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  1. T

    Waco: a look back

    It's been awhile. What really happened? Do you hold the same opinion today as you did back then? Was it justified? Was it botched? Was it a once-only event or a harbinger of the future status quo?
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    Bullet shape vs Charge

    Hi. If I find a charge that works well for a specific bullet weight, should I be able to change bullet shape and brands without worry, as long as the bullet weight is the same and I'm not switching from jacketed to lead or plated bullets? Case in point: I found a charge that, according to...
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    It was irresistible......

    To start, let me say that I am ashamed. Momma would never have approved. I was alone at the range on Saturday morning, testing some new lead reloads in a 4" stainless S&W .357 that I recently bought on for $220. Surprisingly, the first batch I tried was incredibly accurate at...
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    10mm: one good batch, one BAAAAD batch

    Haddy! I just started loading for my Glock 20 with a KKM aftermarket barrel. I was told (by many folks) that Power Pistol is typically one of the best powders for mid-to-high range 10mm loads, so that's the only kind I bought. I'm using 180 grain bullets. I loaded 15 rounds of XTPs over 7.5g...
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    What do you think of these bullets?

    Found these on ebay. They'd be used in my Glock 20. I have a KKM aftermarket barrel, which is tighter (more supported) than the stock barrel. Being FMJ, these bullets should feed pretty well in my barrel, dontcha think? The last batch of these on ebay sold for $59 plus $8 to ship. An...
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    Switching rear sights on Glocks

    Hi. Is it easy to switch the plastic rear sight on a newer Glock? Do they slide out or what? Any special tools? Thanks! :)
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    The END

    I normally read the threads in this room and smile a little bit and maybe roll my eyes slightly at some of the "paranoid" attitudes and ideas, but since the hurricane and the ensuing chaos hit NOLA, my smile has left and my eye-rolling has stopped, too. I'm just wondering what would have...
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    A basic crimp question.....

    The data I've read suggests a light crimp for 10mm rounds. My question: how do you crimp a jacketed bullet that doesn't have a cannelure? When I load .45ACP, I use almost no crimp at all. Do I do the same for 10mm? Why do bullets designed for revolver use have cannelures whereas ones...
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    Of Glocks and KB's.......

    This was posted on and I just wanted to run it by some non-Glockheads and see what they thought. For a long time I've heard that Glocks are more prone to KB's than other makes. Does what this guy says make sense? It makes sense to ME, but I'm not as knowledgable about this stuff as...
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    Another "just joined"

    For a notoriously cheap magazine subscriber (most of mine are bought on ebay at $10 for 3 yrs) to pay $35, you KNOW that that magazine had to have been highly praised. :) From what I've read about SWAT, it's a well-rounded magazine with a great staff. This website is one of my favorites, so...
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    Aftermarket Glock barrels......

    Hi. I'm looking at getting a Glock 20, but since I will be loading my own ammo for it, I've been advised to swap the stock barrel for an aftermarket one. If I replace the barrel, are there any other components that will have to be replaced? Does anyone here have experience with this? I'll also...
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    Is Power Pistol good for medium 10mm loads?

    Welp, I did it again. Bought the brass, dies and other accessories for a certain caliber (this time it's the 10mm) before I even own the gun. Looks like I need the gun to go with it.....go figure! :D Anyway, I hear that Power Pistol is good for heavier 10mm loads, but is it OK for mid-range...
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    Anti-gun statements and comebacks....

    We've all heard people say anti-gun statements, and let's face it - most of us, at one time or another, have not had a good comeback. Later on we might think of something that we SHOULD have said. I'd like this thread to focus on popularly quoted anti-gun statements, and accurate, logical, and...
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    Reservations in reloading for 10mm Glocks?

    Hi gang. My latest gun lust is for a Glock 20. Man, with a 15-round magazine, that's some serious firepower and punch. I've heard that this gun may not be the best to reload for, due to possible "Glock problems." Does anyone have any thoughts or experiences to share on this topic? Thanks again.
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    "Freedom" anyone???

    Just wondering if anyone here owns a Freedom Arms revolver. I'd love to get a .41 Mag or a .44 Mag from them. I think they are so tight and sturdy looking. The cylinder looks like it's part of the frame, with no space at the front or the back! Soooo solid. Are they really superior to other...
  16. T

    Glock 20

    Howdy guys. Been looking at the Glock 20 and wondered what the opinions were around here. Also, is there an adjustable rear sight version of this gun? I understand that reloading for this gun is a little touchy.....something about the brass not fitting in the tube? Got info? Share it! :)...
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    Sorry to offend.....

    Howdy. Apparently I broke a rule by posting a thread in the Legal room about Anti-Illegal Immigration bumper stickers that are available online for $4. I honestly didn't realize that it was against the rules. It seemed to fit within the stated boundaries. Anywhooooo, all apologies.
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    Is there a limit on # of guns I can buy?

    Hey guys. Does anyone know if there's a 2 handgun limit for purchases in Iowa? My FFL thinks (he's not sure) that the law states that you can't buy more than 2 handguns in a 5-day period. Can anyone help? I looked around the internet but couldn't find the right source. Thanks!
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    My recent scare.....

    I'm a pretty level headed guy, and rarely see boogey men where there aren't any, so when I get nervous in public, it's for good reason. I pulled into the McDonald's drive-thru at about 10:30 the other night. A couple cars pulled in behind me, both filled with noisy kids who sounded drunk or...
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    Is this gun worth $300?

    Hi, folks. Have an opportunity to buy this gun for just over $300, out the door. It's a Model 19 Smith & Wesson. Fair? Thanks, as always.