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  1. G

    Mom got mugged!

    Okay, so my mother-in-law (one of my favorite people) got mugged the other day and now she's understandably leery about going about her daily errands. I feel bad about it because I live too far away to protect her, and have recommended counseling and some form of personal protection for...
  2. G

    S&W 686 for $300

    I'm picking up a very nice S&W 686-5 tomorrow. 4" barrel stainless .357 with Hogue grips, Wolff mainspring, and 3 speedloaders for $300. Didn't have any questions, I just wanted to gloat :D
  3. G

    .357 SIG doesn't exist in Eastern Iowa.

    I was at one of the local sporting goods stores window shopping and ran into a guy who was desperately (no exaggeration) scouring the city for .357 SIG. I rattled off the names of all the places in town that'd be likely to carry it (I know 'em all) and he had already checked with them. I asked...
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    Update on my Mosquito

    I have one of the new re-tuned Sig Mosquitos ( threaded barrel) and found out that it doesn't like the Remington "golden bullet" bulk stuff. It completely trashed the first course of fire. After that fiasco, I switched to the Federal bulk stuff and it ran the rest of the day without a hitch.
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    The Bell Curve, or "4+4 <>8"

    I put this together to correct a fallacy that often appears on this website; that group sizes are additive. That is to say that a 4" firearm in the hands of a 4" shooter will result in an 8" group. I pointed out that it wasn't actually correct and that particular combination would actually...
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    strong hand combat reload video?

    Does anybody have a link to a video demonstrating the proper use of a speedloader? I was trying to explain the procedure and couldn't find a demonstration online.
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    A note on Sig Mosquitos

    Once you get 'em apart, they're hell to get back together. :eek: On the up-side, my decocker now works like a SIG should and the trigger is pretty nice.
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    Conservatives, fear not

    Once in a blue moon I find myself in 100% agreement with a political commentary. This is one of those times. I'd be less distressed about it if not for the fact that Jonah Goldberg is one of the "conservatives" that helped bring this situation about in the first place. A little mea culpa on his...
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    Rachel Ray: Terrorist Sympathizer?! C'mon Michelle... that's a stretch even for you. Rachel Ray's interest in the Middle East...
  10. G

    Best practice .22LR?

    I'm looking for something to simulate my Beretta 96FS for IDPA/ IPSC practice. Control placement, overall size and shape should be similar. So far I've got 3 candidates: Beretta .22LR conversion kit Pros: Exactly the same as the 96 Cons: expensive and hard to find Sig Mosquito Pros: good...
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    When are we gonna talk about Scotty? Just noticing that this story broke 2 days ago and it hasn't been mentioned here yet. What's the verdict? Is the former Bush administration press secretary now a liberal shill?
  12. G

    What is "conservatism" about?

    I remember a day when "conservatism" was about "personal freedom" through limiting the scope and size of government and strict adherence to the Constitution. The converse, "liberalism" was about improving the lot of the common man (and hence society in general) by pooling our resources in...
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    Just in case?

    Please tell me Hillary isn't sticking around just in case Obama gets shot? :eek: Her last rationalization of her continued campaign in the face of statistical unlikelihood bordering on impossibility was almost as bad; America is racist and should therefore vote for her. :o I'll be glad when...
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    "Blank Slates" This is what the Republican party has been reduced to. The party that once represented the ideology of Jefferson, Goldwater, Reagan... Now so politicized that they actively promote anti-intellectualism, jingoism, and political buzzwords in furtherance...
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    Propaganda, breaking story On Sunday, The New York Times published a report exposing the Pentagon’s secret campaign to use analysts in order to “generate favorable news coverage of the administration’s wartime performance-” Since that time, TV news organizations have largely...
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    Sanow vs. Fackler; just a thought...

    It's fundamentally impossible to prove which of these two schools of thought is correct (or if either is correct) without shooting live humans under rigidly controlled conditions. Both approaches rely on unproven assumptions in regard to our needs (stop the threat). Fackler's assertion is...
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    Gunfight that won't be settled I won't waste the bandwidth to reproduce the entire screed here, but I encourage you all to go and read this. I'm sure that USA Today will print rebuttals to this opinion piece and I encourage all of you to compose a (rational, well-reasoned) response and send it...
  18. G

    Suitcase nukes: Fact or fiction? I've been studying up this past month on nuclear warheads (mainly from a survival point of view) and came to the realization that the physics simply don't work out to support the notion of a "suitcase nuke"...
  19. G

    Boston Tea Party

    As I write this, there's a concerted nationwide canvassing effort about to be launched for Ron Paul. In addition, there's a blimp buzzing around the east coast bearing his name and a fund raising effort underway that makes the November 5th money bomb look like a party favor. I am expecting...
  20. G

    Guess who placed second... a straw poll conducted among San Francisco Democrats? clicky This is how you draw support out from under Democrats. :cool: