Search results

  1. J

    Pick Al Gore's running mate at

    This should be interesting. Check out who's in first place. For those who don't know, is the world's largest, most trafficked employment website. The current poll is to pick Gore's running mate. Couple of things: This should be a pretty good measure of the popular opinion of...
  2. J

    Is Nader going to give the Dems a taste of Perot?

    He's running 6-7% right now and taking some key constituents from the Dems (Labor, radical feminists, environmentatlists). Is Nader going to sabotage Gore? How loud do you think the Pinko pundits and talking heads will howl if this happens? I think its hilarious myself.
  3. J

    Mao Tse Tung must be proud of us--the Cultural Revolution comes to America!

    (Watching 20/20 tonight and the John Stossel report on supposed freedom of speech on University campuses made me think of this). China's Cultural Revolution was a strange phenomenon. Mao didn't like opening to the West and was probably afraid of what it would do to his commie regime, so he...
  4. J

    How many of you have thought about "turning on, tuning in and dropping out?"

    I've thought about this periodically over the years. What the hell am I doing working my buttocks off to feed "the Beast" which is actively engaged in destroying my freedoms? Doesn't this make me the ultimate schmuck? There's a country song I've heard a couple times that's appropriate. I...
  5. J

    Anybody got one of them slick new Berettas? 9000 Series I think.

    Slick looking little pistolas. Nobody seems to have one around here to look over. Anybody got one? Opinions?
  6. J

    Makarov disassembly

    Guy I work with has a Makarov he's had for 4 years and never shot. He feels it needs to be disassembled and cleaned before he takes it shooting (probably wouldn't hurt). Anyway, I can't remember the exact procedure. Anyone know the correct disassembly technique for the Mak?
  7. J

    Terrorism News: Lest you think you live in a "kinder, gentler world"

    Some of you may find this interesting:,82128 Most people would be quite shocked to find out how much terrorism there is in this world. Cars blowing up in Madrid, 14 killed in Algeria, even the Solomon Islands for crying out...
  8. J

    You should read this before heading out to the range. Don't let this happen to you.

    Just a word to the wise here. Don't let this happen to you. Went to the range on Saturday and took the 10/22 which hasn't been out of the cabinet for a year or so. Couldn't hit the broad side of Rosie O'Donnell at 100 yds. I figured it had to be the ammo, no the wind, no the (fill in the...
  9. J

    I agree with Farakahn. I guess I can die now.

    I never thought Farakahn and I would be on the same side of an argument, but "never say never". Its hard to argue with his logic that if you're going to hold the Confederate flag up as a symbol of black oppression, the stars and stripes could also be put in the same classification using that...
  10. J

    Jail Cam I guess its not up yet but soon will be. This is a look into Sheriff Arapaio's (sp?) jail. I'm not sure about this idea. On the one hand, public scrutiny is a good thing. On the other, some of these people have yet to be convicted. Fine point maybe considering that the...
  11. J

    First Amendment worthless

    Also from So much for freedom of speech and association. Get ready, boys, we're in for a bumpy ride: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DON'T TICK OFF THE FBI Rmember Notra Trulock? About a year ago we told you that Trulock was once the former...
  12. J

    Model Boy Scout will lose license

    Good is Evil. Black is White. Up is Down. The inmates run the asylum. This from ONLY GOVERNMENT COULD DO SOMETHING SO STUPID Brian Agnew is an Eagle Scout. He’s also an honor student. At his Savannah high school he leads a group called Warriors for Christ. (Warriors is the...
  13. J

    Why doesn't Hillary sue for Libel?

    It's a good question. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hillary Clinton who has escaped through more "gates" than a runaway pooch, needs Houdini to get her out of this one...
  14. J

    THIS is what Bush can do to get my vote back.

    I will vote for a Bush-Keyes ticket. Otherwise I'm goin' 3rd party (please spare the lecture). Interesting that Idaho, Oregon and Utah have all endorsed Keyes. Aren't these the "whitest" areas of the country? And aren't the evil Repubs the most racist SOBs on the planet? Hmmmm. You'd think the...
  15. J

    THIS is what Bush can do to get my vote back.

    I will vote for a Bush-Keyes ticket. Otherwise I'm goin' 3rd party (please spare the lecture). Interesting that Idaho, Oregon and Utah have all endorsed Keyes. Aren't these the "whitest" areas of the country? And aren't the evil Repubs the most racist SOBs on the planet? Hmmmm. You'd think the...
  16. J

    Dog Haiku

    Moderately funny: I love my master; Thus I perfume myself with This long-rotten squirrel. I lie belly-up In the sunshine, happier than You ever will be. Today I sniffed Many dog butts--I celebrate By kissing your face. I sound the alarm! Paperboy--come to kill us all-- Look! Look! Look...
  17. J

    Another DUPe report: Man eaten by bear

    Here's another DUPe (Deliberately Unarmed Person) report: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Man Eaten By a Bear in Alaska It happened late Friday on a campground that is just a quarter-mile from a bear-viewing platform operated by the U.S. Forest Service in...
  18. J

    What are we gonna do if Gore gets elected?

    I realize this belongs in Legal/Political but that forum seems to be having technical difficulties. How many of us are prepared, psychologically, for a Gore victory in November? Remember that statisticians who've predicted the outcome of every post-WWII election say that Gore will win by 4...
  19. J

    Do I really need a $60 folder?

    I was looking at some nice folders at the local gunstore the other day in the $60-$100 range and the cheapo in me couldn't help but wonder if I couldn't get away with a $15 knife. I would only be using the thing once, at most twice, in the most dire of circumstances. If I need a blade for...
  20. J

    Libertarian or Constitutionalist?

    This is a tough question and there's a lot of "grey area". Here's how I see it: L(l)ibertarians are kind of a "no gubmint is good gubmint" bunch and advocate open borders, no immigration laws, no laws regulating dope, etc. (I registered as a Libertarian in front of a grocery store out of...