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  1. T

    Is CCI Mini-Mag .22lr common at Walmart, etc?

    Been a long time since I've bought .22lr ammo. Is this a commonly available ammo at retail stores or.....? Thanks!
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    Best .22lr handgun for under $300??

    Looking for a plinking gun with adjustable sights. Either revolver or auto. Thanks! :)
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    Trouble priming Sellier&Bellot .45ACP brass...

    Good Lord, this is some tough-assed brass to prime!! Is the primer pocket made smaller with this brand? Anyone else have trouble with S&B?
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    Ruger .45ACP and cast lead bullets (trouble)

    Howdy. I was looking to save some money by buying cast lead 230g bullets (Oregon Trail brand) instead of the FMJ's that I have always used. I am experiencing feeding trouble in my Ruger P97, however. I was really surprised because they look smooth as silk and I've always heard that Rugers would...
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    Suggestions for .44 cal 240g cast LSWC's?

    I bought a big box of these suckers the other day. I've never loaded cast lead bullets before and would like some suggestions. I have W231, Unique, AA#5, and H110. I'm looking for light loads as well as full-power for target shooting. Thanks! :) I'll be shooting them out of a Ruger SRH.
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    Still confused about FFL and taxes.....

    Hi. I have never done an online transfer of a gun with an FFL dealer, but will shortly. I have been emailing some of them in my area, asking about prices, etc. Most have said that I will have to pay Iowa sales tax on the gun regardless of what state the gun is purchased in. This doesn't seem...
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    "CLUNK" while operating my Lee press.

    I have a Lee (Challenger, I think) single-stage press. When I am depriming/resizing my brass, regardless of caliber, it makes a loud "CLINK" sound about every 30 rounds or so. It's like it gets slightly stuck mid-way though. I'm always very careful to make sure the mouth of the brass is fed into...
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    Is H-110 and W-296 really the same stuff?

    Hi guys. I've been using H-110 for my .44 Magnum and will probably continue to do so when I get my next gun - a .41 Magnum. I was disappointed that my supplier doesn't have H-110 in any bigger kegs than 1 pounders. They do have W-296 in larger kegs at discounted prices. If it's the same as...
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    .41 Magnum brass?

    Hey guys. I'm thinking about getting a .41 Magnum but would like to find a good source of 1X brass. My previous sources of brass don't offer any .41 Mag stuff. Ideas are appreciated! :D
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    Price on this new S&W .41 Mag? (pic)

    Hi all. Does anyone know how much this gun retails for? There's no price for it on S&W's website.
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    I love this guy!

    The Leader, a Quad-Cities newspaper, has a columnist named John Newby who recently wrote an article titled Facts are Facts: Constitutional right to bear arms saves lives. In the article he outlines a number of myths about gun crontrol and responds to each of them. Here are some of them...
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    What's with all the "tin foil" references?

    I know this thread will get shut down (and it should), but I have heard people refer to "tin foil hats" and such things 5 times in the last couple of days! What does it mean!? I'm hungry for knowledge!!!
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    .41 Magnum

    I'm looking down the road a bit, but I think my next gun may be a .41 magnum. I love the idea of filling the gap between .357 magnum and .44 magnum, even though this gun will most likely be limited to target practice and plinking. I have been browsing on and have seen some...
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    How many different loads do you make for each gun?

    It seems that I'm getting into a rut as far as the loads I'm making. Not a "boring" rut, but now that I've found what each of my guns likes best, I'm just making that same load. I have no desire to try different powders, bullet sizes, etc. Is this how y'all do it, too? Or do you try other...
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    One eye or two?

    I'm trying to train myself to have both eyes wide open while I aim and shoot. Do you guys use both eyes or only your dominant one?
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    Tumbler the pet store?

    I saw some other people talking about this on another thread. What exactly do you ask for at the pet store? One guy said it's lizard cage flooring. I'm all for saving a few bucks, but just wanted to know exactly what I will be looking for when I walk in the door. Thanks, as always. :p
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    .45 ACP with small pistol primers?

    Hi again. I was priming some brass last night when I ran across one that wouldn't seat. I puller the brass out and looked at's made for SMALL pistol primers. What gives? The headstamp reads, "Win NT, 45 Auto." Never heard of this.
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    How much should this S&W go for?

    Model 19-2 .357 Magnum Supposedly 98% Thank you.
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    Pepper spray it real?

    This guy is apparently getting juiced (a LOT!!!) with a can of what looks like Fox 5.3 pepper spray in a flip-top can. Is that really what the stuff looks like or is this pic a fake? Cripes, if it's real, this guy is gonna wish he was dead and buried.
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    Do you reload even when you have ammo?

    My girlfriend makes fun of me by saying, "you in there AGAIN? You already have like 300 'bullets' made! Why do you need to make more?" :p Does anyone else reload even when you have plenty of rounds already? How many loaded cartridges do you have ay any given time? What is your personal...