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  1. J

    Absolute proof that Hillary Clinton has aligned herself with the forces of Satan

    Guliani's candidacy is taking hits right and left. This can only be the result of Hitlary putting Mojo on him. Satan is with her, make no doubt. Make no mistake, this isn't an endorsement of Rudy, he's no friend of RKBA or freedom, just an observation on the Clinton's ability to make ice cream...
  2. J

    Ever wonder how the Commander at Kent State felt?

    Seems like an honorable guy. I wouldn't bet a nickel on who fired first that day. It would be interesting to analyze a video/audio recording though. Speaks volumes about the inability of military to play cops. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The National Guard Commander...
  3. J

    How long until Elian re-appears in Havana?

    Just thinking about this today. Clinton and Reno DON'T want any of this in court. If it goes in front of a judge the media will pretty much be forced to report how there really was no Federal Order to seize Elian (except in Clinton/Reno's head) and how the whole "enforcing rule of law" argument...
  4. J

    Where are all of these cheap Canadian Garands?

    I've read on a couple of threads about how there are lots of Garands in Canada (fairly cheap) and they are being smuggled into the U.S. I'm a little perplexed. First, what are these Garands doing in Canada and why would they be cheap? Second, why would they have to be smuggled? They don't have...
  5. J

    More on Gore - He's now pro-CCW

    For cops, anyway. And he wants to drug test prisoners. I wonder if it's occured to him that the people bringing the drugs to the prison are also felons? The "logic-impaired" are sure to fall for it, though: Gore calls for drug testing prisoners ATLANTA - Vice President Al...
  6. J

    Looking for pistol that fits this description. Please help.

    I was looking at a S & W model 908 (909?) but that's no longer an option. Here's what I had in mind: -9mm -Single stack -Double action -De-cocker -"Lawyerized" (ie, mag disconnect safety and other internal passive safeties) -3-4 inch barrel -Alloy frame (polymer may be an option) -Overall...
  7. J

    More fallout from Hurrican Elian - Police Chief quits

    Gotta kind of admire the guy, regardless of my thoughts on the Elian debacle. He refuses to be a political pawn and instead stands on priniciple. Not too common these days: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Miami Police Chief Resigns in Elian's Wake April 28, 2000 2:15 pm EST By Lisa...
  8. J

    My best rant ever - "Why I need to own an assault weapon"

    I posted this awhile back to in response to a Brit-Troll who went by Red_Neck_Suckers. I lost the original in a computer crash and more or less forgot about it. Then someone over on nominated it as their all time favorite post. Very humbling. Even more humbling, several...
  9. J

    Update on Eddie Eagle broo-ha-ha

    My apologies if this article has already been posted. I believe it is an update: Gun control advocates criticize NRA kids' video on gun safety April 25, 2000 Web posted at: 11:48 AM EDT (1548 GMT) NEW YORK (AP) -- Gun...
  10. J

    Tech questions - skeletonized bolts (Scout related)

    Lately I've been checking out bolt-action rifles at gun stores (I don't have a lot of previous bolt-action experience). I ultimately want a Scout-type rifle and I'm not sure that the Steyr is the most cost-effective solution. Anyway, during my little gun shop tour I've been considering what the...
  11. J

    Is it time for whites to leave Africa??

    Just curious what others think. I see the modern Africa as being distinctly racist (against whites). What's happening in South Africa and other places (is it Mozambique? Uganda?) seems to be spreading. If you're really hated that badly by a majority, homeland or not, maybe its time to tuck...
  12. J

    Something's rotten in Washington, DC (and Havana)

    From ================================ WHO’S PAYING FOR GREG CRAIG Greg Craig is Juan Gonzalez’ attorney. You may remember the name. He was Bill Clinton’s impeachment attorney. Coincidence? Yeah, right. Some of you want to know who’s paying Craig’s bills. The Methodist Church...
  13. J

    African American Reparation Claims: Here's one for the conspiracy minded!

    Check it out: Scroll down a bit and the 3rd link down takes you to the info, which has been redacted (blocked out). What do you guys think this is all about?
  14. J

    RU Ready for R.U. Ready High?

    Here's the story from, see if you can pick out the little oddity: --------------------------------- School trains police for next Columbine MOYOCK, N.C. - At a mock, 16-room school called R.U. Ready High, police officers from...
  15. J

    Our own government(s) are responsible for 15 deaths a day - read this

    No surprise to the LEOs out there I'm sure, but here's the stats on crimes committed by people on parole or probation. Let your lawmakers know about this next time they want to pass more gun control:
  16. J

    Bill Clinton - International Joke

    Poor guy, just can't get no respect. Looks like the Prez of India put him in his place. This wouldn't have happened to a real President. What a loser. ---------------------------- Indian president rebukes Clinton By Bill Sammon...
  17. J

    Another Kennedy, another dead girl.....

    I'm surprised it even makes news anymore:
  18. J

    Militia in action-Standoff in South Dakota

    Somebody was wondering a while back when the last time the Militia was put into use. Well, right now, the Militia IS in use. Seems appropriate to me. You can dick around with bureaucrats and gubmint agencies for a couple of lifetimes with no results. Sometimes, when the situtation gets just so...
  19. J

    Double Action Only is an oxymoron -- At least Cooper agrees with me!

    A while back there was a thread on mis-used terms in the shooting world. I took issue with "Double Action Only" since it seemed to be an oxymoron from my understanding of the term "double" and "single" action. Everybody thought I was an idiot. I do feel partially vindicated, though. Cooper...
  20. J

    The problem with no-knocks and "informants"

    Speaks for itself: ---------------------------- No-knocks net little jail time Of suspects arrested in drug raids last year, only two felons went to prison, statistics show By Kevin Flynn and Lou Kilzer Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writers...