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  1. K

    1911 vs 1991 and other slabsides questions

    Please pardon the elementary questions.. I don't know much about pistols yet. I ask 'cause I've started looking around for a pistol that fits my hand better than the G30 I carry now (mag bites me, grip is a little fat). A buddy let me try a 1911 tonight, felt wonderful (I like all the extended...
  2. K

    Anyone have a Smith Enterprises M1A?

    Seen one for sale recently, and I was wondering about 'em -- specifically their weight. Are they close enough to "regular" M1As that you can drop one in a fiberglass stock and have a decent field-ready rifle, or are these things strictly competition prima donnas? Thanks! -K
  3. K

    Ever think of starting over?

    As I look at various firearms I've picked up over the last 4-5 years or so, I find myself very seriously considering putting out "for private sale" notices in the paper for most of it, and starting over from scratch. You see, after four years of picking up one thing that catches my eye, trying a...
  4. K

    so.. about those video gamers..

    So when I was visiting my folks last week, an old high school buddy came over to visit. And I was totally confused to see him first run my brother through Unreal, cheering at every bit of splatter and goo as he blew up human opponents on the screen.... and then totally freak when he sees my AR...
  5. K

    Next Year, I think I'll just take reindeer (long)

    Or -- "fun with airports in 2001" So I just got back to Idaho from a trip back to Tennessee for some holiday visiting. Gotta say, it's been fun. First thing that happens -- I'm flying with a couple rifles in a locked case, so I put the keys to said case on a separate little ring to make it...
  6. K

    1903, serial numbers, and heat treats.. again

    Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I wanted to doublecheck. Now, I know the low-numbered Rock Islands aren't safe to play with, but now I've got a feller telling me that Springfield Armory serial #'s ABOVE the 1,200,000 mark also aren't safe.. that they stopped doing that double heat treat for...
  7. K

    Concealed Carry for an M14???

    So I'm packing up my things at work, and the rifle I intended to leave with a friend while I went back to TN was with them -- she'd left for home without taking it, darn it! Anyhow, the rifle is in my Bushy case, sitting on the table as I draw some hot water for a cup of tea. The cleaning lady...
  8. K

    Guys.. I think I might be falling off the wagon here..

    After all this talk about AR vs AK lately, I realized the whole "military semi-auto" thing was starting to get kinda dull to me. Anyhow, I was in a local shop last night, talking with some friends. Found myself drawn once more to an old Springfield 1903, sporterized ages and ages ago. And ya...
  9. K

    Well I'll tell you what you oughta think....

    You know, every now and again when I see these "the latest outrage on TV" threads, I get to wondering.. just how much power is there, really? I mean, it seems to me that my conversion to the libertarian side of the fence was more or less at the same time as I stopped watching TV, when I moved...
  10. K

    Ambassador Stoner?

    So a friend of mine just invited me to the Ladies Night at the local indoor range she works at. "Sure!" I say, and head on down. Lo and behold, I'd left my CCW on the desk as I left home (eek!), so just had a single-six I'd brought along. AAaand.. a couple rifles behind the seat in my rig...
  11. K

    how to accurize a 30-30?

    So I have this old Marlin 336 I LOVE. Problem is, it ain't exactly a tackdriver. It was around 6MOA or worse with the buckhorn sights (my bad), and with a scope on it, I could cut that to around 3-4 MOA. Still not too hot. (I can pull about .7 MOA off a rest with a good scoped bolt gun, so I'm...
  12. K

    About that SWAT magazine thing...

    I thought I'd see what the fuss was all about, and went to look at the PDF y'all posted -- thanks for the preview guys! Seemed well-written, and good content, but I have to admit, I was a little disturbed by something. It seemed to me that the prevailing attitude throughtout most of the...
  13. K

    First ever hunting trip!

    Didn't get so much as a decent sight picture 'till I was in my truck and on the little curving road home, and you know what? I didn't care in the slightest! (heck, less work that way) Got to spend most of a week wondering in a friend's hundred acres of mountains, and never had a better time in...
  14. K

    M14 gas system question

    So I was reading the manual a while back, and came to this little section on the gas system whatsit that you turn one way for normal semi-auto fire, and off 90 degrees to shut the gas system off for rifle grenades. (Yeah, like I have rifle grenades sitting around the house.. :p ) ANYHOW... I...
  15. K

    so um.. is it supposed to do this? (AR15)

    AR-15, Bushmaster, A2 sights. The rear sight block seems to have some kinda spring pressure torquing it off center. It's angled about 5-10 degrees counterclockwise off the bore axis. Hrmm.. I THOUGHT something was wierd when it needed 8 clicks left to sight in. So um... what's going on, and...
  16. K

    So.. is my new AR a dinosaur?

    So there I was, happily zeroing in my new AR shorty.. and was really impressed, actually. Even with crap ammo, hitting the gongs at 250 yards w/iron sights wasn't that much a chore -- neat! So then a buddy says "here, try this.." and sits me down behind an honest-to-gosh HK G36 rifle. Light...
  17. K

    Gun CONTROL folks listed as security threat!

    Well who'lda thunk it? While researching the entrance requirements to the local National Guard, I ran across this little gem. Looks like an internal "security threat" memo for 'em listed a local greenie group as a potential threat, and said greenies got all worked up when it was accidently...
  18. K

    Glock 30 lovesong

    How do I love my Glock? Let me count the ways... "G" is for the Grins I get popping 230 grainers into the black.. "L" is for the Long nights in the backcountry, where I can sleep peaceful knowing Gaston's looking out for me... "O" is for the delighted "OH!" I get when introducing a girlfriend...
  19. K

    I want Teddy!!

    Okay okay, so I admit Dubya's been seriously growing on me. That said... I WANT TEDDY ROOSEVELT BACK! Thaw him out, or maybe some DNA on an old mustache brush or something... we need the man! From November's "American Rifleman" -- Now can you imagine Dubya making Powell stand there with an...
  20. K

    Hey Henry Bowman!

    Yeah, you with the battle rifle and an ALICE rig full of MREs in the corner! ;) Right now literally hundreds, if not thousands, of types are sharpening their skills at tracking down cell-based organizations. At the same time, the regular work-a-day public is getting more accustomed to...