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  1. K

    The only thing worse than a dragon...

    ... is an American. :D For those that haven't seen "Reign of Fire" yet, you're missing some neat eyecandy. Seems like most everyone wondering around ol' Britain is carrying a FAL of some sort (L1A1, I presume?), a couple hunting rifles, and not a single .223 in sight. Wussiest chambering...
  2. K

    Military M16 to M4 conversion cost?

    A friend of mine just told me that some of the old military M16s were being sent back to Colt to be remanufactured into new M4s. I got the impression about the only thing they kept was the lower receiver and maybe the trigger group, sold off the rest to the surplus market (where legal) or...
  3. K

    fireworks rifle-grenade?

    So here's a thought, since it still sounds like Beruit around here, what with fireworks going off on every backroad for most of the night... :p Would it be possible to make a fireworks type arrangement sent aloft with a blank charge out of a battle rifle, a la the old rifle grenades? Seems a...
  4. K

    arms manufacturers and Atlas

    Hrmm.. here's a question for you. Let's say you own Bushmaster. Or Rock River, or RobArm, or any of the other domestic manufacturers of ARs or other icky evil black rifles. Would you sell your product to LEO agencies in California, or in other states that won't let the citizens of same state...
  5. K

    AIM -- "brand new" 75 round drums?

    Umm... when AIM is advertising "Brand new" 75 round AK drums in their flyer, can I presume they mean "unused, but they've been sitting in a warehouse since before '94".... or do they mean "we're just showing these to tempt you, and if you're found with one they'll haul your pretty butt to jail"...
  6. K

    The incredible $40 M14!

    Ain't it cool? ;) -K
  7. K

    custom stocks -- ATI, Ram-Line, or....

    I'm just curious -- does anyone have direct contact information for these companies? I've found a whole lot of distributors and retailers, but no info on the manufacturers themselves. I'm looking into the possibility of having a run of custom synthetic stocks manufactured, and the two...
  8. K

    possibly stupid firearm physics question.

    okay... this may be a dumb question, as it's been years since chemistry, but...... To go from a solid form to a gaseous form is an endothermic reaction, yes? So.. would it be possibly to flash-sublimate some Unspecified Substance from a solid into a gas, thus providing the gas to push a...
  9. K

    recoil/buffer spring design question

    Hrmm.. just occured to me. Once upon a time, the spring that closed the action on a rifle was placed in front of the action, and closed the bolt by pulling on some kind of rod -- M1, M14, and AK are examples. Now.. I'll admit, I'm going from limited knowledge here.. but it seems like most all...
  10. K

    Tennesseeans -- out of state CCW?

    Now, I just checked, and saw that TN don't welcome my Idaho CCW. Is there any way to apply for a temporary permit of some kind with the county (Washington) short of going through the whole long rigamorole? There's a good chance I'll be back staying with my folks again in East TN for...
  11. K

    Vortex vs. Phantom?

    How do these flash suppressors stack up against each other? Has anyone used both enough to get a comparison? Does the Phantom suppress flash as well as the Vortex? Is the open-ended Vortex as durable as the Phantom? And finally.. would a snap-ring or wire or som'n around the mouth of the...
  12. K

    outgunned again?

    Historical question for y'all. It seems, looking back over the 20th century, we've not exactly had the best rifle each time out... M1 excepted, of course. ;) I mean... Mausers beat out the Krag. So we scrap the Krag, and go with the Springfield. Springfield is great... but as a combat...
  13. K

    AC556 -- same action as scaled down M14?

    No Mr. ATFman, I'm not planning on coverting a Mini. :p That said.. after mucking around in the innards of one of these Minis, it struck me -- does the AC556 use the same connector rod assembly that the M14 does for automatic fire? Or did Ruger come up with an original design that doesn't...
  14. K

    .308 flash suppressor length

    With all these super-whiz-bang-neato muzzle brakes out on the market, I gotta wonder -- is there a short-ish (say 1.5") honest-to-goodness flash suppressor that will work on a .308 rifle? Those long M14 supressors can change the handling more than you'd think, given their weight... I was...
  15. K

    Played CMP for the first time tonight!

    And that is the MOST fun I've had in ages.. neat!! I'll say one thing, it SURE gives you respect for what those old guys on the line can do with just iron sights -- wowee! Now.. that said.. I have to admit.. It seemed like the whole process had strayed overmuch from its original intent --...
  16. K


    I swear, whoever it was that came up with the "don't be a Sheeple" bumpersticker was a marketing genius. Because, you see... people of every political stripe are gonna buy the thing.. all convinced it applies to somebody else. Once, several months ago, I was talking with an old ex-hippie...
  17. K

    The Revolutionary Generation.. bread and butter

    So -- how do you think the big guys would be making a living, were they to live today? It seems to me, from what I've read, that most of 'em were pretty well to do, and well educated. So, were the old Revolution to go down in a world like today's.. you think you'd see any particular...
  18. K

    top piston vs. bottom piston

    Now, I know the M1 and all its "children" bleed the gas out the bottom of the barrel to work the action via an oprod. BUt it also seems that virtually every (military, anyway) self loader these days bleeds the gas off the top. I'm presuming this is 'cause it's easier to deal with swapping...
  19. K

    libertarianism, gov't armouries, and effectiveness

    So here's a question. As far as I can tell (feel free to correct me if I'm proceeding from a faulty premise) -- Almost from the beginning of the Republic, weapons development and production were carried out in gov't run armouries -- Harper's Ferry was up and running by 1805, then our beloved...
  20. K

    Did Browning ever tinker outside the firearms industry?

    I realize JMB invented just about every kind of weapon known to man ;)... but did he also try his hand at other machine work of the era? You know, typewriters, sewing machines, early automobiles, that kind of thing? Was he a daVinci/Edison type, with a finger in every pot? Or just firearms? -K...