports on the effectiveness of Glasers. I currently have loaded in my 44 R Mag a cylinder full of their 135gr Blues that reportedly push out at 1600 fps with 768 ft/lbs. I have to question their claim to not be lethal past a wall. I hear that they are poor...