Search results

  1. E

    Doctors dropping families because of guns.

    When pediatricians become politicians Doctors rebuke, reject patients over gun control, other issues. By Julie Foster © 2000 William Edwards thought he was taking his 12-year-old son Matt for a routine physical examination required for the boy to attend camp. But he was...
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    I put in a contract on my first home!

    My better half and I finally did it! We signed a contract on our first home. It will not be ready until December (estimated completion of construction), but it feels good all the same. My wife, while supporting this years aquisition of "toys," has informed me that I must make due with what I...
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    Reports of firearms over the weekend...

    I am looking for any articles concerning defensive/non-police uses of firearms over the weekend. An anti elsewhere has stated that if firearms were used more often for legal purposes he would hear about it more. So... I'm trying to provide him with the information he claims just does not...
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    NRA Executive Director's Remarks

    Remarks by James Jay Baker, Executive Director, NRA Institute for Legislative Action at the 129th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Charlotte, NC May 20, 2000 Last month at the National Zoo in Washington, DC -- a place where mothers and fathers take their children to look at the pandas and...
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    I'm turning into an amatuer criminologist...

    I've thrown together some stuff, the top two paragraphs are cut and paste, the rest of it is mostly mine, to combat misinformation among some of the antis I "debate" with in other forums: --------- There are approximately two million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by law abiding citizens...
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    Man, antis get ticked...

    Man, antis get ticked... When you disagree with them. I cannot believe the venom spewing from one of them over at the Denver Post message boards. All over getting caught in his own words... :( It makes me glad to have a forum like this! At least when we disagree, we do so with some...
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    Taurus Ti revolvers semi autos

    Has anyone any experience with these? It seems like a great concept to me.
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    Pro RKBA article I like how this guy thinks.
  9. E

    ECWS gear

    I received a generation 1 parka and generation 2 trousers last week from The service was great and the pricing is the best I've seen on the net. If you decide to try the place out, ask for Derrick and tell him Erik recommended him. It appears to be as promised: Of...
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    MMM question to editors.

    I sent this out today to the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News: I am writing with an open question. The Moms assembled under the auspices of the MMM to call for "reasonable gun control." I watched a large portion of the assembly on Sunday, and have read and seen numerous reports...
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    MMM will be trouble...

    I've been watching some of the MMM on C-Span today. I'm here to tell you, the Moms are going to be trouble. So what can we, the pro RKBA Americans, do about it? Join the NRA if you haven't already. Urge your friends to do the same. Write your elected officials. Write your newspapers. Post...
  12. E

    Need reference...

    I remember hearing a while back that there had been an instance of Mexican soldiers firing on the Boarder Patrol. Am I remembering this correctly? If so, I'd appreciate any links to news coverage. Erik
  13. E

    Best fabric for hunting clothes?

    In looking around on the internet and in the Cabelas catalog I see a variety of fabrics which are used in hunting clothes. (Saddle-cloth, Shikari cloth, MT050, etc.) Which do you have, do they stand up to the hype, and which are said to be the best? Thanks, Erik
  14. E

    Oatka, is that you over in the Denver Post BBS?

    Oatka, Is that you over there? Thanks for pitching in! The "debate" has drifted, if you have not noticed, from the issues of gun control to personal attacks on the part of the antis. Too bad, our side was making some headway for a while. :) Erik
  15. E

    Texas CCW research needed...

    I am "debating" the antis at the Denver Post politics discussion site. (Feel free to join there...) I need a source for the claim that since GWB passed the CCW law that crime has been reduced. Thanks!
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    Legal info wanted

    There is a case (or cases) which addresses whether or not a criminal must register firearms. Which is it? Thanks
  17. E

    Anyone have experience with ComforTech insulation?

    I've seen boots and jackets available with the relatively new ComforTech insulation. Does anyone have any experience with it? It supposedly is ideal for temps between 10 and 90 degrees. That sounds pretty forgiving to me. Any help appreciated. Erik
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    Online sourse for hunting boots

    I'm looking for a good online source for hunting boots. Anyone have good advise and experiences? Erik
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    Cooper's The Art of the Rifle

    I picked up a copy of Jeff Cooper's The Art of the Rifle yesterday. I highly recommend it! I am a Cooper fan to begin with, and as I expected, I am not disappointed. It is definitely worth adding to the collection. Erik
  20. E

    Anyone use the Camelbak HAWG?

    I'm looking for anyone familiar with the Camelbak HAWG. How do you like it? What type of gear can you fit in it? General reviews welcome. Thanks, Erik