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  1. G

    Digital Scale Problem

    Is it just me, or do y'all sometimes have trouble getting an exact weight on your digital powder scale? I have a relatively new Frankford Arsenal digital powder scale that I've begun using to replace my ancient Herters beam scale. This evening, while trying to throw 23.0 gr. AR-Comp, I simply...
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    Blown Primer Cause?

    CAUTION: The following post includes loading data beyond or not covered by currently published maximums for this cartridge. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Neither the writer, The Firing Line, nor the staff of TFL assume any liability for any damage or injury resulting from use of this information. I...
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    Regular vs. MilSpec vs. Magnum Primers

    I have been reading conflicting information on using regular vs. MilSpec vs. Magnum primers in loading for .223 in the AR Platform. A couple of months ago, I bought a carton of CCI-41 primers, which seemed to be actually giving a slightly lower average velocity than regular CCI-400s. Finally...
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    Discrepency between Quickload & Observed Data

    I recently purchased Quickload based on comments from several members who use it, and some pressure signs I was getting from what I thought were good loads. (According to Quickload, one of my .223 loads topped 73,000 PSI!) :eek: I recently did some load testing in .308 to see how much velocity...
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    Lee Case Trimmer & Military (Thick-Headed) Cases

    I've been using a Lee case trimmer to trim my .223 and .308 cases. The Lee works by having a cutter with different size/length mandrels with pins to fit in the flash holes of your cases. Although it has a collet that fits the case head so you can chuck it into a drill, I find it easier to use...
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    "Active Shooter" at Ft. Lee, VA

    News reports are calling this an "active shooter" incident, but as details emerge, this appears to be nothing but a suicidal female soldier. The media is stretching more and more...
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    Commercial vs. Military .223/5.56mm Cases

    There is a thread over on THR about case capacity/weight of commercial vs military .223/5.56mm cases, so just for gits and shiggles, I spent a rainy yesterday morning doing some weighing and measuring. From my reloading bench, I selected lots of 5 cases each of resized, trimmed and primed brass...
  8. G

    Anomalous Hot Load!!!

    I recently acquired an 8-lb canister of AR-Comp, my go-to powder, from a local dealer, and loaded up a box of 50 .223 cartridges with various bullets and charges for accuracy/velocity testing. One of the loads I tested was a 55-gr Armscor FMJBT bullet on top of 25.4 grs AR-Comp, (max load 25.6...
  9. G

    Any Easy Way to Convert Berdan-Primed Cases?

    I just bought 1,000 rds of Carl Gustav 5.56mm 62-gr LAP rounds (the equivalent of M-855 bit with better bullets) and was surprised and disappointed to discover they are Berdan primed. I know its (1) possible but difficult to reload them using Berdan primers, and (2) possible to drill out a...
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    Crimped Vs. Uncrimped Handloads (.223)

    A thread on The High Road got me started experimenting with crimped vs. uncrimped .223 loads in the AR platform. Some claim that crimping is unnecessary, that neck tension alone will hold the bullets in place adequately. Others claim crimping is necessary to keep the bullets from seating...
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    A new take on so-called UBCs

    Expanding on the Spats UBC thread, I’ve given some considerable thought to the issue of so-called “Universal Background Checks.” While no responsible person wants to see firearms in the hands of an Adam Lanza, Jerrod Loughner, or similar deranged psychopath, neither do we wish to see our...
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    Katy, TX gun store latest victim of Choke Point

    The Katy, TX gun store widely known for its anti-Obama advertising may be the latest victim of Operation Choke Point. Can we say, political revenge? :mad:
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    Were Vegas Killers Stopped by CCW?

    There is at least one news report that after the Las Vegas killers shot the woman outside the Wal-Mart, a CCW holder fired on and possibly hit one of them, at which time they went behind the Wal-Mart and committed suicide. Another CCW save that was ignored by the media? :eek...
  14. G

    Free-Floating Forend Wobble

    I've put together a "beater" lightweight AR-15, consisting of a Bushmaster Carbon-15 on which I replaced the forend with a Troy free-floating forend in Spectre configuration. I added Mag-Pul lightweight back-up sights and replaced the stock sight with an Eotec clone. Unfortunately, I've...
  15. G

    Short-Barrel .45ACP Expansion

    I hear all the time about how you should shoot lighter bullet weights from short-barreled .45s because the heavier weight bullets don't achieve enough velocity to expand. That hasn't been my view, but just for giggles earlier today I shot a 230-gr Federal HST +P and a Taurus 185-gr Barnes Hex...
  16. G

    Springfield XDS Recall Turnaround Time

    Just got my XDS back from Springfield today, 11 Nov 13. I shipped it to them on 30 Aug 13, so, 73 days turnaround. Looks great, and they gave me an extended magazine for my trouble. :)
  17. G

    Maximum Range of Henry, Spencer rifles

    I'm working on a project involving the Wickenburg Massacre of 1871, in which the attackers fired on a stagecoach with Henry and Spencer rifles, some from as little as 6' away. I figure some firing angles could be as high as 45 degrees. I will be looking for expended bullets from this incident...
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    Davis V. Grimes, MA re: Arbitrary Denials of LTC

    Commonwealth Second Amendment, a MA gun rights group, has filed suit against four MA police chiefs for violating Second Amendment rights by imposing unreasonable and unlawful restrictions on concealed carry applicants. Read about it here...
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    Interesting Newsmax poll results

    Just voted in a newsmax poll on Obama's proposed gun laws. I found the results interesting: Of course, the mainstream media reports the troglodytes in Congress oppose gun control despite all the polls showing the public is in overwhelming support of new gun control laws. Kinda puts it all in...
  20. G

    Some Observations on Reloading .223 Cases

    While resizing/depriming a mixed batch of .223 cases, I noticed that several of the cases resized and deprimed significantly harder than others. At first I thought that it might be that some cases weren't adequately sprayed with lube, but then I realized that virtually all of the cases giving...