Search results

  1. S

    Question on seating .38spl lead bullets

    I have a bulk pack of 140gr .38spl bullets I bought some time ago. They have two rimmed indentations, the bottom of which is painted red, and the top is not. How far am I supposed to seat these bullets? I thought they should be just enough to cover the red paint, but now I am beginning to...
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    Check my thinking here

    So I have been researching a first centerfire rifle for some time. After going through this process with handguns (several times), I think I have the system nailed down pretty well. Start by defining the purpose. Well, I'm not going to hunt. I have a .22 bolt action that I like, but I would...
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    S&W 342

    I have a new to me S&W 342 coming tomorrow, looking for anyone knowledgeable about this particular J-frame to answer a couple questions. The 342 is an alloy frame with a titanium cylinder, it is 11oz and I understand it to be the lightest .38spl S&W ever produced. It was replaced by the 642...
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    Book Recommendations

    Hi all, I normally wouldn't start a thread on such a broad topic, but I can't find any, and my normal excellent Google skills are failing me as well. I am looking for good books to read on firearms. Specifically, I am interested in learning about ballistics. What makes a heavier bullet better...
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    Question about priming with Lee Classic Turret

    Hi all, I've been having an issue with my .45ACP reloads where the primers are not seating deeply enough. This is with the large primer arm on a Lee Classic Turret (I do not use the Safety Prime system). All of my small primer calibers (9mm, .38spl), seat nice and deep with no additional force...
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    Going from .38spl to .357 Mag

    Hi all, I currently load .38spl and would like to start loading .357 Magnum as well. What do I need to make this transition? -Can I use the same dies? -Can I use the same bullets? -Are the cases sized differently so if I use the same dies they will need to be adjusted? -Can I use the same...
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    HK USPc .45 Issue

    I'm now on my third semi-auto and my third set of issues. I swear its not me! New to me HK USPc .45, looks to be in pretty good shape. Took it to the range, is incredibly accurate and very pleasant to shoot, somehow with less recoil than my old PX4 Storm with its rotating barrel magic. The...
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    Advice on HKs

    So, some of you may remember my search for a full-sized .45 auto. I ended up defying almost all of the 163 voters and getting a Beretta PX4 Storm. At first I liked it, but I've found myself unable to get past the "trigger sting" issue which can be found online but was purported to affect...
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    LC9 with Lasermax

    Just found this guy on Ruger's site. I'm not a huge fan of lasers but I love the look of this gun with the laser on the trigger guard. Beats the snot out of a Bodyguard .380 imo.
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    Night Sites: Ruger SRx (9, 9c, 40, 40c)

    Has anyone installed night sites on their Ruger SR series pistol (excluding SR1911)? I am interested in adding them to my SR9c. The only ones I've been able to find are the Meprolights, and they seem to be difficult to get and have had some issues (for the Rugers, not in general). Are there...
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    Do I need a J-frame?

    I have a SP101 2" that I like a lot. It's very easy to shoot and I'm good with it. Lately I've been wishing I had a gun I could easily throw in a jacket pocket or something similar when I run out, without taking my normal IWB rig. The SP101, for me, is a really poor IWB gun (the grips are...
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    IWB Holsters

    Here's my story. I have a Ruger SR9c and a Beretta PX4 Storm full-size I carry IWB (not at the same time). I got a Remora holster first and I love it. I wanted something more "substantial", not sure why, just didn't seem like the Remora was a good all day every day answer. I got a High Noon...
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    Cleaning Your Guns

    How often do you clean your guns, and how often do you NEED to clean your guns? Obviously a carry gun should always be kept clean, but I'm curious how long it takes before a gun can no longer be expected to be reliable. 100 rounds? 500 rounds? Should it always function regardless of...
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    Finger Strength & Double Action

    Yesterday I took my best friend and has lady friend to the range. It was her first time shooting a gun. We started her with my .22 rifle, they had a lot of fun with that and ended up going back to it at the end of the day and shooting a lot. As far as handguns, her favorite was the least...
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    Ultra-quiet Loads

    I suspect this is a really stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway. I popped a few .22 CB Longs this morning in my backyard and got to thinking. These rounds are ultra quiet .22 LR. Contrary to what many think, they do have a powder charge (I've read people say they are only a...
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    Help Me Choose My .45

    Ok, been posting here and there looking for hints, but here it is. Help me choose my .45 ACP. Here are the details: Required: -Full-size -Excellent trigger -World class near-perfect reliability -End of the world durability and quality -Excellent accuracy -NOT a 1911 or a Glock Preferences...
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    9mm Power Pistol Loads

    Hi all, quick question. My 9mm is in the shop, but I have a new press and a ton of materials, and an empty house free of the wife. I'm anxious to get a lot of reloading done, but I can't test out my loads. I am looking for a LOW END load, all it has to do is go bang and hit the piece of paper...
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    SP-101 Manufacture Date

    I got around to looking up the serial number on my SP-101, and it turns out it is one of the first ever made. The first production year was 1989, serials started with 570-00001. By 1990, they were up to 570-38900. Last year they started on 574-57595. Anyway, my specimen is 570-00XXX. By my...
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    HK USP Compact vs. PX4 Storm

    So I am considering a full-size .45 for my next purchase. I was at the LGS the other day and they have a HK USP Compact, two-tone, with total four magazines for $699.99. I understand the two-tone is not made anymore and sought after (or at least according to salesman). I like it. I also...
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    Ruger SR9c Issues

    Ok, maybe all of the praise I've given my SR9c on here has been premature. Here we go: First 200-300 rounds were great. Then I started having an issue I was calling light primer strikes, but I suspect may not have been. At any rate, I'd fire the gun, and the trigger wouldn't move all the way...