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  1. E

    Surefire Institute Videos

    From another thread, and perhaps posted in the past, the Surefire Institute videos: In my...
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    Semi-auto cycle of operation

    "The Basics" I searched but couldn't find a thread addressing the cycle of operation. If there is one, duplicated for informational purposes, given the volume of newer enthusiasts: The semi-automatic cycle of operation is thus, in order, and one must finish before the next occurs. Basic...
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    Susana Gratia-Hupp's testimony Lest we forget, and for those who haven't it before. If only more citizens like this existed in the eyes of the public and made their way before our leaders.
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    Duck for cover! All I have to say is... wow. :confused: Scratch that, less someone not realize the reckless danger exhibited: Risks Inc. appears aptly named. Dangerous, reckless, irresponsible... the list could go on.
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    Your videos - how fast are you?

    I'd be interested to see videos of forum member making sub-second shots under any circumstances; from a speed rig, from concealment, from the pocket, from the gun in your hand hanging at your side... what ever. Very interested to see the same at under a half-second. "Shots" as in you're...
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    IWBA Handgun Ammunition Specification?

    Since a few folks appreciated the FBI Test Protocal having been posted, I thought that I'd post another of the popular protocals: See here for details: The following meets the IWBA Handgun Ammunition Specification. A two part test: 1. Shooting...
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    FBI Test Protocol?

    What is it, you ask? Well, in case you don't know: Per the FBI's Annual Report of results of handgun ammunition testing. The FBI, after extensive research and consultation, established that a handgun bullet must consistently penetrate a minimum of 12 inches of tissue in order to reliably...
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    Ranking guidelines?

    Say you wanted to peg someone as a certain class shooter. How do you go about doing it? Is it a matter purely of results in competition, or can someone be evaluated outside of competing? If it can be done by evaluating speed and accuracy I'd be interested in what the breakdowns are. Thanks -...
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    Tough day with the weather...

    22 degrees, felt like 4 with the wind chill. A veritable ground blizzard in places. Lady in the ditch requiring assistance. Road closure 3 miles from range. Snow berm from plow blocking access road. Freezing fingers fumbling with various locks. One lock won't open... so over the fence we go...
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    Renegade Cozy Partner 500

    Having owned several ankle holsters including some oftem times cited as the best I thought I'd weigh in on my latest, the Renegade Cozy Partner 500. Sometimes less is apparantly more - it is a good design, well executed, which retains the pistol while offering a lower profile than I've found...
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    Dominant hand down

    I found myself recently, and thankfully temporarily, out of complete use of my dominant hand. Observations: Gear - I don't have any for an off-hand set up. I'm running a ambidextrous bellyband which I dug out of the "box of discarded gear." Training - I train to shoot off-handed, and am...
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    Loaded chamber limitations?

    Some cite the limitations of carrying pistols with loaded chambers? Truthfully, I do not see any. However, in the spirit of broadening the pool of knowledge, please cite and explain them as you asee it for the benefit of all. I'm hoping for a discussion on the merits so that when someone asks...
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    Speed and Precision (By Rob Pincus)

    I posted this elsewhere and thought it deserved it's own thread: Speed and Precision (By Rob Pincus) All shooting is a balance between speed and precision. Sometimes you need to be more precise, sometimes you need to be faster. Using this concept, most defensive shooting can be described in...
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    Dropped Kahr, broken recoil spring assembly

    Not than any of you plan to, I'm sure, but avoid dropping your Kahrs (and other siilarly constructed makes) so that they land directly onto something hard causing the plastic end piece of the recoil spring assembly to break, rendering the pistol unsafe and inoperable. As to how, the belly band...
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    In pockets PICS

    Pocket carriers: Pics of guns and holsters are easy to find. How about some pics of your pocket guns in your pockets? Front, vest, jacket, all of the above, however you usually do it. Preferably pics where we'll be able to see what printing if any occurs, it shape, width, etc. Oh, and don;t...
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    NIB 870 Express MAgnum sans PC "upgrades."

    Stumbled across one today at the local gun shop. It had apparently been in the back for a bit. So, I did my part in refusing to buy "upgrades" versions. I bought it. And, as an added bonus, scored points with my wife, who was pleasantly surprised that I decided on a lower price point than...
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    12 bore double

    I was able to put a few rounds through a 12 bore double 'rifle' this weekend. A beauty, circa 1890s, complete with engraving, original case color hardening, damascus barrels with a deep blackened finish, shiny like new rifled bores, and an original stock with fine line checkering and a bit of...
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    Anti CCW article

    Anti CCW artical Anti CCW article CCW holders and supporters, you'll just love this. From Denver's '5280 Magazine': Piece Proposal By Larry Borowsky It must be a fearful person indeed who always needs a loaded gun in his possession. For this unfortunate individual, life is a slough of...
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    Dimension request - CZ97B

    Would one of our CZ97b owners kindly take a few measurements a post them? (Width acrioss the slide, frame, etc.) The specs on the CZ sight, like so many other manufacturer specs, just aren't adequate enough for me, and maybe a few others who might not admit it. ;) There's more to it than...
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    Attempted hijacking foiled

    More details to come, but it appears that a lone hijacker attemted to take over a flight out of Miami. He couldn't get through the reinforced cockpit door and was subsequently subdued, restrained, and treated for injuries. The flight continued on to South America. Buenos Aires, I think.