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  1. V

    New Chief Cop in Chicago no friend of concealed carry

    With IL now the last state in the country with no concealed carry law, some of us have been hopeful for change here as well. The new mayor of Chicago has selected a new Chief of Police, who says that the NRA among others is to blame for the shootings in Chicago. He seems to support the idea that...
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    Mob action in Chicago

    The news has been full of incidents lately in Chicago, some in broad daylight in so-called better parts of town, where groups of young thugs have assaulted and robbed individuals (they seem to focus on those using iphones or ipods). So far no incidents have been in the news where the victim...
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    What I grabbed when the tornado siren sounded

    Last night we were under a tornado warning as funnel clouds were touching down in the area. My wife and I, and the dogs, retreated to a below ground guest room and waited until the situation was over. I grabbed three items to take with me: a flashlight, my cell phone, and my home defense...
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    Discouraging to hear same old myths about concealed carry for IL

    Its a bit discouraging to read the same old myths repeated by the anti-gunners as concealed carry legislation approaches here in the land of Lincoln. Despite the evidence of how successful concealed carry has been in the rest of the country, the news here in IL is full of political leaders and...
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    Fair asking price for a S&W640?

    I own a S&W 640 357 Mag with the 2.25 inch barrel in excellent condition, with the Crimson Trace laser grips. This gun is excellent for what it is, but I think I may need to sell one of my guns and this is the least fired that I own. What would be a fair asking price? A local gun shop offered me...
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    Where did this quote originate?

    I have heard the following attributed to Thomas Jefferson, but I have no idea if that is correct. Just curious if anyone has the real story for the quote: "The man who beats his sword into a plowshare will be plowing for the man who did not."
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    Glock 21 vs S&W M&P 45

    I was looking at both guns today; both priced almost the same. I liked the feel of the S&W a bit better than the Glock, but 13 rounds in the Glock vs 10 in the S&W seems to more than offset the slight difference in feel. I wonder what you all think about the pluses and minuses of these two guns...
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    Is 38 Special a fading caliber?

    I was at my local Gander Mountain yesterday and was just glancing at the handgun ammo aisle. I noticed a huge variety of 380 auto, 9 mm and 40 caliber, but almost no 38 caliber, or 38 Special ammo, and precious little 357 mag. It wasn't as if they were out of the ammo, there was not even empty...
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    IL Attorney General wants to release FOID list

    Here in IL a gun owner (or even someone who just wants to look at a gun in a shop, or buy ammunition, etc.) must have a FOID (Firearm Owners Identification card). The AG believes it is the public's right to know who has a FOID, while the State Police oppose releasing the list. Those in Chicago...
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    Knife in addition to gun?

    How many carry a knife as a back-up for a gun? I'm referring to some type of tactical knife in a sheath or holder as opposed to to a tiny penknife in your pocket. I guess there is no limit to what is carried, with some on this forum stating that they carry as many as three firearms, but in...
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    Join the NRA as White House prepares for more gun control

    The NRA has reported that the White House has made it clear that in the very near future there will be new initiatives on gun control. This should come as no surprise since prior to his election as President, Barack Obama was a strong supporter of gun control. There was never a single gun...
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    What is the outlook for either pro or anti gun laws in 2011?

    With Republicans controlling the House of Representatives I don't think any major Federal anti-gun laws will see the light of day, but with a Democrat controlled White House there is little chance for major pro gun laws as well. At the State level it looks good for WI to pass concealed carry...
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    Security for my go-to handgun?

    I've been using the GunVault for several years and have thought of it as a balance between accessibility and security (since I often have young grandkids at the house). I keep it bolted onto a fixed shelf in my dresser. I have always assumed that it is relatively secure, never having tried to...
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    Which Crimson Trace for my S&W 640?

    It was easy picking the right model laser for my K frame 4 inch revolver, but Crimson Trace shows 3 different ones for the j-frame snubbies, all of which say they will fit my 640. I tried to call them but no one answered the line. Any thoughts on what the differences are so that I can order the...
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    Are all 1911's a pain to take apart and reassemble for cleaning?

    I find I generally take my revolvers to the range more than semi's since I hate the taking apart and reassembling (especially this part) when needing to clean the gun. Is it just me or are some (or all) 1911 style semi-auto's a challenge in this area?
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    Colt vs Kimber?

    A few years ago I traded in my Kimber Ultra carry II because of the problems this little gun gave me (constant FTE's and FTF's despite several returns to Kimber) but I loved the feel, look and shooting ability of this little gun. I want to get a 4" or 5" 1911 and I'm thinking about both the...
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    What makes the 1911 so special?

    Not to sound insulting to the many who love the design of th 1911, but what makes it so special? Other semi's share similarities with the 1911 design but have additional features such as a decocker, and/or the ability to fire double action as well as single action. I had a Colt 1911 sidearm when...
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    As an LEO, what gun would you use if you could pick any gun (but had to pay for it!)?

    My son is an LEO who just took a part-time position with a small town police force (he works full-time for a state agency). The chief told him that he could use any pistol he wants, semi or auto, and that while he has to buy it he could get it through the department and pay the discounted rate...
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    Is it true that the Mossad carry 22cal semi autos?

    I read that agents of Israel's Mossad carry 22 caliber semi-auto pistols and was surprised, if this is true, that they rely on this small round. Most readers of this and other gun forums get caught up in argueing if .40's or 357 mags are enough or if only 45 acp will do, which might seem a...
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    Do you wear gun related clothing or post gun decals on your bumper?

    I used to have several pro-gun decals on my car's bumpers and I often used to wear pro-gun or just gun related t-shirts but after thinking about this I have returned to gun anonymity. I used to think I was helping the pro-2A cause by promoting my beliefs on my clothes and vehicles but now I am...