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  1. J

    have we advanced????

    Last weekend I went out shooting with three of my older guns. I had my '41 P-38 my Colt New Service and my S&W 1917. It was a great day. These old POS models shot just like new ones. They were accurate, reliable and just plain fun to shoot. I was as happy as a puppy in a basket of...
  2. J

    The Sullivan Act...

    has been around for nearly three quarters of a century. Does anyone else think that it's been around long enough yet to tell if it's working?
  3. J

    some closeup pics of my James Luman Bowie

    I finally got some shots that show the detail on the James Luman Bowie. I thought I'd share with you folk. The more I mess with this one the more I like it. I love how he heavily etched the Damascus. It is really stunning.
  4. J

    a few more pics of my Little Hen Folder

    if this is in the wrong spot, feel free to move it. I just got a couple new pictures of the forged folder that Ron Leuschen of Little Hen Knives made for me and thought I'd share. We all know what he can do with a hunter but he ain't so shabby on folders, either.
  5. J

    When I was growing up...

    The paperwork needed to buy a gun was tearing out and filling out the ad in the back of a magazine. When I was about ten years old, I used to walk around downtown Baltimore all day by myself. Instead of "Drop and Roll" kids were taught to "Duck and Cover". Every summer my parents began to...
  6. J

    some pics of the Under rated...

    STAR UltraStar.
  7. J

    Speaking of the BHP ...

    And it's clones; here are some pics of my FEG PJK, FM M-95 and Arcus 94.
  8. J

    More "Name That GUN"

    To continue the saga of Guess what This is I offer this. I will tell you that it is German, fairly old and in 357MAGN.
  9. J

    I really apologize

    for all this. ;)
  10. J

    so suffer some more

  11. J

    Testing new camera so you folks have to suffer

    through my getting to know it period. Sorry but I figure I'll get more feedback here than at that other board.
  12. J

    Another James Luman

    I though you folk might enjoy seeing this one as well. added for mandatory firearm content ;) Whew, legal now. :D
  13. J

    My latest knife from James Luman

    Here is my latest from Jim Luman. I really like his work. When we started on this project he was still snowed in. Since his only connection to the outside world is a cell phone that seldom gets turned on and mail that he picks up every once in a while, it was an interesting experience. Then a...
  14. J

    The Greatest Pistol of all time was a FLOP???

    As our long time members know, I'm a fan of the Browning BDM. Here was a 9mm pistol designed to meet everyones needs. First, it was accurate and reliable, just what you would expect from Browning. It felt great when you picked it up and it was slim and concealable. Here are a few photos of this...
  15. J

    some history questions.

    I believe that the P-38 was the first successful DA/SA pistol with a decocker/safety. I THINK that the P-35 was the first double stack semi-automatic. The 1911 is creadited with being the first successful semi-automatic. But what is the real story? What was the first successful...
  16. J

    have you ever had one of those days...

    when you felt like things just weren't going right?
  17. J

    Related to GusGus weapons seizure thread

    In your thread you mentioned the spelling errors in the article. Not too long ago, the local Savannah paper ran a whole series on crime and crime prevention. One issue was devoted to auto theft. The headline shouted out, Car theft down 200%. I immediately ran out expecting to see the new car...
  18. J

    Shoot to stop?

    A friend recently attended one of the mandatory firearm safety classes. The instructor told all of the students that they should always shoot COM. That a CNS or other shot would be see as an intent to kill instead of intent to stop shot in a court of law. I don't know about you folks, but if I...
  19. J

    Who makes an UGLY revolver?

    Lot's of people seem to be able to design really ugly pistols. But what about revolvers? Do you know of a really Butt Ugly revolver?
  20. J

    Is the NEW starting to wear off?????

    Lately I've noticed a trend in just about every newsgroup I belong to. More and more people are rediscovering the sheer joy of some of the old firearms. People who grew up in a world dominated by semi-automatics are now shooting a revolver for the first time. Many of them have been carried...