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    Favorite food!

    Ok whats everyones Favorite food?? Mine = Anything Hungarian! :D ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Where would we be without.......

    The Firing Line???? I just want to know where we would all be "hanging" on the web without this place????? I dont even remember how I stumble into this place anymore... I lurked for awhile, a few days, then started posting :D The rest is history. :D ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    A FUDish type hypo!

    Ok gonna make this quick.... You decide to take a day off work on day, to relax and sit around the house and do nothing... Your wife, is at work till atleast 6pm. Around 10am in the morning you hear some "noises" coming from the front of your house, it sounds like someone is breaking into your...
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    Vet's Views on Gun Control.

    Ok I want to all you vets out there, or peope who have talked to vets, to tell me what your views on gun control in the US today. Also what in your mind would be the "right" kind of "gun control". All the Vets I have talked to about this subject consider that there are WAYYY to many...
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    Any hopes of ever having the 1986 act that banned the "manufacter" of transferable machineguns overturned??? HAHA I know but, I would LOVE to see this happen for obvious reasons! ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Criminal activity and assault-type handguns: a study of young adults.

    Could not find the full article, just the abstract. Interesting, what 'they' will say. Criminal activity and assault-type handguns: a study of young adults. Wintemute GJ, Wright MA, Parham CA, Drake CM, Beaumont JJ Violence Prevention Research Program, University of California, Davis...
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    Ann Emerg Med On Firearm Violence (full text)

    Whats everyones thoughts on this? To the Editor: I am writing in regard to the editorial by Bradley in the July issue entitled “ACEP Endorsement of the EAST Position Paper on Firearms Violence” (Ann Emerg Med...
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    Pediatrics 2000 Sep;106(3):E31 (About Gun Storage in the Home)

    Here is a link to the FULL article.. I want to know what you all think. Are household firearms stored Safely? It depends on whom you Ask. Azrael D, Miller M, Hemenway D Harvard Injury Control Research Center, Harvard School of Public...
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    J Clin Child Psychol 2000

    Ok what are your thoughts on this article??? To bad I cannot get the full article just an abstract.... J Clin Child Psychol 2000 Sep;29(3):432-42 Patterns and correlates of gun ownership among nonmetropolitan and rural middle school students. Cunningham PB, Henggeler SW, Limber SP, Melton...
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    Ruger AC556 comments?

    I would like to know what people think about this firearm... Good/Bad??? ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    1918a2 BAR price?

    What is the going rate on a BAR 1918-A2??? Just wondering. (unless I get alot of money from somewhere soon) :D ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Time to ban School Buses!

    OK just heard on the news that "OVER 1000 kids are killed in School Bus accidents every year" Well I think it is time to ban them, save the children! ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Any F/A Ruger 10/22's out there?

    Anyone know if there are (there has to be) any F/A Ruger 10/22's out there? If there are about how much would one go for? Thanks ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Attn: K-mart Shopper!

    Ok just found out that in Bergen County (maybe all of NJ) Kmart WILL NOT carry ANYTHING related to a gun! ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Where is TFL Located?

    I did a tracert and it came up as being in Washington.... I only have 5 hops to it :D Just wondering because there is a store called "The Firing Line" close to where I live. Ever hear of it? ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Truth About Political Lawsuits Ok this one brings out the truth behind Political Lawsuits, against groups! It serves to merely Bankrupt them! ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Need Help

    Was at a local gun store today, saw a nice looking rifle, no idea what it was. the rifle is chambered in .308, looks like an AK type rifle, with an RPK type stock. Made in Findland. Short barrel 16', with a flash-hider like on the Valmets. What kinda rifle is that, and about how much would...
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    Get a Doctor to go shooting?

    WOW!! I got a Doctor from where I work, ask me if they could goto "the range" one day with me!!! I did get to know them RATHER well since I started working at my present job. The first day I started work there I was like "Oh god I am in Anti Heaven!", based on Lunch time chat! Guess I could...
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    Is America a police state?

    Ok I want to know whatever thinks about this! I want to hear why you think it is, or is not. I personally think that America is a police state. The laws on the books, and acts of certain so called law enforcement agencies give all the reason I need to state the above. ------------------ Dead...
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    Price on Federal Arms g3

    Federal Arms G3, what is a Good price on a Federal Arms G3 Clone??? Also are these rifles any good? ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]