Search results

  1. 1

    Carrying case for LARGE single shot pistol

    I just purchased a Savage "Striker" varmint hunting pistol. I would like to purchase a padded carrying case that uses a zipper to close the case. Leather or canvas type construction. Does anyone here know of a company that makes this type of gun case?? Thanks for any replies! 12-34hom.
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    Would you participate in a firing squad.

    Lets say, the US goverment decides to execute the leaders and members of the Taliban & others who were involved with 9-11 attacks on the world trade centers. A national lottery is set up and names are drawn at random to execute these people by firing squad. If your # was drawn would you "do...
  3. 1

    Shooting low.

    I just bought an H&K compact. After test firing it at the range it shoots very low, [groups ok] but 6 to 8 inches low. Whats the cure? 12-34hom.
  4. 1

    Striker single shot pistols by Savage arms.

    Does anyone here have any experiance with this single shot pistol? I choose this forum, because this weapon more like a hand held rifle than pistol. I found one in 22-250. I'm planning to fox hunt with this weapon, later this winter, iof it ever snows! My main varmint rig is 6mm ack imp...
  5. 1

    Remington XP -100

    I have found an XP-100 in 221 Fireball at a local sporting good store. This is the old style model and from outwards appearences it looks ok. I don't have or access to a borescope to see what condition the lands & groves & lead are in....:( It sports a Leupold pistol scope [2x]. The price...
  6. 1

    Iowa shoot??

    Any TFLers from Iowa interested in a shoot. January 2002? 12-34hom.
  7. 1

    To shoot or not to shoot... That is the question.

    You've gone to your supermarket to pick up needed items for a holiday dinner. While there gunfire erupts elsewhere in the store, your armed, [legally] licensed in this state you live in. You hear screams for help, then finding a derranged "person" firing at anything that moves in this store...
  8. 1

    Range report: H&K compact 357sig.

    I purchased this weapon thru GunsAmerica, [used] H&K compact in 357sig. I had a hard time finding this caliber in the area i live. I chose this caliber after shooting A Glock M-31 that the Deputies carry where i live for a duty weapon. I also read many articles here and other internet sorces...
  9. 1

    Skill level of CCW holders.

    I took this concept from a thread at Glocktalk. From personal experiance and observations made by others i know to be profiecent with firearms, the general concenses is that alot of people who carry concealed are poor at best with whatever firearm the carry for self defense porposes. From...
  10. 1

    Texas Ammo Co.

    Has anyone here dealy with or used any ammo from this company? I first heard of it over at where several members requested loadings for 10mm. I see on thier website they have what they call 10mm Express, 135 grain jhp at 1450, 165 grain jhp at 1350, 200 grain fmj/fn at 1250...
  11. 1

    New purchase.

    Today, i bought another H&K pistol, It is a variant #1 - compact - 357sig. This is going to be my main ccw gun, i'm selling my Sig 229 & my Glock M-20. I'm having George Stringer install a set of Novack Nite sites on my Para P-14ltd, which will go back to my duty weapon. I;ve owned a H&K...
  12. 1

    Training Day.

    Has anyone seen this movie, went tonight with the wife, checking it out. Supposed to based on events that have happened in the LA area. Filmed in locations that are owned by OG's. I was skeptical going into this, but as the movie progressed it caught my attention, the two main characters are...
  13. 1

    Sniper paradise.

    The war that has been declared will be fought by Special forces ie.. snipers from Marine Corp, - U.S. Army - etc. The lay of the land dictates many forms and tatics, but this place has proven to be a true test for the sniper team. The Russians got a taste of this while fighting here, the...
  14. 1

    Duck & cover!!

    Shall we all fall victim to the paranoid rantings of a few, or.. stand firm in our resolve to bear witness against the cowards that attack our nation. In all the crisis that our nation has been subjected to, there have been men & women [true patriots] that stood firm, no matter what the odds...
  15. 1

    National weather service reports.

    This is the forcast for Kabul, Afganastan Sept 21, 2001. Bright & sunny, temps near 8000 f. Winds approaching 1000 knots. If planning to go outside wear SPF 10 million or better. Should be only one cloud in the sky all day....;)
  16. 1

    Why should we have sympathy...

    After reading through many responces to the crisis our country has been afflicted with by "muslim extremists" and many unknown supporters that support thier cause. Are we not at war people?? Were we not stabbed in the back, thousands of our citizens murdered before our very eyes, and then...
  17. 1

    Police officer Kills while D.W. I.

    While watching the evening news i watched a story about a N.Y. police officer [while driving to work!] early AM? stuck and killed another auto; Killing a women & two children. After bieng arrested He was released by a judge, [over the objections of police & D.A.] people were outraged in the...
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    Why i carry CCW

    Sometimes my wife has a problem with me carrying..... while we go out to socialize or everyday tasks. We were watching T.V. last night, [news magazine] showed a guy walking into the supermarket then gunning down & killing 4 & wounding others. Later when asked why he had done this, the...
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    Para P-14 ltd sites.

    I have a P-14 ltd, it came from the factory with adjustable sites. These are "bomar" knock offs, i think these sites are made in Italy? The rear site has come loose from its base, and i can't it to lock down so there is no travel from side to side. Do i need special tools to remove the site...
  20. 1

    Replacement sites, adjustable for P-14 ltd.

    I'm going to replace the factory adjustable sites on my Para P-14 ltd. I tried going to a fixed site from Hienie, but from what i've gathered from reps at Hienie, no can do on this particular model. [Para] What site replacement have you gone with on your 1911 model weapon and were you...