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  1. S

    Carrying where not allowed

    I'm curious how many legal CCW holders carry in places with signs indicating firearms are not allowed. By this I mean restaurants, movie theaters, stores, etc, and not courthouses or places where it is expressly ILLEGAL to carry. I wonder this because I see such signs in a LOT of places, and...
  2. S

    Permit in process, moving

    I live in New York in a county which specifies 6-8 months for the process of a pistol permit. I have heard of people getting theirs after anywhere from 5 to 10 months. I have heard that the judge just does them all at once a couple times a year and it depends on when yours gets added to the...
  3. S

    Some Help With S&W Models

    I may be opening a can of worms here that I will regret, but I hesitantly request some kind of explanation for how S&W revolvers are named/numbered. I see a lot of redundancy and confusion and seeming overlap in models. For example, looking purely at the NightGuard series (four guns to think...
  4. S

    First Revolver Dilemma

    Hi all, first time posting here, have been reading for a few weeks. Here's my story: I live in upstate NY and am at about month 4 of my 6-8 month wait for a pistol permit. No, this is not a joke for those of you who live in more reasonable locations. Anyway, my first goal is to have a...