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  1. G

    Letter 2 Editor, re: AK-47 Saves Life, Captures Murderer

    I just e-mailed this to the Atlanta Journal & Constitution. I don't figure it'll ever get published, but I would appreciate my fellow TFL members' critiques:
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    AK-47 Used to Stop Home Invasion, Capture Killer

    Police in Atlanta now know who the murderer of a popular bartender is, because he tried it again, invading an apartment, firing several shots. Only this time the intended victim had an AK-47 (according to Fox Channel 5) and returned fire, wounding the perpetrator, and actually shooting the gun...
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    Wisconsin Open-Carrier found Not Guilty!

    From today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Brad Krause, who was arrested for "Disorderly Conduct" by police while planting a tree in his own back yard while wearing a holstered handgun was acquitted yesterday in one of the first open-carry gun cases heard in a Wisconsin Court. Municipal Judge...
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    Obama Defends Bush Rule on Permitting Guns in National Parks

    Paul Helmke on learning of the DOJ's decision! Y'know, folks, I hate to cast a pall on all this doom and gloom, but here the Obama administration had an opportunity to oppose concealed carry with virtually no political repercussions, and chose, instead, to support it! :eek: Could it be that...
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    Why A New Assault Weapons Ban May Be A Good Thing!

    BOHICA We all know it. Sooner or later, we're going to see Assault Weapons Ban II -- the encore. And with the Brady Bunch pushing to make all autoloaders with detachable magazines, pump-actions, and weapons with tubular magazines of >10-rd capacity categorized as "Assault Weapons." :eek: And...
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    How to Cut, Crown Barrel

    Hi, all! I recently obtained a poorly sporterized Krag that could be reworked into a nice carbine-length hunting rifle. The barrel was cut to 24" which is too long for the now shortened stock, and it has an ugly ramp sight heat-shrunk on. I plan to shorten it an additional 2", then recrown...
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    RRA or S&W Tactical Carbine?

    OK, OK, I've been bitten by the AR-15 bug! I'm looking for an M-4gery type carbine for two purposes: Defense, target shooting, and varmint hunting, but also to use with a drop-in CO2 activated laser kit to use with a judgmental use-of-force simulator for law enforcement training. For that...
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    Effects of H.R.218

    Ok, it's been two years now since President Bush signed H.R.218: The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 into law. Despite the predictions of the anti-gunners and some large municipal law enforcement administrators, I'm not aware of any actual instances in which an off-duty or retired...
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    9mm vs. .357 Sig

    I currently have a Kel-Tec P-11 in 9mm that I'm very fond of, although I'm not all that thrilled with the 9mm cartridge. I tried getting a P-40 conversion kit for it, but it wouldn't feed reliably after several trips to Kel-Tec. They claimed I was "limp wristing" it. Yeah, right. :rolleyes...
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    Bellesiles to answer 4 critics.

    According to an article in today's Atlanta Urinal & Constipation, Michael Bellesiles is undertaking to answer critical articles by history professors from Stanford, Rice, and Ohio State Universities, and the University of Colorado, which will be published in February in the "William and Mary...
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    People that need killin'

    Heretofore, one of the frequent arguments voiced by the antis was that "guns are only for killing." Specialized target weapons notwithstanding, I've always answered that argument with, "And your point is?" Of course, that response isn't always helpful, especially when confronting those that...
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    Texas Firearms Dealer Needed

    Does anyone know of firearms dealer in Texas who can receive some pistols from a source in Ohio without charging me an arm and a leg for the privilege? Reply here or e-mail Thanks!
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    Concealable .45s?

    I currently have a Kel-Tec P-11/40 combo gun which is very concealable, but difficult to shoot well. I've always been a .45ACP kind of guy, and would like to get one of the new smaller models that are now out there. I'm currently considering the Taurus 145 and the Mauser M-2. I've heard that...
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    Fla Judge Upholds Secretary of State

    The Florida circuit court judge has just upheld the Secretary of State's discretion in not accepting recount votes submitted after last Tuesday. Unless Gore's campaign can get his ruling reversed TODAY in the Fla Supreme Court, the Secretary of State can certify the winner Saturday. If Gore...
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    Daewoo DH-40 Trigger Spring

    Help! The trigger spring on my Daewoo DH-40 just broke. Anyone know where I can get a replacement? Reply here, or e-mail ------------------ Gary L. Griffiths Chief Instructor Advanced Force Tactics, Inc.
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    Mallard Fillmore 7/19/00

    Saw a GREAT cartoon in the Indianapolis Star yesterday -- Mallard Fillmore. First panel shows Mallard saying, "Here's what I'd like to see on 'Survivor." Next panel is text, saying "Put all the gun-control nuts on an island, where only the criminals are allowed to have guns." The next panel...
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    Source for Quote Needed

    I need the text of a quotation I once saw posted in an office, and the source of the quotation. It begins, "War is a terrible thing. But not the most terrible thing..." and ends with words to the effect that liberty is preserved for those unwilling to go to war by the sacrifices of better men...
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    Bush under attack by HCI

    According to NBC News tonight, HCI is now airing an anti-Bush ad that seeks to link him with the NRA. Commentary indicated that according to polls, most Americans are between NRA and Gore on gun control. That is probably correct. Perhaps we shouldn't be too eager to jump on Bush for some of...
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    "What if the Gun Nuts are Right?" (Must Read Article)

    This is a L-O-N-G post, but an encouraging one. This guy is obviously anti-gun, but has the intellect to investigate the other side of the equation, and the cajones to print what he found out. *** What if the Gun Nuts are Right? Could locking up bad guys save more lives...