Search results

  1. 1

    Advice on 22 caliber rifle to buy...

    I'm looking to purchase a 22 caliber [long rifle or mag] for rabbit hunting and plinking. I would like a lever action or a good bolt action for my choice. It has to be drilled and tapped for a scope also. I don't have much experiance with this caliber, and need advice from the membership on...
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    thanks for the memories.

    I going to be leaving TLF for awhile. I would like to thank the staff [for putting up with me] and all its members whom i've had the pleasure to meet here & in some cases shoot besides... :) Take care & Gob bless each and everyone of you! I'll be back, i just don't know when. I stated out...
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    Favorite Quotes or Sayings.... Again?

    I started out with nothing... and still have most of it left. It is going to be fun to watch and see how long the meek can keep the earth after they inherit it. Consider what you think justice requires and decide accordingly. But never give your reasons; for your judgement will proably be...
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    The Ticket..

    Jack took a long look at his speedomter before slowing down: 79 in a 55zone. Fourth time in so many months. How could this guy get caught so often? When his car had slowed down to 10mph, Jack pulled over only paritially, let this cop worry about some potential traffic hazard, maybe some other...
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    Sly Stallone.. hypocrite.. Par excellance.

    I was Channel surfing the other day and stumbled across Sly Stallone on Rosie O'donnell show.... promoting his latest film :( As i watched here was Mr. Stallone venting about all the gratuitous violence in movies and on T.V. and how he was glad some of Hollywoods "finest" were finally doing...
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    1911 survey.

    I currently own a Para P-14 "limited" model in 45acp. I use this weapon for duty use and off duty as well. It's exremely accurate & reliable. 45 acp is a great cartridge.. Too bad Para does not chamber one of these weapons in 10mm. That would be perfection.... :) Lets hear about your...
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    Opinions wanted on model Sig 229.

    I've been looking to purchase another handgun for ccw porposes. I went with a friend of mine to some sporting goods stores so he could look at a compound bow he wants to buy for deer hunting. While at this one store; i was talking with a salesman that i knew from another store he had worked...
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    This is your brain on drugs...

    Dateline NPR radio, A man recieved a phone call, informing him this was the "police department" in the city in which this subject lives in.. Informing him that the large marijuane plant growing in his house was illegal.............. And if he cut the plant down and brought it into the police...
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    Cops writing other Cops tickets.. Part 2

    Anything futher comments on this subject? What's TTPO???
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    Cops writing other cops tickets.

    Tonight while on duty i was running a stationary radar position on a U.S highway that passes through the town i work in. While doing so i "locked" a vehicle traveling 68 mph in a 55 mph zone. After getting this vehicle stopped the driver exits his vehicle and i instruct him to get back into...
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    Police & High Speed Pursuits.

    After being involved in three high speed pursuits as a peace officer myself, i was wondering what others here thought of actions of this type of police activity? From my standpoint, they are the one most dangerous things a peace officer can be involved in. The chances of innocent people being...
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    L.E.O.'s Requirments & qualification with handguns.

    As many of you know i work as a peace officer in Iowa. As such, i have to qualify with my duty weapon twice a year. This consists of Standard F.B.I. course, shot at a B-27 target, 50 shots, in relay's [each one timed] to pass muster an 80% score or better is needed. 250 = perfect score. To me...
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    Ozark shoot and meet for TFLers = great time!! [except for Shorty..:)

    The weekend of 08-11 - 13 - 2000 was spent by some 20+ TFL members in Springfield Ms. for a shoot hosted by Gunslinger & Terri... :) After arriving and settling into our hotel [late friday nite] we meet our hosts early Saturday morning and many others while sharing a TON of doughnuts. Our...
  14. 1

    Collins ammo company,

    I was looking around the net and came across this company. Thier 10mm rounds are priced reasonably, for reloaded rounds. Anyone here at TFL ever shot or dealt with this company and thier ammo? thanks forany replies.
  15. 1

    Colt Delta Elite [10mm] vs. H&K compact usp [357sig].

    I am looking at buying another handgun and narrowed the choices to these two weapons. I found a Delta elite for 600.00 & the H&K for 750.00. I hqve already owned an H&K in 45acp and really liked that weapon. But i sold it and bought my Glock M-20 [10mm} and love that caliber! Any...
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    Why are Glock owner so emotional.. part 2

    I own a glock [M-20] and 1911 style weapon[Para] BOTH have good qualities and bad as well. It boils down to personal preference.. period. I carry a Glock on duty and Para for personal carry, feel well armed with either. Glock owners are just sick of thier weapons trashed and bashed on the I -...
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    The Last Supper....

    If it was your last day on this hear earth; and the grim reaper says its your last meal......... what do you request??? Lets see... The finest 2lb New York strip, [cooked medium rare over charcoal fire], taters and onioins baked also outside on the grill; smothered in real creamery butter, &...
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    Favorite quotes or sayings - part - 2

    #1. And I.. holding my head in horror, and cried. "sweet spirt, What souls are these that run through this black haze? And he to me. These are the nearly souless whose lives concluded nither blame nor praise. They are mixed here with that despicable corps of angles who niether for God or...
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    Favorite sayigs or quotes.

    #1. Blame is for God and little children. #2. If you look for the truth outside yourself, the father away it gets. #3. A Marine Corp general looking at one of the first flamethrowers.. asks.. Wheres the bayonet?? [This message has been edited by 12-34hom (edited May 17, 2000).]
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    Thank You, Bobby Smith.

    On 04-10th & 11th i attended conference in Decorah,Ia put on by N.E. Iowa drug task force. The first speaker on Monday morning was an ex- Louisana state trooper named Bobby Smith. Trooper Smith was shot in the face at @ 29 feet and blinded for life on a vehicle stop on 03-14-1987. There were...