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  1. G

    RNC trying to bar Paul!

    They're trying to bar him from the next debate in Michigan. Here's what you can do to help: Sign the petition e-mail the Michigan Republican party Phone the Michigan Republican party Saul Anzuis...
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    Probably a silly question...

    Is there any reason why I couldn't load a .38Sp case to .357M pressure levels or vice-versa?
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    IDPA/IPSC aiming?

    I've been a target shooter for most of my life. Since I've gotten into pistol action shooting (IPSC & IDPA), I've been frustrated by my lack of speed and I think it's due to my thought process. That is to say, I'm employing a thought process and thinking takes too long :D I used to follow the...
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    Baby picture

    My very first reload :D Isn't he cute? .40S&W Once-fired Winchester red box brass, Winchester primer, Frontier Swaged 165gr FMJ, and 4.3gr of tite-group.
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    building up loads for semiauto

    Is it better to work up loads for semiautos using the lightest bullets in the box, the heaviest, or doesn't matter?
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    Average "liberal" not really anti-gun?

    I stayed home from work today (too much partyin' on a Thursday night :o ) and did some research about last week's D.C. handgun ban reversal. Along the way I checked in on the Anti-gun thread. This led me to ponder just how many of the internet "liberals" were indeed gun-grabbers. The results...
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    "I would fire Gonzales"

    -Sen. John Sununu (R-NH) Well, yeah...but of course Sen. Sununu wouldn't have picked Gonzalez in the first place. :rolleyes: Supposin' Dubya actually decided to fire Gonzales. Who would he replace him with? Probably Harriet...
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    Rep. Ron Paul to run for pres! This time he's running as a Republican, so he's going to need a lot of help getting past the primary.
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    Cheap 'n' easy Texas Star

    Lookie what I made! I used the bearing I constructed in this thread Attached a hub I fabbed up from a plastic cutting board and 2 1/2" u-clamps The arms are 4' gardening stakes with binder clips duct-taped to the ends to hold...
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    hub for moving targets

    This hub is cheap and easy to construct out of readily available parts. You can use it to construct stars, swingers...whatever devious moving targets you can concoct. Here's what you need: A: 1 PVC tee, 1 1/2" ID B: 2x PVC adapters, 1 1/2"OD-1 1/2"ID Sch 40 C: 2x PVC adapters, 1/2"ID-1/2"OD...
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    Moving targets

    My biggest problem shooting USPSA right now is moving targets. I don't have any problems when I'm shooting at stationary stuff, but moving targets force me to think about timing my shots, which basically leads to anticipating the break and my accuracy suffers. I don't have the money or means...
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    Meet the '08 candidates

    A very good overview of the 08' presidential candidates of both parties. Many of these candidates have not yet confirmed that they are running. Some of them insist they're not.
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    Chuck Rangel: stand-up comic

    Rangel just said the funniest thing I've heard all week. In the midst of the flap over his "who wants to live in Mississippi" comment, he says: "I just love New York so much I can't understand why everyone doesn't want to live here". Pure comedy gold there :D
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    Ken Mehlman: Gone.

    And another one bites the dust. I hope they replace him with Buchanan.
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    Rush comes clean You see? He's been screwing with your head because he believes that it's more important to defeat Democrats than it is to embrace Conservativism. As a result, he helped blind you to the very real problems that have cropped up. He goes...
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    Rumsfeld stepping down!

    This story is just breaking, so no linky yet.
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    Help! I've got the sickness!!

    I dropped by the sporting goods store to pick up some cyalume sticks for halloween and of course I just had to visit the gun counter. I decided I needed a Beretta Bobcat in .32 ACP complete with ankle holster *despite* the fact that I don't have a carry permit or even any use for the darn thing...
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    Races to watch

    With just a week to go, the Senate is pretty much decided except for a handful of races. Neglecting the outcome of these, the makeup is 48 republicans and 47 democrats. Here are the Senate races to keep an eye on: Dem incumbent: New Jersey Menendez(D) vs. Keane (R) Rep incumbent: Virginia...
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    News you may have missed

    Rumsfeld actively suppressed all planning for post-war security No link between Saddam and Osama according to Republican Senate intelligence committee Bush officially gives up on capturing Osama NATO requests reinforcements in Afghanistan
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    Iraq will self destruct in 10....9.... The first story concerns me more than the second because numerically speaking, the Shi'a are Iraq. If they can no longer be controlled, the war is...