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  1. K

    semi-autofuntion question

    semi-auto function question Quick question for y'all -- in a semi, is gas pressure really required to cycle the action, or just to unlock the bolt, leaving the recoil of the shot to finish the cycle? I mean, the Garand-based actions using that op rod utilize gas to do everything, but looking...
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    Civil War and FDR

    so here's a question.. I'm kinda rusty on the 1900-1940 era of our history, but from what I've been led to understand, there was a palpable chance of our very own Bolshevik Rebellion in the US, especially during the Depression. The "conventional wisdom" I was told was that FDR forestalled...
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    rotating bolt, tilting bolt, yadda yadda yadda..

    SO... after reading over in the "most ergonomic rifle" thread, it recently occured to me that of every semi I've played with, the one bolt handle setup I liked the best was.. oddly enough.. the SKS. Having an entirely open top to lessen the chance of ejection getting screwed up, plus...
  4. K

    The Armchair Logistician

    So here's a mindcandy game for y'all. Back in the ol' days of '76, I once read that many of the volunteers that were called up brought rifles -- obviously not exactly assembly line pieces -- that had all kinds of different bore sizes. When told of the horrifying logistics involved in trying to...
  5. K

    Training the new Afghan Army

    Does anyone else find the news reports recently of Allies training a centralized Afghan army interesting? I was listening to the radio this morning, and heard and Italian instructor saying something along the lines of "there's so many guns in this country, a strong central military is the only...
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    RKBA, pacifism, and mortal fear

    Occasionally, I take a good hard look at my own beliefs. Keeps me from getting rusty. Sometimes if you look long enough some odd ducks come out. Premise -- RKBA is based (partially) on the premise that an armed citizenry is the best counter to a potentially tyrannical government. That the best...
  7. K

    Question for the old timers...

    So I look over at the AR in the corner, and remember the kinda "what the heck ya doin' with a gul-derned space gun" look ya get sometimes with such things on a rifle line. And it makes me wonder.. When exactly did having something akin to the standard infantry arm of the day become a BAD thing...
  8. K

    uumm.. wow. Those wild and crazy Europeans.

    So I was listening to BBC for a change, and was reminded again of just.. how... DIFFERENT our cultures are. Among other topics tonight: * Should we ban (rich folk) hunting (fox), or just tightly regulate it? * The merits of Empire to World Stability (no, really!! all about how the last fifty...
  9. K

    "let him sell his cloak and buy one..."

    I ran across something interesting lately, and it left me thinking. I've often seen the following quote used as a justification for the carrying of weapons: "He that has not a sword, let him sell his cloak and get one." Luke 22:36. Well, I ran across it yesterday while reading the New...
  10. K

    re-arm Lara Croft

    So I was going over some test photos for a project we're doing at work -- one of our admins volunteered to be a model for me for some cover graphics. "Oh my Gosh" I think, flipping through the files... "she's a dead ringer for Lara Croft." On a whim, I ask if she's interested in playing Lara...
  11. K

    considering desecrating a relic...

    :p Seriously.. I have on my lap a `43 pieces-parts frankengun 1911. (Remington-Ran lower, looks like a later model Colt slide, aftermarket barrel) I know the collector-types tell me the value's shot anyway as a collector gun (not why I got it anyhow), but I'm thinking of tweaking some things...
  12. K

    LEO in Storr, CT?

    LEO in Storrs, CT? This is OT.. my apologies. If there's an LEO out there from the University of Connecticut/Storrs area, I'd like to talk to someone who was on scene. I'd appreciate a PM or email if possible. The incident at the University last week was my brother. -K
  13. K

    can't own gov't marked weapons?

    Howdy! I was just reading a quick history on the 1911, trying to figure out some of the quirks on my new toy. Site is here: Anyhow, I ran across a line that surprised me: What law was this, when (and why) was it passed, and when was it removed? It...
  14. K

    BHD inspired optics question

    Movie... wow. eep. Years and years ago I read the news serial about Mogadishu, but never read the book. Incredible story.. brave men. Ouch. But.. it led me to ask a technical question.. well, two actually. 1 -- On Shugart's M14, what mount was he using for the red dot? 2 -- And the other...
  15. K

    basic 1911 questions.. what's that for?

    Been looking around at various 1911s, both the bare-bones military-based models and the all-spiffied up models. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why some of the newer features were developed, if they worked, and if they're really worth the extra money for (seen on a Springfield model, as...
  16. K

    My god... they're actually considering it...

    So.. maybe I'm just not reading right 'cause I'm up past me bedtime, but um... remember how during the worst of the legal suits against firearms manufacturers a couple years back, we said "you might as well sue McDonald's for making food that gives people heart disease?" Well.... Lawyers See...
  17. K

    sheriff's stars and holsters?

    so I was looking through my leatherworking stuff today, and ran across a little 1" solid-star-in-a-circle concho type thingie I got months ago and forgot about. Which got me to thinking... Did just anybody put this kinda thing on their holsters/whatnot, or were they 19th century "Law...
  18. K

    Hey.. this pistol thing is pretty cool after all!

    So after I really started learning about firearms, I almost exclusively stuck to rifles. They just felt more natural to me.. and I enjoyed being able to hit something way out there, as opposed to only a few yards out. Pistols were to me, well.. a necessary evil (well no, not evil.. a bother...
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    make your own? looking for wood source..

    well okay.. I'm not looking to make a BP longrifle (yet) -- but I'm trying to find a source for tiger striped maple to make some pistol grips from.. possibly even a rifle stock. Do y'all have any suggestions for places to look? Thanks! -K
  20. K

    glass bedded wood stock vs. sythnetic?

    So.. if I get a really nice walnut or striped maple stock, and get a professional fiberglass bedding job done on it.. will the zero be as weather independent as a sythetic? If not, what about a bedded laminated wood? Or is it just not possible to have your cake and eat it to? (Rifle is an M1A...