Search results

  1. 1

    TFL members; Do we all need a sense of humor or massive dosage of chill pills??

    Wow, up yonder in handguns a lively dicourse was blooming.... only to be crushed by our moderators friends here at TFL... ah, to be duty bound.... It occurs to me that alot of people take themselfs waaaaay to seriously around here. Information is shared, [and if not misleading to the point of...
  2. 1

    Birthday present for Me.

    It's my birthday today [03-14 19...] and i just ordered a Hi-cap mag for my Para P-14. I always know just what i want... hehehehe... My wife thinks i'm bonkers when it comes to guns and related matters, and she's right.. Let me see now, Springfield 1911 model 45 acp.. next year!!
  3. 1

    Mossberg 835mag.

    I just won a mossberg 835 shotgun at a DU banquent. This weapon sports a #1/2 chamber and came with choke for turkey hunting. [xxfull?] Comments on this weapon and selections on choke requirments for shooting steel loads? What type of after market barrels are best for shooting slugs?? I was...
  4. 1

    CCW holster for Para P-14.

    Need suggestions for a good holster to carry concealed for a Para P-14. Thanks for any replies.
  5. 1

    turning firearm to Peace Officer on traffic stop = Part 2

    Labgrade: I have run into a situation where the driver was armed legally. Traffic infraction = 81 in 55 mph zone. Driver states to me that he has a loaded weapon inside his vehicle. [first thing he says to me] I instruct him on what his actions should be from that point. In this case, i want his...
  6. 1

    Turning firearm over to a peace officer on traffic stop.

    What are the memberships thoughts on this subject? Consider this, you are a legally licensed CCW holder in whatever state you live in and are pulled over for a traffic violation. After requested to do so; You hand the officer your drivers license and also a copy of your CCW permit. The officer...
  7. 1

    Got me some Heinie today.

    Bought a Glock model 20 sometime ago and now carry it for duty use. It had a set of factory adjustable sights [no nite sights] and i replaced them with a set a Heinie "Straight Eight Slant Pro"s" after reading all the fine comments on them in this forum. What a great set up they are!! The...
  8. 1

    ejector flipping empty cases straight backwards.

    Just purchased a Glock model 20 in 10mm. After test firing it the only thing that bothered me was it's tendency to eject spent cases straight back hitting me in the head area. What can be done to remedy this problem? Any suggestions, thoughts, thanks for any replies in advance.
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    Happy Birthday U.S.M.C.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY U.S.M.C. and to all who have served, past and present SEMPER FI.
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    Federal code statutes

    Does anyone know the particular fedearal code[s] statutes for the selling and transportation of firearms over state lines. Thanks for any replies.
  11. 1

    Memorial fund for slain Texas peace officers.

    A memorial fund has been established for the three Texas peace officers killed in ambush in Pleasanton, Texas. You may designate your donation to a particular family if you wish. Officer Thomas Monse is survived by his wife and four children. Officer Mark Miller is survived by his wife and three...
  12. 1

    what type of 10mm pistol is best?

    i have been reading with interest about the 10mm round and pistols that fire it. I know that COLT & S&W both made weapons for this round. I have two 45's one a para-14 and H&K USP. Was looking for some other caliber too shoot and 10mm sounds like a good one. Any thoughts or comments on this...
  13. 1

    WHICH AR-15, TO BUY.

    I am looking to buy a AR-15. Am a peace officer and would use as back up weapon instead of shotgun. Work in rural setting and want some type of a carbine version of this type of weapon. Willing to spend up to 1500.00$. Have many car vs. deer accidents in the county i live and sometimes deer gets...
  14. 1

    load info for 6mm ack.imp.

    Just started reloading for 6mm ack.imp. and wondering if any pet loads out there that anyone would care to share? Gun that i'm using rem 700 action [tuned] SHILEN select match s.s. 26 inch tube [1&8 twist]. Normally shoot 95 thru 105 grain moly coated bullets [BERGERS VLD'S AND STARKE F.B.] but...
  15. 1

    loads for 6mm ack. imp.

    Had my REM. 700 rebarrled too 6mm ack imp and have just started working loads up for it. Any pet loads out there that someone has worked up and has done well for you and your rifle and would like to share? This rifle has a tuned action, Shilen select match ss 26 inch barrel [1&8twist] I shoot...