Search results

  1. D

    Rewards for 2 that killed 2 yr old boy

    Ok this makes me sick. Two boys age 10 tortured and killed a 2 year old boy in England. They tried to conseal their crime.. Now that they are 18, they are being released, being give NEW names, new passports, and have the media BANNED from covering the story, Only in the UK...
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    Correct scope for Springfield O3A4

    What would be the correct scope for a Springfield 1903A4 dated 6-44???
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    War on Drugs (Raves) --> barf

    Ok here is a link to ABCNews, they are "Cracking Down on Raves", because some do drugs there. They are even charging people that merely own the venues that host these parties. As someone that frequently goes to parties, yes there are drugs there (like ANY other party/club/concert/school you...
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    US Law (quote)

    The below is an EXACT quote from US Law. (bold mine). I cant beleive that they put THAT in there, what BS!!! (7) that the United States has become the dumping ground of the castoff surplus military weapons of other nations, and that such weapons, and the large volume of...
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    Questions about registration (or any form thereof)

    I was looking through the US Code for the "Firearm owner protection act" The wording of one part is as followed : "No such rule or regulation prescribed after the date of the enactment of the Firearms Owners' Protection Act may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter...
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    Police State!

    Here is a link to a US Military Anti-Drug Operation WITHIN the US... Operation Greensweep The marijuana cultivation region centered in California's Humboldt County had over time become known as the Emerald Triangle. Operation Green Sweep was...
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    Teaching Kids (Dads, Mom)how to shoot!

    Ok tonight at a local Police range, myself and two others (Certified NRA Instructors), taught a few kids, Dads, and even one mom to shoot a SAR-2!! The mom seemed totally against it at first, but we talked her into it. :) I think some people are going to be getting this little rifles in the...
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    Bushmaster M-17S

    Anyone have experience with one of these?? They look interesting, but how well do they work?? I was looking at one the other day, and I can pick one (factory new w/hardcase) up for $600 out the door. Is that a good price???
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    Win model 1300 Camp Defender??

    Anyone have one of these??? Good / bad?
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    ABCNEWS Reports "Republican's Stole Election"

    In the closing Minutes of the "World News Tonight" on ABC, their reporter was interviewing people from Florida. All those interviewed said basiclly "I dont see anything wrong with the elections the way they are playing out". They even went so far as to state "The Powerful Republican's Stole...
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    Live TFL Chat???

    Is there any Live TFL chats??? Like IRC or the likes??? I think it would be a great idea to have a live chat. Just wondering since I registered #TheFiringLine on DALnet's IRCnetwork. ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    2nd amendment

    The Second Amendment says: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Ever think that the "Free State" in this has NOTHING to do with a state as in the state of NJ, NY, Cali, ect.... But...
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    WHERE is my hangout :( ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Got a legal question

    Ok, Something I saw on "" got me thinking Could evidence of a crime be used against you in a court of law if a firefighter found said evidence while putting out a fire in your home if you DID NOT Call the Fire Dept...
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    Annals Of Internal Medicine at it again (Full Text)

    I like how the use Stats from a Gun conrol group! I would think that Austrailia is now a more "violent" country than the US, in many ways right now! 6 June 2000 Volume 132 Number 11 PERSPECTIVES The Tragic...
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    Favorite Firearms!

    Ok people what are you favorite firearms and why are they??? Mine would have to be 1. Sharps Calvary Cabrine .54 cal I am into the Civil War Big time! 2. AR-15. Awesome for NRA National Match course (and looks real nice to boot) 3. AK-47 type rifle. the most UN-PC rifle there is...
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    Did this make the news? (other than FOX) Man Rams Car Into Abortion Clinic, Swings Ax Saturday, September 30, 2000 ROCKFORD, Ill. — A man drove his car into the city's only abortion clinic Saturday, then damaged the facility with an ax before the clinic's owner confronted him with...
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    March on Washington?

    Will there every be a PRO-GUN march in Washington DC during a Weekend (Saturday)??? I know LOTS of people that could make it to one.. Lets get something going!!! I am not good at getting things together :( ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Question about New York City.

    I was wondering, if it would be legal to bring a shotgun cased, and unload into New York City??? ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]
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    Air Rifle suppressor question

    Would a suppressor for any Air Rifle be legal if it could NOT be used with a firearm in anyway?? (i.e. it would blow up if used on a firearm.) ------------------ Dead [Black Ops]