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  1. V

    Pocket carry vs holster in the waistband

    Maybe I'm in a minority, but with a waist a bit thicker than I would like to have, I can't find a holster for in the waistband carry that I can live with comfortably. I know there are "holsters" that are really pouches that sit covering the family jewels and seem ridiculously difficult to get to...
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    Today's headline in the Chicago Tribune

    The headline today is "A Handgun's Deadly Path" tracing a straw purchase in Miss. to the killing of a Chicago police officer. I'm not sure what the answer is to stop these type crimes other than enforcement of laws already on the books, but you can be sure this story will lead to yet more calls...
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    Glock 30 versus Ruger 97

    At the range the other day I was shooting my trusty old Ruger P97DC and the guy at the next firing point showed me his Glock 30. He raved about it but I wondered what members of this forum think. Yes it has a higher capacity mag (10 rather than my 8) but I can't convince myself that it has...
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    Health care reform (?) passes House, is gun control next?

    Now that our President and his Congress have passed what they call health care reform (there is still hope that the Senate will not go along with this massive government intrusion into our lives) can gun control be far behind? If this Congress can stomach putting the government so intimately in...
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    Don't be too comfortable....

    Politics and health care conspiracies - nope.
  6. V

    Why almost no one else seems to like the 640?

    Several years ago when I decided I wanted a snubbie I chose the S&W 640. Its not the lightest gun, but I felt a sense of confidence in the stainless steel and it handles recoil better than the super lightweight alloy models. And without having an external hammer to get snagged it seems like the...
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    Coming back to revolvers

    My first real handgun was a revolver, and I was late to come to semi-automatics as I never quite believed they could be as reliable as a wheelgun. But over the years the guns got better, and I found that the added capacity and ease of concealment made the semi the preferred personal defense...
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    Training to fight rather than training to shoot

    I subscribe to the Suarez International newsletters, and while I have never had the chance to take one of his courses, his columns make real sense to me. The most recent dealt with Force on Force training, and it seems that is what many of us own and/or carry a gun for, i.e., the unexpected...
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    Victim mentality dominates upgraded security plans

    In the local newspaper today there is an article about how two local colleges received a Federal grant to upgrade their security system in response to the shooting a year ago at Northern Illinois University. Its sad how the planners can only think like victims, and their so-called security...
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    If you had to shoot through a car window....

    I've wondered how much power and accuracy would be lost if you had to shoot through a car window. An armed carjacker who appears at your passenger window and is about to open the door when you shoot from the drivers seat is not a totally impossible situation to imagine. I've wondered, especially...
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    New Attorney General: What can we expect?

    Eric Holder, the newly confirmed Attorney General previously filed a brief in support of the DC handgun ban, has stated he believes in gun confiscation rather than gun control, and was a principal player as Janet Reno's deputy who didn't seem to mind using overwhelming federal force to seize a...
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    Taurus' Judge

    Saw a video from Taurus about this revolver. Anyone have experience with this gun and have any thoughts on it as a general self defense gun?
  13. V

    New U.S. Senator from NY is NRA member

    Rather amazing and positive that a Democrat Governor of NY appointed Congresswoman Gillibrand to fill the Senate seat vacated by Hilary Clinton. Although she is a Democrat she is pro-2A and a lifetime NRA member. Already the anti-gun NYC crowd is going crazy, including Congresswoman Caroly...
  14. V

    Maybe I need to rethink my faith in 45 acp

    I was reading Gabe Suarez' latest newsletter and in it he discusses why he avoids the 45, and prefers the 40 or 9 mm. To him, capacity represents the ability to fight for a longer time, and the large capacity magazines in those calibers, compared to 45 acp, makes the decision for him. Maybe I've...
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    The end of America as we know it, unless gunowners act

    The polls are getting more dismal daily, and unless gun owners act in large numbers to vote for McCain, we may well see the end of America as we know it. If Obama achieves the landslide that the media believe will occur, you can be sure that the gun banners will be near the top of the list of...
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    Voted today and felt discouraged

    I voted today at the Election Board here in Rockford, IL and it was packed with others also trying to avoid the Election Day rush. Most of the others in line with me were either young voters or minority voters that I assume overwhelming were likely to be voting for Obama. If this pattern holds...
  17. V

    Is it really worth $400 for a helmet?

    For years I bought Shoei helmets and was always pleased with them. But last year I bought an HJC modular at under $200, about half of what I would have paid for a new Shoei, and I found little or no difference with the comfort, noise reduction, workmanship, etc. as compared to the Shoeis that I...
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    Guns and Motorcycles

    I wonder how many gun rights supporters are also motorcyclists. It seems to me that someone who beleives in the concept of self responsibility rather than counting on the police for all forms of protection, would also be the type person who would enjoy riding despite the higher risk (compared to...
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    Have you seen the craziness going on at The High Road?

    The High Road is another gun related site I often go it, even though they did away with their Political category. It seems it was either taken over by someone, re-established by the original owner (?) or something but there sure are a lot of posts about the site, rather than about guns and gun...
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    Where to go to discuss 2nd Amendment issues?

    With Legal and Political closed, where is one to go to share concerns and discuss 2A issues? I think I speak for many participants to this forum that such issues are a major reason for going to this website in the first place.