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  1. S

    Is this worth the hassle?

    Hi all. I am a couple weeks into carrying concealed. I am becoming quite comfortable and its something I'd like to continue doing. However, I'm going to be traveling for a few weeks to a state that honors my state's carry permit. So I could in theory take my CCW with me (I'm familiar with...
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    WWB for Personal Protection?

    Curious if using Winchester White Box JHPs marked "Personal Protection" is a good idea as a carry round? I currently use Winchester PDX-1 147gr, but the white box are about 1/3 the price, so I could practice with my carry ammo more often. I know WWB practice ammo, FMJs not marked "Personal...
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    I Messed Up - Help

    Ok, so I just got into this reloading thing. I didn't do my homework and just bought what my friend has, because he recommended it, and showed me how it works, and it looked awesome. It's a Lee Pro 1000. Well, long story short, I've spent the last 3 nights messing with it and I have loaded...
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    RCBS dies in a Lee Press

    Extremely new to reloading (have not produced a round yet), I am setting up my Lee Pro 1000 press. I've got it 99% set up, I accidentally broke the powder measure chain putting it on too tight so I need to get another one. Anyway, I got the 9mm set from Lee, and I bought RCBS .38 special dies...
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    That was a little scary (Ruger SR9c Mag Release)

    Been carrying my Ruger SR9c for almost exactly a week now. Today something scary happened. When I got home and took off my holster, I noticed the bottom of the grip looked strange. I checked it, and the magazine was not seated. I pulled on it and it came out. This is scary for two reasons...
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    A Week Later: Thoughts So Far

    A week ago today my pistol permit came, and I've since acquired both an autoloader (Ruger SR9c) and a revolver (Ruger SP101). I've been to the range every day since I've had the guns. I have a S&W 342 on the way as well. At first I thought I was a better shot with the SR9c, but now I'm...
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    SP101 Grips

    How much will changing the stock SP101 grips (rubber) out for wooden grips affect the recoil? I have an SP101 I got largely for my girlfriend to use, but it is still technically mine, and I *love* the look of the Badger boot grips. But she is fairly recoil sensitive and I feel adding any more...
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    Why Isn't the .38 Spl SP101 +P Rated?

    Just curious why the SP101 line includes a .38 Spl-only revolver but doesn't specify that it is +P rated? I think most people agree you can fire +P out of these. It also weighs EXACTLY the same as the .357 model in the same size/configuration (26 oz, 2.25" barrel, with hammer). Comparing the...
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    is this a deal?

    At the gun show, looking at a security six, looks like 4" barrel. He can't tell me a ton about it but it looks highly used. Looking for 250, won't budge. Good deal?
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    Really, really cheap ammo

    I'm interested in purchasing a large quantity of 9mm FMJ ammo for practice. Buying in bulk to save money. Are there any brands that are so bad they are not worth buying for this purpose? I am using ( Is steel case ok instead of...
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    First Gun: Ruger SR9c

    Just got back from the LGS and bought my first gun, a Ruger SR9c. I also certified at my range today, so on Monday when I can actually pick up the gun, I will be good to go! Want to thank everyone on here for helpful advice and reviews, most of which I didn't actually post in, but read and...
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    .45 Recoil

    Having never had the opportunity to fire a .45 ACP, I don't know how much worse the recoil is than guns I have fired. These guns include Glock 19, XD-9, Ruger SR40, Beretta 92 in .40, and S&W Airweight revolvers with .38 +P. I found all of those extremely manageable except the Airweight, which...
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    How long does Buds typically take to ship? I know it says 3-7 days but I've never had an online retailer NOT ship within 1. I ordered a rifle on Tuesday and haven't gotten any word since the initial confirmation!
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    Question about storing loaded guns

    On an autoloader, stored with a round chambered, there is tension on the magazine spring, and possibly on a striker or hammer spring as well. Can this eventually wear out? My question is, how long could you (in theory) leave a semi-auto loaded before one should worry about damage to the gun...
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    10/22 Won't Eject Magazine

    I have an AMT Small Game Hunter II, this is a clone of a Ruger 10/22. Everything I've read is that they are identical and production stopped after Ruger sued them over it. Anyway, when I got mine, I was given a 30 round clip. I purchased a new Ruger brand 10 round rotary clip. When I try to...
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    Ruger GSR, practical range?

    Been reading about the Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle for a while, and I got to hold one for the first time today. Suffice it to say, I'm in love. I currently own a Ruger 10/22, and no other long guns. I'm looking to get one rifle which I can use for everything. I don't hunt, but enjoy rifle...
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    Ruger LCR Trigger "Problem"

    Just got back from my LGS. They had a used LCR, something I've been interested in for a while. I was looking at it and coming close to getting my wallet out when another employee pointed something out to me. If when pulling the trigger quickly, you don't let it reset ALL the way, maybe...
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    .45 Recommendations

    Hi all, Looking for recommendations for a good semi-auto .45. I'll tell you a little about what I'm looking for. Expecting my pistol permit to come within the next month or so (don't get me started on NYS law). I am very interested in having a revolver, but also accept I won't be happy...
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    New S&W x42s without locks?!

    I was just browsing S&W's site and noticed they are now listing a version of the 642 and 442 WITHOUT the internal lock! I swear those weren't offered previously, and the only way to get one was to find one made before the locks were available. If this is indeed new, it is a great thing! More...
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    Some help with Walthers

    What is the difference between the P99 and the PPQ? I know the P99 has the anti-stress trigger system as an option, but other than that I can't figure out why one would choose one over the other.