Search results

  1. G

    Cor-Bon DPX 140gr 40S&W

    Does anybody not like this stuff? If not, why not?
  2. G

    Want to get started...

    You folks have probably been asked this a zillion times, but the search comes up clean. I'm interested in getting started reloading .40 S&W. What do I need?
  3. G

    Tiny .22 survival pistol?

    What's the smallest & lightest .22 pistol going? Intended use is collecting small game.
  4. G

    TFL Democratic primary

    In the interest of fairness, same rules as the GOP poll.
  5. G

    Beretta 96 magazines

    Does anybody make magazines for the 96FS with sighting holes so I can tell exactly how many rounds are loaded? The factory ones have holes at 5 & 10 (or 11) and they aren't terribly useful. If not, is it possible to have a gunsmith drill them?
  6. G

    Yet another record low...

    ...according to the liberal media.,2933,192468,00.html
  7. G

    I'm not afraid of terrorists.

    I never have been. Back when I was in the service during Desert Shield/Storm, we were all instructed about how to minimize the terrorist threat because the higher-ups believed that we were a target. Even then, I was not afraid of the terrorist threat. Now they crash a few airliners and knock...
  8. G


    I've got a question about the terminal ballistics between these two. Better deployment from a heavy slower bullet or a lighter faster one? I'm toying with the idea of converting to .357SIG but not really sure it's worth it. So many variables.....
  9. G

    What's with all this "liberal" nonsense?

    Every time somebody says something that attacks the president or states any fact that makes Republicans uncomfortable, they're immediately labeled as liberals. Either that, or it's assumed that they were lied to by the "liberal media". What's the deal with that? Do you automatically dismiss...
  10. G

    Full size USP40, what to look for?

    I'm planning on buying a USP40 this weekend. I'm going down to the dealer's this afternoon to look it over. What, exactly, should I pay close attention to on this model?
  11. G

    Keepin' secrets;_ylt=AvmPzPwPNj8AXmeyTSsm0kes0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ-- 55,000 pages in 10,000 documents. That's alot to hide!
  12. G

    Suppress your gag reflex....

    ...and join me in refuting the Brady bunch's rhetoric. It'll be fun :) Let's pick this apart just for practice. I'll start :) More like "avoided" Naturally. That's why they have sights. Right. Nuthin' scarier than a drive-by...
  13. G

    Bush: "I wanted people to see the truth"

    Except it turns out it wasn't the truth at all.;_ylt=AuTsR_veZ4kML2vXRU0AveeyFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA-- That makes this leak a political exercise with a capital "P".
  14. G

    More foul play...;_ylt=AtIA_rt9ety9dKKm_IQNFhiyFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA-- Let's see if the "left-wing media" runs with this story...
  15. G

    Guttersnipe sights

    Is anybody still making these?
  16. G

    Getting ready for my first IDPA

    A couple questions for the veterans: Do you shoot an entire round one shooter at a time? If so, what's the reload procedure between strings when none is stated in the CoF? Are we supposed to just drop empties during slide-lock reloads? Are they done on the clock? I've got more questions but...
  17. G

    "Take a liberal shooting" day

    Rather than sitting around griping about partisan politics and unconstitutional laws, why don't we start a grassroots effort ourselves? Many of us have success stories about how we took someone who "doesn't like guns" shooting and they found out that their fear evaporated on contact. Let's all...
  18. G

    "Wrong" hand position?

    I was out window shopping with my GF a couple of months ago and the salesman commented on my hand position/ stance saying that I must have been raised on wheelguns (I was holding a pistol at the time). I use a modified Chapman stance with the supporting hand cupped beneath the firing hand...
  19. G

    Libby: Dubya told me to leak I know that the president can declassify whatever he wants whenever he wants so this isn't technically illegal, just hypocritical.
  20. G

    Is it just me?

    Am I the only one who doesn't feel bad for this kid? The entire country is "riveted" by his testimony and I just wish he'd STFU. He was 13 and in my book that's old enough to take responsibility for your own actions.