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    Give 'em Heller (ver 2.0)!

    (OK, so the title isn't all that original - sue me!) FoxNews has the story. The Washinton Post reports the most: From the Washington Times, we learn that Mr. Halbrook is working for the NRA, who is bankrolling this new case. Reason Magazine has a small blurb about it on one of their blogs...
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    Special Revolver Commemorates Landmark Heller Decision

    Got this heads up over at THR this am. Got home from work and read more about this. This is Tom Gresham of GunTalk we are talking about here. Anyone besides my wife want one of these?
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    Drive-by Posts/Threads

    A few words on cut-n-paste threads/posts and drive-by threads/posts in general. What's the definition of a drive-by post? One that is devoid of substance ("+1" anyone?). One that attempts to advance an agenda without intelligent back-up. One that has no intelligent content. What's the...
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    McCain and the Gun Show Loophole

    Continued from the previous thread. Really? Do promoters in CA have to purchase a license for the show? Do promoters have to turn over a list of all venders (whether selling guns or not) 30 days before the show, 72 hrs before the show and 5 days after the show? Do background checks have to be...
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    Texas Appellate Court rules against CPS

    This just in: Court rules against seizure of polygamist kids A state appellate court has ruled that child welfare officials had no lelgal reasoning to seize the more than 400 children who had lived in a fundamentalist LDS Ranch. More details upcoming. ETA: The above from the Houston Chronicle.
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    Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse

    From another post in another thread, Wildalaska said: Ken, I believe I want to challenge you on this. Hence this new thread First off, many States claim "copyright" on their statutes. This alone present a dilemma to the average citizen (Oregon and Idaho, to name just two). How does a citizen...
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    Did Dumb Thing - Need Help

    Okay. In retrospec, I went and did something kinda dumb. Last weekend, MidwestUSA had some bullets on sale. Specificly, some SPEER 9mm (.355) 135gr EFMJ. Now, I haven't shot any EFMJ, only read about them. Morever, I was thinking that at 135gr, they would fill the bill for my KelTec P11, which...
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    CitiFinancial Merchant Services Won't Serve FFL's

    If the gun-banners can't win in court, then they will ban them via financial means.... If you have any CitiFinancial/First data Corp. loans, bankcards, investments or other instruments, hit them back. Hard. :mad:
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    AZ: Judge rejects bid to block employer sanctions law

    Last June, the Legislature of Arizona passed a fairly tough law that would sanction Employers who knowingly hired illegal aliens. Of course, this law was opposed, and will be challenged, by certain civil rights groups. Here's the latest: Two related stories from the same newspaper: House...
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    Tax evaders taken. No bloodshed

    Well this kinda got lost in all the goings on lately... Or was it just because it didn't end well? ("well" for the MSN = Lots of Blood) Feds tricked holed-up tax evaders Looks like that link is now dead (that's what I get for waiting a day before posting). New link and slightly different...
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    Arizona now leads the Nation

    Arizona Governor Napolitano signs immigrant bill targeting employers Arizona now leads the nation in dealing with illegal immigration. This is one heck of a sanction. Perhaps better than fines or jail time.
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    Elections and Stumping on TFL

    This is an answer to Joliet Jake in particular (so as to not detract any further from the Fred Thompson thread), and a general statement on all political stumping threads, now or in the future. The opinions expressed herein, are my views as a moderator. Not as an advocate of a particular...
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    Immigration Threads on TFL.

    Enough with the innuendos and slurs... Or should I just close all "immigration" threads on General Principle, because we all know where they lead? Unlawful immigration is a contentious issue. It is also highly divisive. I recognize this. (Hopefully) You all recognize this, regardless of where...
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    Post Kelo Reform

    How many of you have paid attention to how your State handled the public outcry, after the notorius Kelo decision (eminent domain) in July of 2005? There were two polls taken after the Kelo decision. American Farm Bureau Federation Survey, Oct. 29- Nov. 2, 2005, Zogby International. Question...
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    L&P: Consider this, before you post.

    The Legal and Political forum is for "Round table discussions [that can] range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues." That can be pretty all encompassing. But there are some self-imposed limits: We don't discuss race, religion or sexual preference. As many...
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    Update on Atlanta Raid From Last Fall

    I don't know how we all missed this, but the Headline of Wednesdays Atlanta Journal-Constitution is: Atlanta officers to face murder indictment Fulton DA seeks charges in shooting of elderly woman in her home OK, before anyone shouts, "It's about time," read the entire article and pay...
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    Blackhawk v. Redhawk

    A little over 4 years ago, I bought a very well kept Ruger Vaquero in 44. My first revolver. I've shot this gun quite a bit in the interim. Fact is, I've practiced shooting out to 150 yards in order to take it hunting. Great little gun. But now, I understand Ruger is no longer making the...
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    Lopez v. Gonzales - SCOTUS Decision

    Does anyone remember Small v. United States (544 U.S. 385 (2005))? In that case, the defendant, was convicted in a Japanese Court of smuggling firearms and ammunition into that country. After his prison time was served, he came back to the U.S. and bought a gun. He was then arrested by the BATF...
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    Legal and Political

    Forum: Legal and Political Description: Round table discussions range from the Bill of Rights, to concealed carry, to general political issues. Mission Statement: The Firing Line, a virtual community dedicated to the discussion and advancement of responsible firearms ownership. When looking...
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    922(o) invalidated by Illinois Court

    Here we have the case of U.S. v. James Vest (Case No. 06-cr-30011-DRH), US District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, HERNDON, District Judge. In this case, an Illinois State Policeman is being prosecuted by the US Government (BATF&E) for unlawful possession of a machine gun in...