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  1. J

    The jury system breaks down when you stack it with nitwits

    How's the saying go? How would you like to have your fate decided by people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty? Something like that. This jury wanted to "send a message." There's so much wrong with that I don't have time to even start. Read this though and just substitute "gun...
  2. J

    Swami says......Gore-Bradley!

    In case you missed it, Bradley finally endorsed Gored. I don't know about you, but the suspense was killing me (how the heck do you do that rolling-eyeball smiley?!). :rolleyes: {how's that?} I'm betting this means a Gore-Bradley ticket in November. What a pair, on one hand you have a...
  3. J

    Clinton with afro wig and which welfare benefit buys that TV? Pics worth 1k words.

    Both from First is a "welfare queen" who's now going to have to find work. Check out the TV in the background. That thing's worth more than my car: Second is Clintoon wearing an afro wig. Now what do you...
  4. J

    Can you name anything NOT controlled by the State at some level?

    I read a post at about a sex party that got busted and one of the charges was "supplying implements of masturbation." Up until yesterday, I would have said that, at a bare minimum, we could masturbate in peace without government regulation. Obviously, I assumed to much. Now I'm...
  5. J

    You don't live in a Republic. Stop acting as if you do.

    "...And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second, that second for a third, and so on 'til the bulk of the society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery, to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and...
  6. J

    "Wounded child" theory of criminal activity. Even a brick to the head doesn't help.

    Sorry to make light of this poor woman's situation, but let's face it, there's a certain portion of the population that is just in staunch denial of reality. She gets a block of cement upside the head and that doesn't even clue her in. Hopeless. From OH OH ... IT TURNS OUT...
  7. J

    Portugal de-criminalizes dope

    I know we go down this road too often. This will be an interesting situation to watch though. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Portugal legalises drug use Rolling back the drugs laws The Portuguese Government has voted...
  8. J

    When are you an adult?

    I've always thought it was a little strange to have an arbitrary "you are now an adult day" on your 18th birthday. Some people I know, and work with, can't handle the responsibility of a checking account at 40. I've also known 14 yr olds who had taken over complete household responsibilities...
  9. J

    Is our society violent enough?

    Just checking out this great show on TLC about the martial arts. Very good stuff. I'm still in awe of Bruce Lee's speed. Perhaps the only comparison is the hummingbird's wings. Totally amazing. Also took me back to my youth, when we thought nothing of a free-for-all neighborhood wrestling match...
  10. J

    A good argument for voting Libertarian

    I know TFLers go down this road at least once a week, but this was kind of a fresh perspective from I thought some of you may be interested in. I'm not saying a word. Just presenting it here for your discriminating review: "THANK YOU KINDLY, DESERT PETE You've got to...
  11. J

    Hey techies, don't spend that stock option money just yet, Rajhneesh wants your job

    I was going to post this under the "American Jobs, Foreign Labor" post but I realized it was a huge tangent. Call this a warning if you will. This happened to me and my family and it will happen to you. The future of the technology revolution is bleak for Americans. The parallels to what...
  12. J

    4th of July message for all

    Just a goodbye for a few days. Going to Boise to scout the area. Remember, the 4th is about how a group of radicals decided to put it all on the line for freedom. Many died. The public at large was apethetic or Tories/Loyalists and the cause was not incredibly popular until they won (just...
  13. J

    Puke alert: Copy of Declaration of Independence falls into the hands of the commies

    Just another indicator of the sorry state of affairs this country has fallen in to. This is sad beyond words: Check out "People for the American Way." You will be hard pressed to find a more unAmerican group...
  14. J

    Anyone see the new "Bersa" out there?

    They're imported under a different name that escapes me right now. still made in Argentina though. Looked one over at the gunstore last night. A little large-ish for a .380, but looked well made enough. Anyone have one of these? Opinions on the old Bersa's? I've heard they are reliable as...
  15. J

    Elected legislators are contemptuous SOBs

    What the hell is going on in the legislatures these days? From Congress regulating your toilet flow, to backdoor provisions (proposed by a "Conservative" no less) allowing ILLEGAL searches of your premises without even serving a warrant, it seems that the Leglislative branch is completely...
  16. J

    Being armed increases life expectancy

    According to Cooper. "Having now arrived at great age, I have my answer prepared for those who would ask me to what I attribute my durability. My answer is that never throughout my long life have I been willingly unarmed. The American Medical Association should take note." More here for you...
  17. J

    Clinton to Congress: Free Dope in exchange for not penalizing marriage

    What cahones this guy has!!! Married people, by virtue of just being married, get slammed with extra tax burden on top of already atrocious tax rates, then the President who "feels your pain" wants to hold up tax relief to these families so that he can implement more Socialist-inspired benefit...
  18. J

    Should we be playing God?

    Non-firearms related but wanted some opinions. We will soon, maybe even right now (unbeknownst to the masses), be able to engineer a human. Should we? Do we have the wisdom? I think we're opening a can of worms that ain't gonna be pretty. Can we, for instance, forsee a day when you could...
  19. J

    What's the limit on confiscation?

    Got this from Good read. Excellent question I'm sure will never be answered. Interesting that the Socialists don't bother to even lie about it anymore, they freely and openly admit they are after wealth redistribution. Not too long ago, they hid the actual agenda...
  20. J

    Hey Special Weapons, you owe me a keyboard!!

    Special Weapons, All right, I keep my ear pretty well to the ground but I had never heard of you before today. I keep drooling all over the keyboard and damn it, someone has to pay! Just kidding. Couple of questions: Other than your stocking dealers, is there anywhere else I can look over one...