Search results

  1. D

    Buyers regret?

    Ever buy any firearm and regret it?? That would include buying a firearm as a gift, that would have liked to keep for yourself :)
  2. D

    Charles Daliy (sp?) 45 Pistol

    Are these any good? I have seen one that is tricked out alittle (looks just like a Stainless Kimber Custom), and the cost is about 400 out the door... Good Price/Good Pistol?
  3. D

    Good Quality Surplus Rifle in 7.62x54r /8mm Mauser?

    Was wondering what would be a good quality surplus rifles in 7.62x54r/8mm mauser. Also where is a godo place to get one? Rifle for around 100 or less is what I am looking for.
  4. D

    Any Southern NY / Northern NJ members?

    Any of you ever put together a shoot?
  5. D

    HS 2000 mags?

    Which mags do these take??? I hard they should cost about $25 for a 15 rounder...
  6. D

    Ever have this happen to you?

    Anyone here ever have a dealer try to talk you out of buying X, for certain reasons, and tell you should buy Y (it even costs less, and is for all purposes the same quality)?????
  7. D

    Bushmaster or Colt?

    Ok which rifle is better for match shooting?? Something along the lines of Colt HB6700? (not sure if that is the exact model #) Or a Match Bushmaster flattop w/ stainless barrel. Both are about 700-800 if I remember correctly...
  8. D

    Best .40auto to get?

    Ok what is the best 40auto to get?? Can either be a small carry pistol, or a full sized pistol. As long as it is a 40auto that is. :) Oh yeah nothing fancy, just a shooter.
  9. D

    Definitions of Legal Terms needed

    Ok lets do this one by one. What are the "Legal" definitions of the words "Person", "Citizen" in the US Constitution (all amendments), Bill of Rights?
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    ban lunch tables!
  11. D

    puke MA crap!

    Read this.. :barf: "Prosecutors say alleged Wakefield gunman Michael McDermott was armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, a .40-caliber rifle, and a 12-gauge shotgun that were between 10 and 20 years old. He also...
  12. D ??? Interesting, havent read the whole thing,check it out
  13. D

    Scary Read this! Some Personal Property NOT protected against Warrentless searches CLick above ReALLLY long read. But it is SCARY! //still reading it.... ugh
  14. D

    "Gun Control Laws" ways to fight them?

    Ok there are ALOT of gun control laws, all of which should be deemed invalid based on the 2nd. (hahaha like that is going to happen) Know that this, couldnt we fight these "laws" based on violation of other Amendments/Constitution??? For instance the 14th Amendment?? Amendment XlV Section 1...
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    NJ Cop fears gun, but not criminals!

    Ok I read this and got the thought that the COP was affraid of the Gun, and not the person aiming at him. Also since when was seeing a car with fogged up windows a "reason" to investigate said car? Cop shooting haunts officers Monday, January...
  16. D

    Hmm comments needed on this

    Ok I just saw this in the US Constitution Article I Section. 10. Clause 1: No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any...
  17. D

    OMG a Crazy thought!

    Babbling deleted, from now on NO MORE posting while under teh influence of COFFEEE (4 cups) at work...... [Edited by Dead on 01-23-2001 at 02:11 PM]
  18. D

    more NJ BS (unjust taxes) :barf:

    OK I have recently found out that the a-hole governer of NJ, Whitman, has been taxing the SSI income of the mentally disablied at 50%!!!! These people NEED just about 24hr care, and get BEFORE that tax MAYBE 500-600 a month! How can ANYONE live on 300 or less in a MONTH??? God these people...
  19. D

    Any notice the wording of this law before?

    Interesting, Registration schemes are ILLEGAL according to this law! The wording would make it apply to STATES, not just the Fed. ......"No such rule or regulation prescribed...
  20. D

    Do any of the Pol's know what the BOR is?

    Here is a little snippett from some United States Code. Funny thye write laws that CLEARLY violate the Consitition with out any second thoughts. I bet these are "Reasonable Laws" to some but, any loss of our rights is WRONG...